What to build a warm and inexpensive house from? How to build a warm house?

Someone wants to live in a living and breathing wooden house, someone is attracted by a durable brick, and someone, in pursuit of economy, ease of installation and good thermal insulation, chooses foam blocks.

Unfortunately, none of the materials can be called ideal, therefore, to the question: "What to build a warm and inexpensive house from?" You can answer this way: you need to build from the material that is most suitable for a particular person.

from which to build a warm and inexpensive house

Whatever material is chosen for construction, special attention should be paid to proper insulation of housing, as this significantly saves money on heating.

How can I save?

Almost every person asks the question: what to build a warm and inexpensive house from? This applies to both one-story summer buildings and permanent residences. To achieve the cheapest construction option, you need to familiarize yourself with the following criteria that reduce the cost of the entire process:

1. Labor force. Construction will have to take control. You can still attract several volunteers. Remember that paying for the work of the construction team is a major part of the budget.

2. Materials. New building materials are great for building strong and durable buildings, the main thing is to do everything in accordance with the instructions. Of course, a solid, warm brick house or a massive cottage from a log house cannot be built, but savings of about 40% are guaranteed!

3. Excessive design. Thanks to various features, the building can be given originality and brightness, but we must not forget that this significantly increases the amount of expenses in the estimate.

4. Layout. The most functional and compact rooms inevitably lead to lower costs.

new building materials

Which house is the warmest?

Going to start the construction of their own housing, each owner thinks about how to build a warm house. The material used for erection has a huge impact on this factor. The most commonly used include brick, foam block, wooden beam. So, a little about the main advantages of each of them:

1. Brick is a very warm material, especially hollow. But if the construction of the house is planned in the region, which is characterized by frosty and windy weather, then you still can not do without insulation. To save heat, a special material, such as expanded polystyrene, is quite suitable. To cover the insulation from above, you can use decorative brick or any other facing material.

2. The foam block, or aerated concrete, is a modern building material, the thermal insulation of which is provided by a small cellular structure. The level of heat storage is higher than that of the predecessor, but there is another problem. The foam concrete block absorbs a lot of moisture, which negatively affects its consumer characteristics. That is, if the house is saturated with rain or melt water, then it will attract excess solar heat during drying or freeze during cold weather. The more often this happens to the structure, the faster the moment of its destruction. In general, a house built of foam blocks should be protected from moisture.

3. The wooden house is considered to be the warmest, which generally does not release heat to the outside. By the way, the wooden structure will never retain excess moisture, since the tree copes with the adjustment of this indicator perfectly. If a high-quality beam or log was used for the construction of a wooden house, then additional outer cladding may not even be required. But! Of all the options considered, wood is the most expensive material.

warm brick house

And what to choose: brick, foam concrete and wood? First of all, you need to proceed from climatic conditions and the amount of money in your pocket. So, a brick structure can be quite warm, if it is reasonable to approach the choice of insulation. The same can be said about foam concrete, if properly protected from moisture.

Steel structures

Steel structures are the most durable and affordable building material, providing the opportunity to build a reliable house in the shortest possible time.

Among the main advantages are:

  • affordable cost;
  • quick and easy erection;
  • high load capacity and low weight;
  • universality - the material is suitable for the construction of any structures;
  • the ability to create a unique external exterior.

There are also disadvantages:

  • low strength;
  • poor heat and sound insulation.

Strong steel structures have become very popular nowadays.

modern house

Wood as a suitable building material

Before proceeding with the construction of the house, you need to choose a building material that meets the indicators of strength, practicality, durability and environmental friendliness. All of the above qualities are answered by a tree.

Of particular note is the color of the material. So, if the surface has areas of dark blue or black, then the tree is of poor quality. An equally important indicator is the time of manufacture of wood. So, the optimal period for this is considered to be winter, because the material at this time is characterized by a minimum level of humidity, which reduces the risk of cracks in the walls of the house.

warm wooden house
Now you need to choose the type of building material from wood. For example, a cheap warm wooden house can be built from logs of coniferous species. But such material is characterized by significant shrinkage, therefore, in order to prevent adverse effects, it is better to postpone the finishing work. You can use another building material - glued beams. The level of its quality is much higher, the cost, respectively, too, but it is better to entrust the construction to specialists.

About the advantages of houses from sip panels

For more than fifty years now, residents of Europe and North America have known from which to build a warm and inexpensive house that meets the optimal indicators of durability and environmental cleanliness - from sip panels. Not so long ago, this material became popular in Russia. Today, almost every construction company is ready to build a house for the client from panels, by the way, this work can be done independently. The latter option will not only have a positive effect on cost savings, but will not harm the quality.

panel house
The house of panels has the following advantages:

  1. High degree of thermal insulation. New building materials can significantly save on heating.
  2. Excellent soundproofing that protects against external noise.
  3. The increased margin of safety and long term of operation.
  4. Fast installation and perfectly even walls, corners, which is achieved through a simple joining principle.
  5. Resistance to decay and insect damage.
  6. The absence of harmful substances in the composition.

How to choose and equip the foundation?

After the choice of building material is completed, you can begin to explore the soil. The only and most significant minus is the close proximity of groundwater. This parameter depends on the basis of the soil and the depth of its freezing. If a wooden house is planned for construction, then there will be enough foundation on piles or tape, the cost of which is quite affordable. In this case, you need to correctly calculate the width of the base. For example, if the sum of the thickness of the insulation and the facing material is 40 cm, then the foundation should be made of the same width. Remember that you must use a soil compactor - sand, as well as reinforce the foundation. Optimum design strength is achieved 28 days after the filling has been completed. After this, you can begin to purchase building material and build a house.

Frame house: heat, comfort and profitability

Buildings for the construction of which frame-shield technology was used belong to the first type. This method allows builders to realize almost any dream of the customer. The supporting element of the frame-panel house, which ensures the stability of the entire structure, is the basis for the manufacture of which a beam or massive boards were used.

To cover the outer side of the frame, usually several layers of chipboard or cement-bonded particleboard are used. For the inside, plywood, lining or oragalite is suitable. Moisture, sound and heat insulation can be achieved through the use of various mineral materials. To decorate the facade of a frame-panel construction, most often used stone, brick, lining or decorative plaster.

warm frame house

Frame house characteristic

A warm frame house has the following features:

  • To make the walls, a vertical beam is used with special grooves used to place the spike of the horizontal beam during assembly. The only significant drawback of this structure is the fact that the interior decoration can only begin after 1 year (the time required for the shrinkage of the bars).
  • Metal-frame technology involves the presence of two belts - the upper and lower. To join these elements in the corners, a steel rod or pipe is usually used.
  • Both sides of the metal frame should be covered with sandwich panels or gypsum boards with increased fire resistance.
  • To fill the gap between the plates, a mineral-cotton aggregate or concrete mixture should be used.

To build a warm house with your own hands, you need to use only high-quality materials, because the comfort and durability of the resulting structure depend on this.

House of aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete blocks are a great option if you plan to build a warm house. The price of such an idea is considered quite economical. If the main criterion is the heat capacity of future housing, then the use of aerated concrete and its derivatives is one of the best options.

The practice of using this building material shows that even a single-layer wall does not need additional insulation from the outside. Consequently, cost and time are greatly saved.

About modern combined technologies

Using combined technologies allows you to:

  • build a warm house with your own hands;
  • observe the minimum wall thickness;
  • make a modern home as comfortable as possible.

The excellent thermal insulation of the building is ensured by multilayer: at the construction stage, the structural material should be insulated, and then the facade should be laid out.

This technology is used in the construction of a brick house. The sandwich, which includes the supporting brick, insulation and finishing brick, allows you to not withstand the minimum allowable wall width.

do-it-yourself warm home

The construction of warm houses in the northern latitudes is often performed as follows: first, the wall is built in one block, and then it is insulated and closed by the facade.

The solution of the question "from which to build a warm and inexpensive house" often leads to the use of timber. The best option is a wall whose width is less than acceptable, covered by facades and additionally insulated from the outside. In addition, you can resort to frame-filling construction. In the first case, hollow foam blocks are used for the manufacture of the frame, the inside of which is filled with reinforced concrete. The second option is two brick walls connected by means of a liquid insulation.

How to insulate a house outside?

The most popular and effective way to save heat in the house is to insulate the outside of the walls with the help of a special energy-efficient and heat-insulating material. The implementation of this work eliminates the worries about additional insulation of the internal walls.

For a modern house to be cozy and warm, you need:

  • to get heat-insulating material;
  • cover them with outer walls;
  • to top with an insulating finishing layer.

The most popular outdoor heaters include brick with an air cavity, foam block and plaster. The foam block and brick are perfect for warming a 1-2-story private house, and lightweight fiberglass or foam blocks - for multi-apartment.

About internal warming

Owners of apartments located in apartment buildings often practice not external but internal insulation, since the first option does not have a special effect. For internal insulation of the room, the material most often used is a vapor-insulating effect. A layer of plaster should be applied on top of the insulation or the wall should be finished with drywall. At the same time, one should not forget about window insulation, otherwise internal insulation will not have the desired effect.

Old wooden windows should be replaced with hermetic and energy-efficient metal-plastic ones.

Thanks to the competent warming of a private house, you can significantly save on heating.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19666/

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