Poodle: how much he lives, description, characteristics of the breed, breeding, life cycle, characteristic signs and features

A poodle is a circus dog that has incredible artistry. Problems with her training never arise. This process is a pleasure not only to the owner, but also to the dog. A poodle needs to be constantly praised for something. If you scold this dog, then it can become isolated in itself. From all this it is not difficult to guess that these are real introverts. In this article we will find out some features of the breed, how much the average poodle and other varieties of this breed of dog live.

Breed history

The portraits of representatives of this breed minted on bas-reliefs and coins could be found as early as the X-XIII centuries of our era. The Greeks respected these dogs very much, since they depicted their portraits literally everywhere, even on coins. Here are just no supporting documents about the existence of the breed in those days did not leave.

After some decades, many peoples began to appropriate the origin of poodles to themselves. During this struggle, it became known that the homeland of the dwarf poodle is France. There he was considered a gun dog, and its main purpose was to get the shot game out of the water during the hunt. Also, the French used the breed to protect housing. After some time, the poodles came to Belgium, and from there to other European countries.

Poodles were Marie Antoinette’s favorites. It was this woman who invented such a popular lion hairstyle for them now. Representatives of this breed and now enjoy spending time in water. And at every opportunity they play it. Previously, a dog was prized on hunting due to its low weight. It was easy for her to jump into the water and look for game there. Now poodles have become decorative dogs, favorites of adults and children.

There are many different haircuts for these dogs, and a variety of coat colors is striking. All these issues are addressed by specially trained people - groomers.

Historically, poodles have always been quick-witted. For some representatives of the breed, it was enough to just see a trick or command once, and they could instantly repeat it. Many people know how many dwarf poodles and other representatives of the breed live, and what achievements and merits they have over the years.

breeding dwarf poodles

Character Features

The poodle has a very friendly character. He treats young children and old people equally well, to his master and to strangers. This dog does not seem to know the word aggression at all. She is almost always in a good mood and will not bark without an obvious reason. These dogs eventually become an exact copy of their owners. They remember their habits and preferences, copy some actions. Therefore, if you decide to start such a breed, get ready to see yourself in it.

They are also great psychologists. They always feel the mood of the owner. If he is unwell, then the dog will not leave for a minute until he feels that it has become easier for a person. Dog handlers recommend that people with a weak mentality, those who often experience stress and nervous breakdowns, acquire such a doggie.

How many years have poodles lived in the modern world, so many of them are used as a guide for people with disabilities. First of all, this is due to their quick learner and kindness of character. And also a dog can become a resident of an apartment where there is an elderly person, since the dog can always notify the owner about the arrival of guests or about the impending danger. When a dog sees strangers near the owner, it behaves wary for some time, but as soon as it is convinced that there is no danger, it will become very friendly and affectionate.

As already mentioned, these dogs are very fond of praise, and will also be very grateful to the owner if he scratches their withers. They are quite jealous. If the owner plays with him, and someone tries to distract him, then the dog obviously will not like it. Poodles become good companions for young children. Especially while they are in puppyhood. They are happy to take part in various outdoor games. When a poodle reaches the right age, then any acrobatic tricks and numbers become a trifle for him.

how much does a poodle live

Breed standard

Not a single poodle has that "dog" smell that comes from other animals, and it also practically does not lose hair. From this we can make a logical conclusion that this is a dog for allergy sufferers.

Despite the fact that the breed is quite elegant, poodles do not differ in poor health. They have well developed muscles and skeleton. Even now, you can safely take a poodle with you for fishing or hunting. At any time, he is ready to support the owner in sports games and competitions. Next, we consider the breed standard in more detail:

  • The head has an oval shape, the muzzle is slightly narrowed.
  • Almond-shaped eyes.
  • The ears are quite long, fit snugly on the cheeks, their tips are rounded.
  • The back is completely straight, has no curved lines.
  • The neck is quite long and strong, there is a slight bend on the nape.
  • The tail is set quite high; if desired, it can be stopped.
  • Colors can be various: silver, chocolate, apricot and other adjacent shades.
  • An adult poodle can weigh no more than eight kilograms with a height of twenty-eight centimeters.
  • The character is completely non-aggressive, may be a little jealous of the owner.

It is worth paying attention that the muzzle of a poodle puppy is a little blunt, and it becomes narrower as it grows older.

dwarf poodle content

Maintenance and care

The poodle has always been considered a dog that has no flaws. As long as the poodle lives surrounded by people, so much is heard the praise addressed to him. The disadvantages can be attributed only to his frequent and sonorous barking, however, the pet can be weaned from this habit quite quickly, and some problems are caused by caring for his beautiful coat.

There are curly and string poodles. The wool of both of them requires special attention, and at home it is quite difficult to keep it in perfect condition. Therefore, you will have to take the dog to grooming salons, where they will bathe, comb out, make beautiful and fashionable hairstyles.

The owner’s task is to allocate about twenty minutes every day in order to comb his pet, to rid the coat of tassels that make it ugly. During this process, blood supply is also being established, the roots of the hairs are strengthened. You need to bathe a poodle at least three times a year. However, some hosts carry out water procedures every month. Be sure to periodically trim the nails and clean the ears.

Particular attention should be paid to the legs. They are washed after each walk and examined for wounds. If such were found, then they should immediately be treated with peroxide. Claws can be cut no more than once a month, but ears need weekly cleaning. Periodically, you need to rinse your eyes with boiled water or infusion of chamomile, calendula.

character dwarf poodle

Buying a puppy

If you decide to buy a puppy, then remember that at the time of purchase he should already be three months old. At this age, he should weigh about one and a half kilograms. A puppy weighs only seven hundred grams per month, and at this age he can not do without a mother. With its milk, all the necessary nutrients and vitamins get into the body of the fluffy lump.

After the purchase, all responsibility for this baby rests with the new owner. The breeder needs to know the doggie menu and diet. Its menu should not contain any buns or legumes, sweets are completely excluded, and it is also better not to give the poodle potatoes and too fat meat.

description of the breed dwarf poodle


A healthy puppy can only be born if both of its parents were completely healthy. Therefore, before buying, you need to study the pedigree well, find out how much the poodle lives with this breeder, whether the nature of the parents corresponds to the breed standards. You can even watch the behavior of adult dogs a little. Poodles are considered fully mature at eight months of age, but the first mating can only be done at a year and a half and no later than four years. It should be remembered that for mating, the bitch must come to the dog and not vice versa. The weight of the female should be at least four kilograms.

After mating, the dog needs to be surrounded with care. She should get the right, balanced diet, often be in the fresh air, sleep on a comfortable and dry bed. Only in such conditions can healthy puppies be born.

A healthy female can give birth to six to eight puppies. Many people are interested in the question of how long a small poodle lives - these are long-lived dogs, they can live up to the age of eighteen.

how many dwarf poodle lives

Pros and cons

To begin with, I would like to note the advantages of this breed:

  • Differs in high acumen and fast learner.
  • The character is kind, balanced.
  • Good for keeping in an apartment.
  • Very rarely show aggression.
  • They quickly meet new friends, like to play with children.
  • Not too demanding in care.
  • They have a pretty attractive appearance.

The breed has significantly fewer minuses, and they are not so scary:

  • It requires a lot of attention, can be jealous.
  • A very active dog.
  • Wool requires a lot of attention, you need to systematically do hairstyles.


So we found out how many poodles live, dogs belonging to the number of centenarians, how they have character and why they are attractive to a modern breeder. Based on the article, we can conclude that a poodle will make a good friend and a faithful companion who will never leave in trouble. Such a dog can be presented to a child and be sure that she will never offend and betray him. For many parents, this is why the question is how much a poodle lives. After all, they want to get a dog that would accompany the child from school until the very end of school. After all, it’s better not to find a friend.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19600/

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