Speeding at 20 km. Allowed speeding. Speeding: fines

A common violation of the rules governing traffic is the failure of drivers to comply with the speed limit when driving both in settlements and along the highway. There is practically no driver who, for various reasons, would not allow him. When the violation is recorded, then the traffic police fines for speeding are issued.

Traffic rules set speed mode

20 km speeding
The rules of the road govern the high-speed mode when driving in all settlements, as well as on highways and highways. 60 km / h - permissible traffic speed when moving within settlements. Along the tracks it is already allowed to move up to 90 km / h. When leaving the motorway, you can accelerate to a maximum limit of 110 km / h. To reduce the likelihood of accidents in hazardous areas, additional speed limits are set. Drivers who ignore the requirements of road signs, as well as permissible speeding, are often responsible for road accidents.

Permissible limits

Traffic regulations oblige the driver to move at a speed corresponding to the established restrictions on the road section, while taking into account the intensity of the traffic flow, the condition of the roadway and weather conditions.


The automotive industry is developing annually, the quality of vehicles is improving, and as a result, speeding is more likely to occur. However, road infrastructure does not cope with the pace of automotive development. The lack of highways, the presence of ground crossings, poor quality roads and other reasons do not allow drivers to drive at high speed. All these circumstances make it necessary to impose speed limits on some dangerous sections of roads. There are roads with high-quality pavement, good visibility and the absence of any circumstances that impede fast traffic.

Established restrictions on such areas slow down the flow of cars and force drivers to violate the speed limit. Will exceeding it always be a violation? In 2013, amendments to the law established that the driver would be responsible for speeding 20 km. Thus, lawmakers have established an insignificant speed at which the driver should not be held accountable.

But do not rejoice and exceed the speed limit. In the event of an accident, with evidence of excess speed by the driver even at 1 km / h, you will have to bear responsibility.

excess speed

Exceeded speed - pay

The law provides for various options for fixing traffic violations. Speeding cameras are documented by video cameras and police officers using special devices.

Drivers who ignore traffic rules and violate the high-speed regime will be punished. What kind of penalty for speeding will have to pay depends on the amount by which the speed is exceeded.

Video Recording Cameras: Responsibility Features

When fixing violations by video cameras, for example, speeding by 20 km, there are features of holding the driver accountable:

  • based on the materials of video recording, the judge cannot decide on the punishment in the form of a warning and on the deprivation of rights;
  • the maximum penalty may be imposed if the sanction as an alternative punishment is the deprivation of a certificate for driving a vehicle;
  • a minimum fine is imposed if for the committed violation the deprivation of the certificate is not provided.
    speeding 2014

Speeding 2014: fines

The amendments in the field of traffic safety, which came into force in September 2013, changed the penalties for non-compliance with the speed limit:

  • speeding tickets 2014
    For excess of speed by 20 km / h there is an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles, if the speed has been exceeded by up to 40 km / h.
  • When the car moves at a speed higher than the permitted one by 40-60 km / h, penalties in the amount of 1-1.5 thousand rubles are applied.
  • With repeated violation of the speed of movement, the fine already increases and amounts to from 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles. The same penalty is provided when exceeding the permitted speed limit by 60-80 km / h. If such a violation is committed repeatedly, the driver will have to pay 5,000 rubles as a fine.
  • For a gross violation of speed according to traffic rules with an excess of 80 km / h or more, the driver will pay 5,000 rubles. The same fine will have to be paid for a repeated similar violation of the rules recorded by the technical means of automatic photo or video shooting.

The decision on the impunity of drivers for "insignificant" speeding has already affected the statistics of accidents due to non-compliance with the rules of drivers. So, according to official traffic police for January-April 2014, the number of accidents increased by 4.6%, compared with the same period of that year. At the same time, 6.4% more people died. In connection with these circumstances, the State Duma intends to again approve a fine for non-observance of speed on roads by 10-20 km / h, but only for settlements. According to preliminary information, a violation will cost the driver 500 rubles (until the fall of last year, a fine of 100 rubles or a warning was provided).

Exceeded the speed - and the deprivation of rights?

speeding fines
You must know and remember that not every speeding can cause parting with a driver’s license. Basically, for non-compliance with the speed limit, various penalties are imposed, the amount of which is proportional to the amount of excess. If the violation is 60 km / h or more, then it really can threaten the seizure of rights up to 6 months. For a period of not less than 6 months, you can part with your driver’s license if you ignore the permissible speeding of 20 km / h and drive at a speed higher than that permitted by 80 km / h.

Do not lose heart ahead of time, because the reasons for speeding can be different. In addition, only the court has the right to decide on the deprivation of the right to drive the vehicle, and the seizure is carried out after the ruling comes into force.

After stopping for speeding 20 km / h or more, the traffic police inspector is obliged to record a violation, collect evidence, draw up a report on the violation, and then send all the materials to the court. Here you should not let everything go by itself, then it’s certain that the decision will be deprived of rights and the presumption of innocence, alas, will not be taken into account.

Documenting Violations

The 2014 speeding penalties are harsh. Therefore, you need to know how the traffic police officer must act, and this will protect you.

The fact of speed violation is recorded by special measuring instruments, which must have a quality certificate and a document confirming the passage of a metrological check.

According to the general rule of "presumption of innocence", a person held accountable should not prove innocence in justification. However, there are exceptions to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for which, with violations in the field of traffic rules on the roads and with fixing violations by special automatic means, the presumption of innocence does not apply.

It turns out that the traffic police officer does not have to prove anything: he showed the measurements of the device and that’s all, the guilt has been proved. This conclusion suggests itself from a note in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Driver rights

what is the speeding ticket
If you committed an offense and everything was recorded without violating established procedures, you can ask the inspector a question, after which he will be required to prove your guilt. Here's how to act in practice so that all rights are respected, which many drivers are not aware of:

  1. After the inspector of the traffic police said that speeding was allowed, you can rightfully demand to present the device to familiarize yourself with the evidence. On a modern instrument, a car with a state number and speed indications should be clearly visible. You can’t argue with such data.
  2. Ask for documents for the instrument used to record the offense. The employees must have certificates and an inspection certificate with him.
  3. Make sure that there are seals on the device and that the device number matches the documents presented.
  4. If the excess is small, then pay attention to the weather, since the radar readings are distorted during heating, this should be reflected in the protocol.

The traffic police officer may ignore the requirements and refuse to submit documents. By law, you have the right to familiarize yourself with the materials available. The fact of refusal must be reflected in the protocol, noting that you did not have documents for the device for review.

The same record in the protocol should be left if photocopies of the required documents were submitted. In this case, the blueprint is not a document on the suitability of the device. Therefore, ask for the original documents on the radar.

Drivers should remember!

When driving a car, always remember that a speed limit of 20 km / h can cost someone life. It is better to be late and arrive later than not to arrive at all. Life will not be able to return anything, even huge money. Therefore, think about yourself, loved ones and others. Laws change every year, fines either increase or decrease. And the situation on the roads does not change significantly and does not change until we ourselves stop breaking traffic rules.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19665/

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