How is roof calculation done?

The construction of any structure or part of it, whatever one may say, requires preliminary calculation. As a rule, sketches of the future building are made on paper or in a specialized computer program, but the essence of the whole process remains the same - correctly calculate the load and endurance, as well as correctly connect the used building materials with each other. In this article, we will consider such a section of construction as calculating the roof, find out some nuances that may arise in such a process, and understand if it is really difficult to do this.

roof calculation

Mainly it is worth deciding on the material that will form the basis of the overlap. Most often, both in the old days and nowadays, slate is used. However, materials such as tiles, metal profiles and ondulin are very popular. Also, do not forget about metal tiles - this is the most durable of all the above options. It is able to serve a very long period of time, is not influenced by both low and high temperatures and reliably protects from rain and snow. However, after calculating the roof of the metal tile, you will see that this is a rather costly option, and using it or not is a private matter for everyone.

Often, in order to make the right measurements and decide on further work, people call professionals. In fact, all of us can do all this. The calculation of the roof begins with the fact that it is worth determining what the structure of the roof is: gable or four- gable . If the structure of your roof is four-pitched, then when you decompose it into geometric shapes, you will get 2 or 4 triangles and 2 trapeziums. Now we recall school mathematics and set the area of ​​each individual part of the roof using the necessary formulas and values. After the final calculations, it is worth adding “extra centimeters” to them, which will be used to eliminate gaps and gaps.

roof area calculation

The calculation of the gable roof area is made even easier. Such a structure consists of two rectangles, so you only need to calculate the area of ​​each of them and add the results. Do not forget that it is worth buying material with a margin. If you are building a house from scratch, then before doing the calculation of the roof, you should determine the angle of inclination of the slopes. For people living in rainy or cold regions, steep roofs are ideal, which will not allow moisture or snow to linger. If the house is being built in the south, then you can afford to build a gently shelving roof with minimal construction materials.

calculation of metal roofing

Let us now return to the aspect that was noted earlier - overlap. In order for the calculation of the roof, which you will do beforehand, not to let you down, keep in mind that allowances should be at least 10 centimeters for each element of the overlap. Otherwise, you can not avoid leaks and blowing winds.

Now it has become much clearer how to calculate the roof. It remains only not to miscalculate with the material and rafters on which this entire system will be supported. Good luck in your construction endeavors and completions.


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