Docking of ears in dogs: age of animals and price of surgery

stopping ears in dogs
This veterinary operation has an ancient history. The first such manipulations were carried out back in the days of the Roman Empire. Dogs serving along with the legionnaires were shortened auricles to supposedly protect them from rabies. Hence the tradition that stopping the ears of dogs of fighting breeds (staffs, alabaev, Caucasian shepherd dogs, Dobermans and others) is a mandatory procedure. True, short ears gave them an advantage in battle - the four-legged fighter became less vulnerable to the teeth of the enemy. For hunting dogs, the reason for making the operation is similar, they also sometimes come to grips with the beast, the smaller the ears are more difficult to damage, they are less likely to get foreign objects. And in most cases, the formation of the auricle surgically has to be carried out due to the requirements of breed standards. Recently, stopping as a mandatory procedure is losing its relevance. Many European countries even imposed a ban on exhibiting dogs with artificially set ears. However, a rather large percentage of animal owners still consider trimming this part of the body appropriate both from the point of view of aesthetics and from the point of view of necessity.

Indications for stopping the ears of an animal

As already mentioned above, the main reason is the standard of a particular breed of dog. The second most important is ear surgery due to illness. For example, tumors, ulcerative lesions of the auricles in an animal, the presence of necrosis of tissue, extensive burns or injuries, as a rule, lead to the forced removal of the corresponding part of the body. It has also been proved that dogs with short ears are less likely to register bites, injuries, foreign objects, and infection by pathogenic organisms. For conservative breeds, the absence of auricles is another feature that contributes to their invulnerability when attacking along with a short tail and dense hair.

However, many exhibition experts and dog handlers today are inclined to believe that stopping the ears of dogs as a tribute to fashion has lost ground, and animal welfare advocates consider this procedure painful enough to be carried out without serious reason.

stopping ears in dogs cost

Naturally, the procedure for trimming the auricle in a dog, like any other operation, has a number of factors when it is not recommended. Surgical intervention should be postponed or completely excluded if:

  • the puppy has obvious developmental disabilities;
  • the dog is sick;
  • there are discharge of any nature from the ears of the animal;
  • the puppy has a fever.

Types of operations

For a long time, fighting and hunting dogs had their ears cropped, and in the end it was fixed even in the standards of some breeds. Therefore, the angle at which this part of the body is trimmed, and the correct positioning of the animalโ€™s ears are governed by the requirements for its appearance and breed. To date, this manipulation is carried out by more than a dozen dogs, among which are Dobermans, Pinschers, Central Asian and Caucasian Shepherds, Giant Schnauzers, Staffordshire Terriers and many others. In Caucasians, a significant part of the ear is removed, the shells of the dogs and pinchers are given a classic pointedness, but for pit bulls and staffs, only one third of the original size should remain from this part of the body after the operation. The edge can be either straight or S-shaped.

If you are going to have a puppy that needs to shape the ears, learn in advance the details of this operation and the requirements for the appearance of the dog. It will be useful to inquire about when it is best to stop the ears in dogs (age), what are the possible complications, the rules for caring for this part of the body after surgery. In the future, this information will help you act correctly. We will discuss some aspects below.

stopping ears for dogs Price

How to prepare a dog for surgery? Description of actions of the veterinarian

The animal before fasting the ears should starve for at least 10-12 hours. The operation usually lasts from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. Removal occurs under local anesthesia (during puppyhood) or under general anesthesia (for adults). The owner will need the ability to securely hold and hold his pet. To do this, the dog on the operating table is firmly held by the front and rear limbs. Also, make sure that the animal cannot move the body, put a muzzle on it or fix the jaws to avoid being bitten.

after stopping the ears

After that, the veterinarian carefully cuts the hair, cleaning the surgical field. Immediately before stopping, the skin on the ears is treated with an antiseptic solution, an incision line is applied, an anesthetic is introduced. The incision is made from the top of the ear to its base in accordance with the markings. The edges of the wound are sutured and treated with antibacterial drugs.

It is recommended that puppies perform this procedure before they reach the age of one week. For older individuals, it will be more difficult to form the correct set of ears, the risk of developing negative consequences is great. You need to know that if the owner of several adults decides to stop the ears of dogs, the cost of the operation will be higher. If the financial factor is crucial for you, consider a few more features. Before agreeing to stop the ears of dogs, the cost should be known in advance. It sometimes depends on the breed, the size of the dog, the price list of the clinic (an average of 2000-4000 rubles).

How to care for seams?

After stopping the ears, their shape is supported using a special frame (this does not apply to all breeds). It must be worn for at least 20 days. To prevent the puppy from damaging the position of the auricles, a plastic collar should be put on his neck. Do not let the dog play with other puppies and animals, this can lead to a violation of the integrity of the dressing, infection in the wound or seams. In the first days after surgery, it is allowed to give the pet painkillers. Sutures are removed after 7-10 days.

stopping ears in dogs age

Stopping ears in dogs: complications

We list what unpleasant situations a dog owner may encounter after removing a part of an ear from a pet.

  1. The occurrence of bleeding. If the ears are stopped in dogs at a weekly age, this complication can be avoided. With surgical intervention in older individuals, the likelihood of bleeding is much higher.
  2. The formation of scars, thickenings. This trouble is also less likely to occur in puppies. Also affects the period of removal of stitches.
  3. The development of the inflammatory process. To avoid this complication, the operation should be performed under sterile conditions of a veterinary clinic by a certified veterinarian surgeon.


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