Is it possible for dogs to have honey: nutrition and care features, veterinarian advice

Often beginner dog handlers wonder: is it possible for dogs to honey? After all, everyone knows that sweet for animals is very harmful, it is better not to introduce pets to such food at all. In fact, the only barrier to eating this product by a dog is a possible manifestation of a food allergy. The opinions of experts should be voiced. They believe that the treat is well absorbed by the body and rarely causes allergies. Below weโ€™ll try to find out if honey can be given to dogs and how to give it correctly.


honey for dogs

Honey is one of the most ancient delicacies. Often people use it not as a dessert, but as a medicine. Since ancient times, this sweet product has been used in cosmetology and medicine. Pet owners usually reason as follows: I like it, the pet will also like it. And if the dog eats honey, they give it in large quantities. It should be noted that some foods that a person eats with pleasure can harm four-legged friends. Before giving the animal something unusual, it is best to consult a veterinarian. Regarding honey, one can say the following: sweetness is good for dogs, but it must be given in limited quantities.

What are the benefits

As mentioned above, honey is useful not only for people, but also for four-legged ones. This product contains a high concentration of enzymes, vitamins, minerals and nutrients. A large volume of honey contains:

  • fructose;
  • glucose;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • organic acids.

Honey enhances immunity, strengthens and tones the body, positively affects the nervous system, reduces the likelihood of infection with various infections. From here follows a positive answer to the question whether dogs can have honey.

Thanks to the sweet product in the diet of pets, you can avoid buying expensive artificial food additives. This is especially true for young individuals. A dog can be given a bit of goodies during growth, with diseases, as well as during periods of serious physical exertion. Honey also has a beneficial effect on the health of pregnant females. They more easily tolerate their condition, and puppies are born healthy and strong.

How to give

dog eats honey

To accustom the animal to this product, at first the dog is given small portions. Experienced dog handlers recommend: for one use, the dose should not exceed a couple of drops. After the first use, it is necessary to observe the pet for signs of allergy. If an unpleasant reaction has not occurred, the amount of honey is calculated based on the body weight of the animal. For dogs of small breeds, one or two drops is enough, for large animals the dose can reach two tablespoons.

Is it possible for dogs to have pure honey? Veterinarians do not recommend this. The best option would be to stir it in cottage cheese or other dairy products. This combination is especially useful for puppies and small animals.

If the owner gives the dog milk, you can dissolve the sweet product in it. For adult dogs, it is permissible to mix honey in therapeutic decoctions with chamomile and thyme.

Do dogs eat honey

Experienced breeders recommend that adults give honey to pets for prevention twice a week. Puppies can be fed with sweetness daily until the change of teeth.

Experts affirmatively answer the question of whether it is possible to give the dog honey. It is very useful for the animal organism. The main thing is to observe the correct dosage, in no case should it be exceeded.

Age criteria

Honey is especially beneficial for aging pets. It is recommended for dogs with muscle weakness and arthritis. In addition, honey can relieve paw pain. For any animal that has undergone some kind of disease, a treat will strengthen immunity.

For puppies, sweetness is a must. It does not allow the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, strengthens the immune system, protects the puppy's body from various diseases and ensures normal growth.

For offspring left without a mother, honey in milk serves as an excellent alternative to the mother, which they are deprived of.

And for dogs participating in various competitions and exhibitions, a treat helps to improve the condition of the skin and the quality of the coat.

Pregnant and lactating

honey in a dogโ€™s diet

Can a dog in small quantities of honey, if she is pregnant? This question is often asked by novice breeders. Since honey is not an obligatory product in the menu for animals, only the owner decides whether to give it to the female in position, but there are no prohibitions for pregnant women. The response of the veterinarians is also positive, but only not more than half a teaspoon, twice a week. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the possible manifestation of allergic reactions, because honey is considered the strongest allergen.

For a pregnant dog, such a treat will be very useful, because her body spends a huge amount of nutrients and energy during the period of gestation.

For diseases

And if a four-legged friend has a cold and suffers from a runny nose and a cough, honey will serve as a natural remedy. In addition, the treat is an excellent prevention of various diseases.

When introducing this product into the diet, you should know that it replaces all the vitamin supplements that have been used previously.


dog loves honey

Honey is introduced into the diet in small doses. The thing is that there is a likelihood of allergic reactions. The owner must verify their absence and only then increase the quantity.

It is important to understand that if the dogโ€™s body reacted negatively to honey, there can be no talk of any further intake, and the product is permanently excluded from the petโ€™s menu. If unpleasant symptoms do not disappear for a long time after the withdrawal of sweets, you should consult a specialist.


Honey for a dog is not just a treat. It can be called a full-fledged vitamin supplement to the pet's diet. But do not count on this sweet product as a drug. In case of a four-legged friendโ€™s illness, it is necessary to consult a doctor and not to self-medicate. Only a veterinarian can decide which therapy to prescribe to the animal.

Discussing the topic, the question arises: "Do dogs eat honey?" After all, if the product is not to your favorite's taste, it is hardly possible to make it force-eaten. If, however, the dog does not like honey, and she does not want to eat it, you should not force her to do this.


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