How to get a home book? Home book: where to get?

Where can I get a home book? Now let's figure it out. Few people know at all that there is such a document as a house book. Meanwhile, this is an official document. It contains all the information about those citizens who have ever lived and live in the house. The house book is of great legal value. It is inherently proof of the registration of an individual. Moreover, it does not matter, temporary or permanent registration. Legal entities are also included in this document. This is a book of registration of residents officially registered at the place of residence in the house or apartment.

Homebook purpose

Before talking about where to get the home book, you need to find out about the purpose of this document. In order for someone to register at the place of residence or write out of it, you need the house book of registration of all residents. Without it, it is impossible to perform these procedures. The same applies to temporary registration at the place of residence or stay. The house book is a legal document for any real estate of a housing stock (apartment, apartment building, private house) registered in the ownership of an individual or legal entity. If people live in the room, there must be this document. If the housing management fund has not made an agreement with the owners on the registration of tenants, then there should be a home book with the owners.

house book where to get

If the housing manager has entered into an agreement on the registration of citizens, then this document is not necessary. In this case, records are kept in the form of an archive of apartment cards. They include registration. Thus, these cards are kept by passportists. Officials then keep registration files.

As practice shows, usually home books are available only to owners of private residential buildings. As for apartment buildings, then, as a rule, all legal issues related to keeping records of persons registered in a dwelling are taken by an official. If this is not the case, then you can start a house book in a separate apartment and even a room.

A document such as a home book will definitely be needed by those who are going to change their passport for one reason or another. Of course, instead of the house book of an apartment building, the tenant receives an extract, registration form. It is necessary for any real estate transactions, as well as for many legal issues.

Production methods

How to get a home book? The home book is received for several reasons: for the first time, if the old one was damaged, if it was lost. Where to get a home book in Moscow? It is necessary to contact the FMS with a written application in any form with a request to issue a document.

where can I get a house book

In addition, you will need the following package of papers:

  • a document confirming the registration of the right of ownership at the place of residence, from where it is necessary to get a home book;
  • passport or other document identifying the applicant;
  • a form for a house book to be filled in by officials.

This list of documents is necessary both for receiving for the first time and for receiving a new one due to the loss of the old one.

Replacing a damaged book with a new one

Where can I get a house book if it has worn out, deteriorated and become more unusable? It can be replaced. But the procedure will be slightly different from the one when the document is received for the first time or when the old one is lost. When contacting the FMS, it is necessary to provide a book, which officials subsequently cancel. After it is returned back to the owner for storage.

home book where to get in Moscow

A new book form will cost money. You can buy it both in the FMS and in stores specializing in the sale of such documents. To make the matter go faster, to save your time, as well as time, by the FMS employee, especially for large cities such as Moscow, you can fill out the form in advance before visiting the FMS. It remains only to present it. There he will be finalized on the spot.

One caveat - if the dwelling is registered in the ownership of several persons, then all of them must be present in person when submitting documents for the replacement of the house book.

What to do if you need only an extract?

Not always and not everyone needs a house book, sometimes only an extract from it is needed. This is also a document. It has the same legal force as the book. It is necessary in many cases. Sometimes even a copy of the extract is enough if it is necessary for someone who does not own the premises, but for legal operations this document is needed.

And where to get the extract from the house book? It is issued by the managing homeowner company (passports). To get an extract, you must contact the landlord. The process takes from several hours to a couple of days.

house book where to get an extract

Also note that the owner has every right to refuse, and no one can stop him from doing this.

How to make out?

We figured out where to get the house book, let's talk about how to make it out. The document is prepared by employees of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation.

how to get a home book

In this case, several rules must be observed:

  • All pages of the book should be numbered;
  • the book must be laced;
  • the seal of the registration authority should be sealed with a paper print and fixed on the inside of the last page, in the same place, next to the seal, there should be a note that the book was numbered, stamped and the number of pages indicated in it;
  • the book must be signed by the person who issued it (official);
  • should be the date of issue.

Should a replacement reason be indicated?

Among other things, the official most often additionally puts a mark that indicates the reason for issuing the document. This is loss, corruption, the first gain. This does not require legislation, but it is customary to do so. Therefore, if suddenly the official did not put a mark on the reason for the issuance of the book - this is not a violation. But still, sometimes when committing any legal actions, an indication and confirmation of the reason for receiving the home book is required. Then this entry will be very important. Therefore, if the mark is not worth it, you need to ask to put it.

Upon receipt, you need to check each letter, sign and number. Any seemingly insignificant mistake can lead to problems in the future.


Now you know where to get the house book and what it is. We also told you what papers are needed to receive this document.


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