Learn how to dry a cellar

The cellar is the “holy of holies” for many city dwellers who equip it in a garage, and for residents of the countryside who store dozens of cans of homemade goods there.

how to dry a cellar
Unfortunately, due to improper construction, poor waterproofing or a sharp rise in groundwater level in spring , your storage facility may be completely flooded.

Therefore, the question arises of how to dry the cellar. Please pay attention! Each method is selected only based on your situation.

First method

He is the most reliable, but also the most laborious. It is associated with the complete digging of the foundation and walls, followed by the laying of drainage pipes and pumping out all the water. Before you dry the cellar in this way, you must clearly determine your strength. Keep in mind that for the period of excavation, your entire yard will turn into a real construction site.

Second method

If you simply do not have space to store a huge amount of soil, you can use a not so radical way. To drain the inside of the cellar, you need to dig out not too wide drainage trenches around its entire perimeter. It is better to make a well for water drainage outside the premises.

how to dry a cellar quickly
This technology, although it looks somewhat simpler, is actually quite complicated due to the high qualifications of workers. So it is better to entrust the execution of this operation to specialists.

Third way

It is especially relevant in situations where, after several years of flawless operation, your “dungeon” suddenly leaked. Do not forget that before you dry the cellar, you must pump out the water that has leaked into it ahead of time. After that, you need to drill holes around the entire perimeter of the cellar (in places where the walls adjoin the floor), and this must be done every 20 cm.

A special polymer composition is pumped into the drilled holes under high pressure, which tightens all cracks and cracks in the waterproofing. Since it is easier to dry a cellar in the summer, it is better to transfer such a crucial operation to the warm season, when you do not have to bother with ice water.

Fourth method

If you are bothered not so much by constant flooding as annoying condensate, it is recommended to cover all the internal surfaces with liquid rubber. As a rule, it is better to do this in two or three layers in order to exclude the possibility of contact of warm air with a frozen wall (or vice versa).

how to dry a cellar in summer
Getting rid of mold

After learning about how to dry the cellar, diverting ground or melt water, let's talk about the destruction of mold and fungus. This is very important, since its spores infect food products, making them unsuitable for consumption. The lesions are carefully scraped off, treating the surface with a concentrated solution of copper sulfate.

Since it is not possible to quickly dry the cellar by natural means (using ventilation), you need to use heat guns or heaters, having previously completely excluded the possibility of electric shock.

To fix the result of processing, it is necessary to use a smoke bomb for fumigation of vegetable stores. They are sold in special shops for gardeners.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19650/

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