How to knit booties with knitting needles for newborns: patterns. Knitting needles step by step

The cutest socks for our babies are booties. They are the first and necessary shoes that warm the legs and protect them from various mechanical damages. Beginning needlewomen mothers will certainly want to give their baby a pair of warm socks. Therefore, let's talk about how to knit booties with knitting needles for newborns. The schemes and sequence of work here are so simple that no complications will arise.

knit booties for children

Preparation for work: the choice of yarn and tools

It is necessary to approach the choice of threads in order to make booties for children with knitting needles very seriously, since any product for the baby should be made of high-quality and non-bent (important!) Yarn of optimal thickness.

When choosing yarn for children's socks, acrylic or blended fibers are usually preferred. A good material for knitting children's things is domestic acrylic from various manufacturers, for example, from the Baby or Baby series, the Children's Caprice (Pechorka) with a ratio of wool and acrylic in the ratio of 60/40% is well suited.

knitting needles description

We will not delve into the question of choosing the color of the socks, since it is very individual. The traditional colors of clothes for girls all over the world are considered to be all shades of pink, purple and red, for boys - blue, blue and turquoise. Neutral tones - white, orange, yellow, beige or green - are successfully combined in the clothes of babies of both sexes.

To knit simple booties with knitting needles, the thread is taken of medium thickness, focusing on the length in a hundred-gram skein. The thickness of the thread is recognized as optimal, the meter of which is 300-350 m / 100 g. Knitting needles are selected for yarn: knitting needles No. 2.5-3 perfectly match the specified threads.

Jerseys are obtained of normal density, moderately tensile and soft. In addition, the requirements for children's clothing are very strict. Booties are no exception. They should not be too tight, too thick or hamper the baby's movements. Sew the products carefully, grabbing the broaches of the extreme loops of each row and not pulling together the seam. Coarse and poorly designed seams will cause inconvenience to the child and anxiety of the mother. After all, it is easy to knit booties with knitting needles for newborns, the schemes to which are attached in many sources, it is important that the results of the work please everyone.

knitting booties for beginners step by step
For beginning needlewomen, after choosing the material and tools, the question arises of the need to calculate the required number of loops for work.

Knitting needles: a description of the settlement operations

Since we knit on a newborn, you can use the average size of the legs. The approximate length of the baby’s foot is 6-7 cm. 1-2 cm are added to the freedom of fit, besides, the growth of the child should be taken into account. By the 3rd month of the baby’s life, the foot length increases to 9 cm. Therefore, we will proceed from the size of 8 cm and try to knit booties with knitting needles for newborns. The schemes that will guide us in the process are given below.

The second measure needed to get started is the leg circumference. Measuring it is easy. Usually it does not exceed 10-12 cm. Many masters before the start of work make a loop sample to calculate the required number of loops, but in the case of knitting socks or booties, you can not waste time, but take conditional averages. For example, in 1 cm of a knitted fabric made of yarn of medium thickness (300 m / 100 g.), Approximately 2.4-2.5 loops. We will make simple calculations, taking as a basis the largest figure, since we must not forget that it is impossible to tighten the shin of a child with socks:

12 cm * 2.4 = 28 loops.

Let's start knitting with 28 loops.

Knitting booties for beginners step by step

The easiest classic way to knit booties - on 2 sock needles. We start knitting from above. For the convenience of assembling a ready-made sock, it is necessary to leave a thread of such a length when sewing loops that is enough to make a seam.

Getting started: knit the top

Step 1. We collect 30 loops (28 + 2 edge) and knit with elastic 2x2 20 rows. We knit, as usual, following the rule: the hem from the beginning of the row do not knit, but at the end they are knitted with purl loops. This is necessary to obtain beautiful smooth edges, with subsequent stitching of which an invisible seam will come out. When distributing the loops, it is better to make sure that 2 front loops are located in the center of the work - so the product will turn out more beautiful and harmonious.

simple knitted booties
In our example, the rubber band will wrap around like a cuff. But if you plan a small elastic band, then you need to knit it to the desired length, reducing the number of rows. By the way, the upper part can be connected not with an elastic band, but with some other attractive pattern, for example, this:
knitting booties for children

Making holes for ties

Step 2. The booties with knitting needles, the description of which is presented, after knitting the elastic, continue as follows: in the 21st row we make holes for the fixing cord or ribbon. According to the gum pattern, we knit * 2 front, and 2 purl we knit together with one loop, 1 yarn *, etc.

We form the upper part of the sock

Step 3. From the 23rd row, we select 10 central loops and begin to form the upper part of the booties, knitting only them. You can take 2 extra knitting needles or knit on the main needles, not forgetting to turn the work. We knit front stitch 12 rows.

We knit the side parts and the toe

Step 4. Having finished the formation of the top of the sock, we proceed to the final part of knitting - we knit the side parts and the toe, already formed due to the upper part of our sock.

To do this, we collect on one needle all open loops and edge loops formed on the edges of the knitted upper part of the booties. Get 42 loops (40 + 2 edge). We knit them with a garter stitch 12-14 rows and close the knitting. Booties on 2 needles are made.

2-point booties

It remains to sew a sock on the back with a neat knitted seam. Doubles fit the same way.

Assembly and decoration

Our simple example shows that it is not difficult to knit booties with knitting needles for newborns. The schemes are simple and straightforward. Having knitted and stitched a pair, they begin to decorate the booties. The main thing here is not to overdo it with decorations. Newborns absolutely do not need beads and other small decorating elements, since they are potentially dangerous, because babies often pull their legs in their mouths. Therefore, in our example, a lace of contrasting color will play a decorative and functional role. It can be crocheted, fixed the end loops and inserted into booties, tying knots at the tips. If desired, you can use the tips, but you need to fix them on the cord with high quality so that they could not slip off it.

baby booties

We suggested learning how to knit simple booties with knitting needles. Any novice craftswoman will do this job quickly and easily. Knitting clothes for children is a fascinating activity, and after a successful start, I want to improve my skills. Knitted booties with knitting needles for beginners, step-by-step and step-by-step, are just the beginning in the wonderful world of creating clothes for beloved children.


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