Sunny clown Oleg Popov. Biography

The talented Russian clown Oleg Popov was once known not only in the countries of the former USSR, but also abroad. This incredibly talented artist managed to create a simple, but at the same time very capacious and organic image. The public called him simply a "sun clown." The comedian's popularity was incredible.

Clown Oleg Popov
This is mainly due to the fact that the clown Oleg Popov, skillfully mastering many genres of circus art, has always been and remains a master of his craft.


Surely many are interested in how old Oleg Popov (the clown) is. Count yourself. The future artist was born July 31, 1930. Father and mother at that time lived in the Moscow region (Vyrubovo village). Oleg was the only child in the family. His father worked in a small watch factory, his mother in a photo studio. In 1937 Oleg entered the school. But he does not have time to finish an educational institution. In 1943, his father suddenly dies, and the young future artist has to go to work. He is hired by an apprentice fitter at the publishing house of the newspaper Pravda. In parallel with work, Oleg Popov attends evening school.


In 1944, he began to practice in the gymnastics section of the Wings of the Soviets club. Together with other children, speaking in an acrobatic ensemble, he takes part in various concerts and sporting events. It was then that the future clown Oleg Popov first knew the stage fame. Noting the extraordinary abilities of the young acrobat, the teacher Leonov recommended that he try his hand at the children's group of the circus school. A year later, he becomes a student at this institution.

sunny clown oleg priests
For the first years, he is engaged exclusively in acrobatics, and then begins to practice walking on wire.

Sunny clown

In 1950 Oleg Popov successfully graduated from the circus school. He began his professional career as a balancer. A little later, in the Saratov circus, he decides to try himself in the image of a chamber clown. It was this new role that maximized the versatility of the talent of the great artist. Sunny clown Oleg Popov appeared in front of the audience in the image of a good-natured, cheerful, cheerful guy in wide striped pants, a plaid hat, red socks and with a disheveled blond hair. In his speeches, he used elements of acrobatics, juggling, juggling, and parody. But a special place in his rooms was occupied by the entree. Among his best reprise can be called such scenes as "Cook", "Ray", "Whistle". In 1952, he decides to marry the violinist of the circus orchestra - Alexandra. After some time, their daughter Olga is born.

The heyday of creativity

In 1956, together with the troupe of the circus Oleg Konstantinovich makes a tour of Europe. He visits England, Belgium, France.

how old is oleg popov clown
It was thanks to the Moscow Circus that foreign audiences saw talented Soviet artists for the first time after World War II. The clown Oleg Popov returns to his homeland already world famous. After that, he makes a trip to Warsaw, where he participates in the international festival of circus art. The jury praised the work of the Russian artist. He was awarded two gold medals - as an eccentric protruding on a wire, and as a clown in an arena. Almost every year Oleg Konstantinovich tours around foreign countries. And everywhere his numbers are excellent. During a performance in Belgium, he was awarded a special award celebrating the best circus artist - “White Elephant”. By the fiftieth anniversary of the Soviet circus, in 1969, he received the high title of People's Artist of the Soviet Union. A little later, in Monte Carlo at the international festival he was awarded another honorary prize. They became the highest award, the name of which is "Golden Clown". The famous artist celebrates his fiftieth birthday in Moscow. He takes part in the festive program of the circus dedicated to the Olympics. In 1990, Alexander’s wife dies of an illness.


In 1991 he moved to Holland. There, having signed a contract with the famous impresario Wilm Smith, he works in the Great Russian Circus.

Oleg Popov clown biography
In the same year, September 1, Oleg Konstantinovich married a German woman, Gabriela Leman, and moved to Germany for permanent residence. Relatives of the young lady first received the news of the wedding with hostility. And this is not surprising, because Gabriela was thirty-five years younger than her chosen one. However, they soon humbled themselves and blessed the marriage. Happy Hans is the pseudonym under which Oleg Popov (the clown) has been acting since then. The biography of the artist is rather complicated. In Germany, he settles in the Bavarian Alps, where he leads an almost hermit life. With his second wife, he lived together for more than a dozen. Abroad Oleg Konstantinovich organized his own circus show, where he performs to this day. Not many people know that Popov also starred in films. His filmography includes such paintings as “Mom”, “Two Smiles”, “Bunker”. For some time in Russia, he also acted as the director of circus performances.


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