Ventilation valve for a plastic window. Types and advantages of this device

Previously, only wood was used to make windows. Such models provided natural ventilation in the room . Air exchange was obtained due to leaky closing of the frames. Even the highest quality wooden windows had cracks that were closed only in the cold season. Modern manufacturers have proposed a replacement for such models. For their manufacture, high-quality plastic is used, which has good heat and sound insulation indicators. However, not everything is as rosy as it might seem at first glance. Plastic windows are so tight that they do not promote ventilation at all. Of course, you can open the sash for ventilation every two hours, but this is not very convenient, and it is not always possible. To solve this problem, you can install a ventilation valve for the plastic window. It is this device that will control the atmosphere in the room, making it not just acceptable, but as comfortable as possible.

ventilation valve for plastic window

Types of ventilation valves

  1. Folded valves. A simple way, but not very effective. The throughput of such devices is minimal, so they will not be able to provide adequate ventilation in a large room. Air enters special cutouts in the narthex, after which it passes through the folds of the profile and enters the room, bypassing the control valve. They do not violate sound insulation, their installation is possible after installing the unit. Also, which is important for some families, the fold valve on a plastic window (price within 500 rubles) is quite affordable.
    supply valve on plastic windows
  2. Slotted valves. Mostly installed on the top of the sash or on the impost, but always in a horizontal position. Air movement is ensured by a slot in the intake block, which is installed on the outside of the sash, and a regulator is attached to the inside. Such models are perfect for residential premises, as they are able to provide an adequate level of ventilation. The slotted supply valve on plastic windows can be installed simultaneously with the unit or after the end of its installation. The fastening process itself will take about 1 hour.
  3. Overhead ventilation valves. Unlike the first two types, such models are not mounted on an already installed window unit, since their installation requires certain dimensions of the opening or frame. The device itself is quite large, and, as a rule, occupies almost the entire area of ​​the profile. The overhead ventilation valve for a plastic window has a high throughput, which provides a fairly good air movement, however, in small rooms this method is not recommended.

Basic requirements for a ventilation valve

These devices are purchased with one main purpose - to provide adequate ventilation. Before buying, you need to make sure the quality of the device, it must meet two clearly formulated requirements.

  1. To control the humidity in the room, after installing it, condensation on the glass should not form.
  2. Ensure a full circulation of air and establish a microclimate in the room.

If the attached supply valve on plastic windows does not fulfill these conditions, then it must be replaced immediately.

plastic windows ventilation valves

Which is better: open window or ventilation valve?

After installing plastic windows, the problem of drafts completely disappears, but a new one arises - the lack of ventilation. In order to ensure constant ventilation, you will need to periodically open the window. But in this case, it will not work to control the air flow, which can lead to severe hypothermia, especially in winter. Also, this process is much more difficult if the family has small children. Uncontrolled drafts can trigger a cold. Especially this method is difficult for apartments located on the lower floors, there is a high probability of unauthorized entry. And here the manufacturers suggest installing a ventilation valve for a plastic window. Its advantage over the open window is undeniable. The device does not affect sound and thermal insulation in any way, does not interfere with the penetration of light, provides natural air movement and controls the humidity in the room.

Why do air inlets need?

Plastic windows perfectly protect the apartment from street noise and retain heat. Therefore, in recent years they have gained wide popularity. However, often after installing them in a room, you can observe excessive stuffiness, stagnant air, dustiness, and the glass is often covered with condensate. The reason for all this is too good sealing, which upsets the natural balance of the air. If you constantly open the window for ventilation, the room will be under the continuous influence of drafts, and then the main function of the plastic windows will be reduced to nothing. Again, noise from the street will be heard, and the air can be very cold. Then the question begs: how to solve this problem?

Now there is an alternative solution that will help control the microclimate in the room where the plastic windows are installed. Supply ventilation valves allow you to provide the most comfortable conditions: to get rid of stagnant air and stuffiness, to normalize humidity, while not creating drafts.

plastic window valve Price

Adjustment of valves

It is very important to install the device in such a way that it is extremely easy to adjust the power. This mainly concerns mechanical models. But the automatic ones are equipped with a special sensor with thermal regulation. It’s enough to just set the optimal indicators, and the device itself will control the surrounding atmosphere, closing the damper or, conversely, opening it wider if necessary.

The ventilation valve for a plastic window is a modern solution to old problems. For a fairly short period, he established himself only on the positive side, and his form and design do not spoil the appearance of the surrounding space at all.


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