You are heavy, the share of the summer resident, or How to deal with weeds in the garden

For most young people, a summer house is strongly associated with relaxation: barbecue, fishing, hammock meditation, mushrooms and berries. But those who are older know well that a summer residence is not only a lazy pastime, but also a hand-to-hand struggle with unnecessary plants.

how to deal with weeds in the garden

Why do weed control in the country?

  • Firstly, they look unaesthetic.
  • Secondly, with their leaves they close the light, so necessary for useful plants.
  • Thirdly, weeds curling and creeping on the ground entangle seedlings, as a result of which it dies.
  • Fourth, some of these villains also release volatile production into the soil, which is very harmful for any cultivated plants.

That's why summer residents are preoccupied with the question: how to deal with weeds in the garden?

Speaking in scientific terms, there are physical and chemical methods of protecting beneficial plants.

The physical ones include:

  • mowing;
  • weeding;
  • digging up;
  • shelter.

Before choosing how to deal with weeds in the garden, how to do it, you need to pay attention to the time of year. So, shelter is more suitable in the spring, when you only plant seedlings. It is necessary to cover a heavily clogged area with a dark-colored film, tightly pressed to the ground. Weeds in this case will not be able to germinate. And so that this piece of land is not empty in vain, you can plant large vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini) and make holes for them. Then, when the plants rise, they will be able to fend for themselves. Their leaves will cover the weeds and will not allow them to develop.

Digging helps in spring and summer. A good example of this is the creation of a lawn. It is better to sow it in late summer or early fall. Weeds are not so active at this time. They dug up the required area, sowed seeds and left until next year. By spring, grass cover will grow stronger and will be able to wage a competitive war with violators of lawn aesthetics.

And what to do in the summer? How to deal with weeds in the garden at this time of year? Humanity has not yet come up with anything new. The main methods were and remain weeding and mowing. The more often you mow harmful grass, the faster it will die. The fact that, destroying the ground, visible part, we damage the root is also encouraging.

DIY garden

But it happens when the scythe is inappropriate in the fight against weeds. Then weeding comes to the rescue. In some cases, the chopper does not save. Therefore, you have to work manually, choosing each spine. For example, a bindweed or sow thistle is best pulled out with your hands. As a last resort, if you decide to dig a site, use a pitchfork for this. The fact is that the shovel cuts the roots into pieces, and the result is a good planting material. Unnecessary plants begin to multiply even more.

Progress, as you know, does not stand still. To alleviate the fate of summer residents, chemical crop protection products come to the rescue. How to deal with weeds in the garden, using the achievements of specialists? Very simple: using herbicides. But here you have to be very careful. Firstly, they can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, if you are allergic, then it is better to abandon this method. Secondly, you need to carefully read the instructions so as not to harm. The fact is that if used improperly, they, on the contrary, can damage cultivated plants. Thirdly, it is recommended to strictly observe the dosage.

weed control in the country
The use of chemicals in large quantities leads to the fact that they are stored in the soil and manifest themselves only for the next year. Moreover, they are harmful to your seedlings. In addition, it is advisable to call for help herbicides as rarely as possible. It is unlikely that you need a crop that is oversaturated with nitrates. And he will become so, if you constantly use chemical protective equipment.

If weed control is timely, then the results will not be long in coming. The garden, cultivated with your own hands, will delight you not only with grooming, but also with a generous harvest.


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