American pit bull: description of the breed, photos and reviews of dog breeders. American Pit Bull Terrier: Appearance

Probably many will be surprised, but the American pit bull is not a native of the United States. The breed originated in the Old World, but the Americans found it very useful and began to develop the breed.

american pit bull

A bit of history

In ancient times, dog fights were very popular in Ireland and England. Most often, bulldogs took part in them. These dogs were used to protect homes and hunt large animals. In the XVI century there were already dogs that resembled the current pit bulls. Probably the emergence of the breed contributed to the English laws. For example, it was forbidden to give large dogs of hunting breeds to poor people, since hunting for large animals was allowed only to the nobility.

The less wealthy British could only contain the bulldogs who guarded their property, and small terriers for hunting. In order not to break the laws, the poor left the smallest puppies from the litter of bulldogs and crossed them with terriers. Thus, the first bull terriers appeared, combining the mobility and dexterity of terriers with the fearlessness and insensitivity of bulldogs. The prefix "pit" appeared much later. Translated from English, it means “pit for battle”, dogs were usually pitted in them.

Unfortunately, the exact date when the American pit bull terrier arrived in the United States was not preserved. It is only known that this happened before 1774. They were brought by emigrants from Europe. Especially a lot of individuals were imported in the middle of the XIX century from Ireland.

american pit bull terrier

In Europe in those days, public opinion insisted on the prohibition of dog fighting. In 1835, a law was passed in Britain.

Similar entertainments were welcomed and encouraged in the USA. Dog fighting in this country has long been legal.

Breed development in the USA

The Americans became interested in the new dog, seeing in it the makings of a tireless fighter. Enthusiasts appeared who began work on improving the breed and its official recognition. At that time she did not even have a name. Animals were called pit terriers, pit bulls, pit dogs.

The thoroughbred line of "red-nosed" was especially appreciated. They were called the "old family." Fans of this line strictly protected its purity and categorically did not allow the crossing of its representatives with other types of pit bull terriers.

A huge role in the development of this breed belongs to the Irish breeder John Colby. In 1900, he brought several purebred pit bulls to the United States. Unlike many lovers of this breed, he believed that dogs should be more actively included in breeding work. As time has shown, Colby was right. He managed to raise many legendary canine fighters.

Many American breeders have been involved in improving the breed. Soon this dog got its familiar name - the American pit bull terrier, although, as can be seen from the history of the breed, many countries in Europe - England, Italy, Ireland, Spain, Holland could apply for it. However, one cannot fail to admit that the main work in the formation of the breed was done by American breeders.

american pit bull dog

FCI did not recognize the breed. However, in 1898, the UKC club opened for fans of this fighting dog. He later ceased to be monobreed and no longer supported dog fights.

In 1909, another organization appeared that carried out tribal work. Today it is an international organization. In it you can register an American pit bull from any country. The Russian cynological community of these animals has not officially accepted so far.

American Pit Bull Terrier - breed description

The dog gives the impression of power and confidence. Athletic fit, an attentive look, shiny hair - this is the look of a real pit bull. This dog is never obese. Adult dogs are even a bit thin.


If you look at the dog from the side or from above, the head has the shape of a wedge, which tapers somewhat towards the nose. Seen from the front, it is round. Scissor bite, teeth tightly closed, lips tight to the jaws. Eyes are elliptical in shape. Ears are usually cropped.


The American pit bull terrier has a deep and moderately wide chest. The chest is narrowing down, but it should not have a cylindrical or rounded shape.

The loin should be medium in size - too long or too short lumbar can affect the dexterity of the animal.


The American pit bull has muscular forelimbs and powerful shoulders. Hind limbs with beveled hips at an angle of 30 degrees. Paws are small with elastic pads. The tail is set low, thicker at the base, slightly shorter in length than the hock.

american pit bull terrier reviews

The coat is short, thick and shiny. Any color, with the exception of merle and albinism.

Male growth 42 cm, weight from 14 to 27 kg.

American Pit Bull Terrier - Character

The fighting dog breeds in our society are not too favorably disposed. Everyone can draw conclusions about the nature of these animals on their own, only by raising a dog from an early puppy's age.

For a long time, the main goal for breeders in working with this breed was to develop the ability of animals to fight. At the same time, aggression was a disqualifying factor. Therefore, genetically the American pit bull is deprived of aggression towards people, although with the wrong and purposeful education of malice in this dog develops very quickly.

If the owner needs a reliable companion, this animal copes with this role perfectly. The American Pit Bull Terrier is very curious. He is interested in everything that happens around him. Dogs are very active, obedient, ready to follow the owner anywhere and carry out all his commands.

For the formation of character, puppy age is especially important. At this time, the baby must be protected in every possible way from factors that traumatize his psyche.

The character of an adult dog is stable. He is aware of his strength, confident in himself. But unlike many other dogs, he never seeks to become a leader in relations with the owner, on the contrary, they do their best to demonstrate their willingness to benefit him.

These are funny dogs that combine playfulness with discretion. Undoubtedly, the American pit bull terrier shows its best qualities only with the right education and training.

american pit bull terrier Price

Care and maintenance

The American pit bull terrier, whose photo you can see in this article, is an unpretentious dog, caring for it is not at all complicated.

The most important thing for such a pet is a balanced diet. Health and the proper formation of the animal’s organism depend on this. All active dogs need foods of great energy value. Do not feed the pit bull with one meat. His diet should be varied. Include herbal ingredients in it, but remember that meat is the richest source of protein. They are necessary for the full development of the dog.

In boiled form, it is poorly digested and loses some of its nutritional properties; in raw form, meat can be a danger to the health of your pet due to the presence of parasites in it. If the quality of meat does not raise your doubts, then it is better to give it raw, if you are not sure of its quality, then it is slightly boiled. Some owners prefer to pre-freeze meat, but this decision causes controversial reviews by experienced dog handlers. A growing dog also needs dairy products.

You can feed the pit bull and prepared feeds, both dry and canned. But it is better to consult with a veterinarian first. The fact is that the American pit bull is prone to allergic reactions, so the quality of the feed is very important for him.

american pit bull terrier photo

You need to bathe the dog about once every six months, comb out the hair once a week and wipe your ears. The pit bull terrier takes root well in a city apartment, provided that it receives sufficient physical activity.

Puppy selection

If you decide to get such a dog, then you need to know that in the case when you are offered an "elite" puppy and at the same time they ask for a very impressive amount, such an acquisition is not justified. Only an adult dog who has achieved good results in competitions and exhibitions can become elite. The American pit bull terrier, the price of which most often consists of the breeder’s ambitions, the presence of pedigrees registered in the USA, is quite common in Russia.

The average price for a purebred puppy with a pedigree is 20 thousand rubles. But future owners should know that this breed is not recognized in our country, so most pit bull puppies are sold without documents, so the price for them is more affordable - 10 thousand rubles.

Interesting Facts

The American pit bull terrier, the champion of the whitpooling, became the hero of the Guinness Book of Records. This little dog towed a cargo weighing 1.7 tons!

american pit bull terrier character

Owner reviews

This is one of the breeds whose character is 80% formed by the host. That is why there are so conflicting opinions about the breed American Pit Bull Terrier. Owner reviews suggest that from this dog you can grow both an evil creature that is dangerous to animals and people, and a completely peaceful and cheerful companion who can get along well with everyone.


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