Autobiographical story and its summary: "How I became a writer" Shmeleva

The well-known Russian writer, publicist Ivan Sergeyevich Shmelev, describing his family, gives her this description: native Muscovites, Old Believers, trading peasants.

Summary of how I became a Shmelev writer
As you can see, there is no hint of belonging to the intelligentsia or the writers. Mentioning the same fact contains a story (below is a brief summary) "How I became a writer" by Shmelev.

Early childhood

September 21 (October 3) 1873 - the date of birth of the writer. And the place of birth was Zamoskvorechye. It was in this district of Moscow, in the parental home, that the source of creativity of the future master of the Russian word was.

Father and mother did not have a high education, but respected the laws of great-grandfathers, were religious, hardworking. This attitude to life was transmitted to children.

The story “How I became a writer” contains a large fragment, which describes the early childhood of the hero. It immediately becomes clear to the reader that already in those years Shmelev’s ability to see the world around him began to take shape in his own way, the desire to be in it and interact with everyone who is in it.

First big success

the story of how I became a writer
In the story “How I became a writer” Shmelev tells about his first literary experience. It was the work “At the Mill”. He wrote it after the 8th grade of the gymnasium, that is, being still a very young man.

The work received a good mark from the editor of the journal Russkoye Obozreniye and was published in it without revisions or any abbreviations. In addition, the young author was invited to the journal for cooperation. For a young man, this was a huge success. Although Shmelev believed that everything happened by itself, so he rejoiced at success, but not for long - they “captured” other matters.

First steps to success

What was the reason for the success of the author, reveals the work itself and its summary. "How I became a writer" Shmeleva is a memory story, therefore, it contains reliable facts about the biography of our hero.

As a child, he was a keen child, knew Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol and other Russian writers. In the third grade of the gymnasium, he became interested in the works of Jules Verne. They captured the boy so much that he, using the plot of his beloved author, wrote his own poetic work. Poems were successful among high school students, but the literature teacher did not appreciate them, since the heroes of the work of the little poet were precisely the teachers.

The teacher also did not give high marks to other works of Shmelev. The reason was that these works were unusual in form and content and went beyond the scope of the program. The result of mutual misunderstanding between the teacher and the student was that the boy was left in his second year.

After some time, the writer realized that this was a great happiness. The literature teacher has changed, who allowed me to write everything that the little author wanted. During this period, many lyric compositions were written, for which the schoolboy Shmelev received only the "five" with big pluses.

how I became a bumblebee writer

Reasons for success

When reading a short story or “How I became a writer” by Shmelev, you understand how it is important to meet a person on the way who will show the right direction and inspire you to work. And it may be the main thing in life. The people who surround you are one of the reasons for any success, including creativity.

Natural curiosity and the ability to get involved in business remained with Shmelev forever. At different periods of his life, he was interested in jurisprudence, and botanical discoveries, and the way of life of people of different classes, and many other topics. All this was reflected in the writer's work and led him to world success. His literary work was praised by Bunin, Kuprin, and other prominent writers.

The short story or short story “How I became a writer” by Shmelev makes it clear to the reader what a difficult path a writer needs to go to gain universal recognition.

The character of the author in the text of the story

how i became a short writer
The autobiographical story-recollection “How I became a writer”, the brief content of which we are considering, is another great value for the reader. Here, very finely, with great skill, Ivan Shmelev describes the process of formation of the character of a person. And it begins from early childhood.

The hero of the work sees all the surrounding objects animated. Everyone has their own dream, secret, desire. But no one can understand these objects except the little boy. Such a vision of the world speaks of a rich imagination, poetry, which in the future helped to become a wonderful master of the word.

The hero of the story says that the ability to write came suddenly, all of a sudden, and the story “At the Mill” was written straight away. But the reader understands that mastery has been honed for years, even when the literature teacher allowed me to write everything and in any quantities. Diligence, the pursuit of excellence, the ability to enjoy the result of your work, a great responsibility for what you do are the main character traits of the hero of the story "How I became a writer."


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