Treatment of diaper dermatitis in young children

One of the most common problems of children in their first year of life is diaper dermatitis. It is found in more than half of babies, and this is due to the peculiarities of the skin of children. It is so delicate and sensitive in babies that contact with wet and dirty diapers and diapers immediately leads to irritation. Therefore, every mother should know how the treatment of diaper dermatitis in children occurs.

diaper dermatitis treatment

Most often, this problem occurs in girls, as well as in "artificial". Improper care for babies can also lead to diaper dermatitis. If the child is constantly in wet and dirty diapers or diapers for a long time, if his parents wrap him up, and he is hot, then irritation will appear on his skin. Therefore, the treatment of diaper dermatitis primarily consists in observing hygiene rules.

This disease has three stages. In the mild stage, skin irritation and redness appear, in the second stage, a rash is clearly visible, and in severe cases, erosion and ulcers. Treatment of diaper dermatitis should be started at the first stage, because if you start the disease, itching and weeping sores will cause the child suffering. The baby will become moody, restless, it will be bad to eat and sleep.

diaper dermatitis treatment with folk remedies

Treatment should begin with the elimination of the causes of irritation. Change your baby’s diaper more often, refuse to use waterproof diapers. Dress your child according to the weather and wash with clean water after each toilet. Leave your baby without a diaper as often as possible, because fresh air is the best treatment for diaper dermatitis. Try to use thin and soft fabrics for baby’s clothes and diapers, wash baby clothes with antiallergenic products and monitor their nutrition, eliminate acid juices and limit protein intake.

Care should be taken to the cosmetic preparations that you use for the child. Use only special products with a neutral PH, it is advisable that they contain glycerin, castor oil, zinc oxide, vitamins and plant extracts. If you use a powder, it should be applied only to thoroughly dried skin so that the powder does not roll into balls and does not cause additional irritation.

diaper dermatitis candidiasis treatment

Do not immediately use strong antibiotics and hormonal ointments, suspecting diaper dermatitis in a baby. Treatment with folk remedies is much better and safer. Bathe your child in decoctions of herbs: chamomile, oak bark, calendula, celandine or a succession. You can take baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Oat decoction or aloe juice soothes irritation and itching .

Sometimes, against the background of skin irritation, complications appear. If a child is weakened by antibiotics, or has reduced immunity, fungal skin lesions may appear. Then they say that the baby has diaper dermatitis candidiasis. Its treatment is much more complicated, since it requires the use of special antifungal drugs and the use of therapeutic ointments. A doctor should prescribe drugs, because many of them have contraindications and side effects.

Diaper dermatitis is easier to prevent than to treat, so pay close attention to the hygiene of the child and what you apply to his skin.


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