"Prophylactin" for the garden: instructions for use, reviews and composition

Owners of household plots already in the spring begin to process cultivated plantings from insects. If this is not done, then you can be left without a crop, or even worse, without garden trees and shrubs. The range of tools that help fight pests is quite diverse, so choosing the right one is sometimes difficult. Among the products there is such a drug as "Profilactin" for the garden. Instructions for use, reviews and other useful information will help to understand how good it is.

prophylactin for the garden instructions for use reviews

What is Profilactin?

This is a modern tool that helps fight insects and have a preventive effect, protecting plantings from pests for a month.

The need for early processing of fruit trees and shrubs arises due to the fact that many insects lay their eggs in the autumn. If you do not get rid of them on time, pests, as they develop, will begin to infect plants. The main parasites are ticks, aphids, scale insects, leafworms.

What active ingredients are included in a product such as "Prophylactin" for the garden? Instructions for use contain information that the product is a mixture of paraffin oil and malathion, which, incidentally, is a new pesticide (it has been widely used relatively recently).

Thanks to the oil base, the emulsion is not easy to wash off with precipitation. This creates a protective layer on the treated plant. Due to the lack of phytotoxicity, the drug is safe. It is used in early spring until the buds open. Another advantage is the fact that the medicine can be used to treat all fruit trees and shrubs (currants, gooseberries). It effectively fights against a wide variety of pests, including difficult to eliminate.

How to apply?

You need to know how to properly use the "Profilactin" for the garden. Instructions for use, reviews make sure that the process is not fraught with special difficulties. Processing plants is carried out using a knapsack sprayer.

preventative for the garden

It is necessary to prepare a solution at the rate of 500 ml of the drug (1 bottle) per 10 liters of water. The product is poured into water, then the liquids mix well. The resulting treatment solution must be used on the same day. You can not mix it with other drugs.

It is possible to spray when the minimum air temperature is +4 degrees.

Consumption depends on the size and age of the plant. One bush of currants or gooseberries will need about 1.5 liters of working solution. To process a fruit tree, it will take from 2 to 5 liters.

"Prophylactin" is a new remedy for pests or bees, as it is toxic to these insects. But if the garden is treated on time (before the mass departure of bees), then for them it poses no threat.

It can not be used in the area of ​​water bodies, since the substance is harmful to fish. Moreover, it does not pose a threat to soil microorganisms, it is not a pollutant of surface and ground waters.

“Prophylactin” should be transported separately from food, medicine, and animal feed.

Before starting work, the skin, eyes and respiratory organs must be properly protected. That is, you need to spray in clothes with long sleeves, in trousers, a mask, glasses and a headdress. Until the completion of work, you should give up smoking, drinking and eating.

preventative for garden instruction reviews

Choice of processing time

"Prophylactin" is an effective insecticide that needs to be treated with fruitful trees and bushes before the appearance of buds. Why is it so important to do everything during this period? The active substance that fights against parasite eggs is a chemical compound. Thanks to early processing, by the time the crop ripens, there will be no trace of the pesticide.

What do consumers like?

People who are actively preparing for the new harvest season should take care of the question of choosing the best way to get rid of insects from trees in the winter. Not everyone knows what “Profilactin” is for the garden. Instructions for use, reviews are important information for making a decision.

Summer residents who have already tested it in action, speak of good results after treating them with plants. The drug perfectly destroys the eggs of insect pests that were laid by adults in the fall. In addition, to obtain the maximum effect, a single treatment is sufficient. The tool remains on the plant for a month. Due to the oil component, it is not washed off by rain.

What do consumers not like?

But, like all means, “Prophylactin” for the garden also has drawbacks. Instructions, reviews indicate the presence of one feature. It is sometimes difficult to choose a suitable processing time, because the air temperature should not be lower than +4 degrees.

Spring does not always come gradually, sometimes there is a sharp warming after prolonged cold weather. And even if it is warm during the day, this does not mean that at night the thermometer will not drop. In addition, not all summer residents can afford to cultivate their garden any day when the weather allows. Therefore, you can simply not have time to spray the trees with this drug.

prophylactin for the garden instructions for use

"Prophylactin" for the garden does not belong to the category of cheap drugs. And if a gardener grows a lot of trees and shrubs, then processing all of them will require significant financial investments.

Is it possible to do with one remedy?

If you purchase "Profilactin" for the garden, the instructions for use will inform you that the drug can destroy many types of insects that harm trees and threaten the crop. Moreover, its destructive effect is directed to eggs laid by parasites.

Early processing also does not protect the garden during the entire flowering and ripening period. Therefore, subsequent processing by other means is contemplated. In addition, other plants growing on the territory may be a source of parasites. They must also be regularly processed. For them, it is no longer necessary to choose “Profilactin” for the garden, but other means.

prophylaxis a new remedy for pests or bees

Who should not choose this tool?

Despite their effectiveness, such drugs can not be called absolutely harmless. Pesticides can get rid of many types of pests, but sometimes they threaten the life of beneficial insects. One of such means is "Prophylactin" for a garden. Instructions for use, reviews confirm the fact that the drug has a detrimental effect on bees. If you have beehives on the site, then you need to carefully choose the time for processing the trees or completely abandon the use of pesticides.

prophylactin effective insecticide

To get a good harvest, you need to take care of the health of the plants themselves. That is why many people prefer to develop a set of measures involving the use of several tools for processing trees and shrubs, carried out according to a certain schedule. One of the tools that many summer residents use first, is Profilactin, which always shows good effectiveness.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19658/

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