DIY fence from a profiled sheet: step-by-step description, ideas and reviews

The construction of building envelopes in recent years is increasingly carried out using corrugated board. This material is appreciated for its good strength, reliability, beautiful appearance and low cost. A variety of types and colors attracts a huge number of owners of private houses.

The great demand for such fences has contributed to the emergence of many companies that provide services for the manufacture and installation of fences. Installation of the fence with the help of specialists will cost you from 1000 to 7000 rubles (depending on the type of construction and the type of foundation).

You can do all the necessary work yourself. In this case, you will be able to save well. Read how to correctly calculate the material and install a fence from a profiled sheet with your own hands in our article.

The first step in creating a fence - design

If you have decided on self-assembly of the fence, then first of all take up the creation of a project for the future design. First, you need to decide what the fence will be.

It can consist of several sections or constitute a continuous fence. The quantity of necessary material and its variety depends on its appearance.

fence made of profiled sheet and brick

Secondly, installing a fence from a profiled sheet with your own hands involves creating a drawing. The following data must be applied to the paper:

  1. The location of the protective structure on the ground. Here you need to think through all the entrances and entrances of transport. Also consider the location of buildings and the supply of communications to the house.
  2. Dimensions of the fence. Here the dimensions of the straight and wrapping parts must be taken into account.
  3. The total number and location of the support posts.

If there are places on the site with significant changes in ground level, this also needs to be taken into account. All information must be reflected on the project itself.

Sheet material selection

If you decide to install a fence from a profiled sheet with your own hands, then you also have to purchase all the necessary materials yourself. At first glance, this should not cause difficulties, however, when choosing sheets, you need to know some nuances.

All profiled products for fences differ in the following indicators:

  • linear dimensions;
  • wave height;
  • sheet thickness;
  • strength;
  • the presence of a protective layer.

In addition to the fact that different manufacturers have different sheet sizes, the products also have different wave heights. The higher it is, the lower the strength of the product. The reliability of the future fence is directly affected by the thickness of the sheet.

The service life of a metal structure depends on the degree of its protection against external factors. Experienced craftsmen recommend choosing galvanized options.

material for creating a fence from a profiled sheet

When installing a fence from a profiled sheet with your own hands, you can use two types of products: for fences and roofing. In order for the fence to last as long as possible, you should not save on the purchase of materials. Choose durable varieties with a crest height of 2.1 cm and sheet thickness ranging from 0.5 to 1 mm.

The choice of materials for the arrangement of support racks and crossbeams

The material for creating the pillars is chosen by the owner, depending on his financial capabilities and taste preferences. Install the fence from the profiled sheet (with your own hands and with the help of specialists) on racks of the following types:

  • from a brick;
  • from a natural stone;
  • from metal pipes of various sections;
  • from logs;
  • from metal profiles.

The most commonly used round pipes. Their diameter should be about 6-10 cm. This option is the most practical and economical.

The length of the pipes depends on the desired height of the fence. It should be borne in mind that the rack at 30% of the height goes deep into the ground. That is, if you purchase a pipe 2 meters long, then the height of the fence will be about 1.4 meters.

If you decide to build a sectional fence with brick pillars, then you need to calculate the width of each column. Based on these data, you need to calculate the required amount of brick.

proper installation of the fence from the profiled sheet

To assemble a fence from a profiled sheet with your own hands, it is better to choose metal square pipes (with a section of 2x2 and 4x2 cm) as longitudinal logs.

The optimum thickness of the metal in the pipe is 2 cm. If you choose thinner options, they may not withstand the load from gusts of wind. In thick-walled products (more than 2.5 cm) it will be very difficult to screw fasteners.

The tree is not recommended for these purposes. Over time, it will begin to rot and can spoil the sheet material itself.

The number of lags in each section depends on the estimated height of the fence. If the fence is higher than 2 meters, then to securely fix the sheets, you need to install 3 slats. For fences below 2 meters, two crossbeams are sufficient.

Fasteners and caps for pipes

Do-it-yourself fence from the corrugated board (the design ideas of which can be seen in the photo in the article) is collected using special fasteners.

As fasteners, self-tapping screws are more often used. Their feature is the presence of a neoprene gasket, which provides a tight fixation of the sheet at the base.

The length of the screws depends on the massiveness of the sheets and can range from 19 to 250 mm. The diameter of the fastener is about 4.0-6.5 mm.

fasteners for a fence from a professional sheet

It is possible to mount the profiled sheet with rivets and a special gun. In this case, it is desirable to paint over the extreme part of the holes. It is necessary to cover with a protective compound all bare sections and joints. This will protect the material from corrosion.

To prevent moisture from entering the metal supports, they are covered with decorative caps. You can use cropped plastic bottles for these purposes, however, the appearance of the fence will slightly worsen it.

How to determine the right amount of all materials?

The construction of a fence from a profiled sheet with your own hands is carried out in order to save money, so it is very important to prevent unnecessary expenses when buying materials.

To determine the required number of sheets, we need to measure the length of the fence and divide this indicator by the width of one element of the fence. Pay attention to the appearance of the fence, the material of the gate and gate. If the entry is made in advance, then its width must be subtracted from the total length of the fence.

The presence of brick or stone pillars also affects the calculation of the number of profiled sheets. The width of each column must be added and subtracted from the length of the fence.

We recommend adding about 5% to the resulting number of sheets. This stock is taken in case of unforeseen circumstances (especially true for those cases when the installation of a fence from a profiled sheet with your own hands is performed for the first time).

The number of pillars is determined by the type of fence. For solid structures, the installation step of a vertical column is 2-3 meters (depending on the strength of the sheet). In sectional fencing, the number of columns depends on the number of sections.

Now we will consider how to build a fence from a profiled sheet with your own hands and what stages this process includes.

Foundation device

A reliable foundation is the key to durability and long-term operation of the fence. It is equipped both for metal pillars and for future brick columns.

Do-it-yourself work on arranging the foundation for a fence from a profiled sheet is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The work area is cleared of debris and tall plants.
  2. Digging a hole under the first pillar. Its location is determined by the type of gate. If they are from a professional sheet, then the first support is installed in the place of the planned entrance. If the gate is already standing, then the first pillar is installed at a distance of 2-2.5 meters from their edge.
  3. Pits under the supports dig with a conventional shovel. You can also use the garden drill. With its help, it is much easier and faster to install a fence from a profiled sheet with your own hands.
  4. The required distance (equal to 1 span of the fence) is measured from the middle of the first pit. At the intended point, a second hole is dug. Thus, places are arranged for all poles.

Determining the necessary depth of the pit, it is advisable to make a small margin. The bottom of each pit must be covered with gravel of a fine fraction and carefully tamped.

We make a fence from a profiled sheet with our own hands: we begin the installation of support pillars

The installation of support poles for the fence can be carried out in two ways: by the method of driving into the soil and using cement mortar.

In the first case, the work is considered more time-consuming, since it is very difficult to exactly score a pole.

proper assembly of the fence from corrugated board

It is much easier to install a fence from a profiled sheet with a foundation with your own hands. For reliable fixation of the pillars, you need to perform a number of works:

  1. Prepare a solution. It uses a mixture of cement and gravel. The components are mixed in a ratio of 1: 4. Cement should be selected with the marking M-400.
  2. Set up the pillars. Pipes treated with a corrosion-resistant coating must be placed vertically in the pit. The correctness of their installation must be controlled using the level.
  3. Pour the solution. Before pouring, the prepared mixture must be mixed well. This will allow air to escape from the solution, which will ensure uniformity of the foundation. After this, the pits are filled with cement.

In this form, the fence should stand for about one month. When the solution has completely set, you can proceed with the installation of the cross bars. If the fence is not too massive and high, then the time for cement hardening is 2-3 days (depending on the depth of the foundation).

If you need to build a fence of brick and profiled sheet with your own hands, then between the posts you need to fill in the strip foundation. Usually it rises 50 cm above the ground. In the future, such a design will be faced with brick or decorative stone.

creating a fence from a profiled sheet with a foundation

The foundation is arranged as follows:

  1. A trench is excavated between the pillars. Its depth is 1/2 the depth of the foundation for vertical supports.
  2. Inside the trench, formwork made of plywood or wide boards is installed. The design is calculated so that the width of the foundation strictly matches the width of future brick pillars.
  3. If the fence is massive enough, then the foundation should be reinforced. For this, a wire is placed inside the pit. Its ends should be fixed to the posts.
  4. A pillow of crushed stone 20 cm thick is laid at the bottom of the trench.
  5. Cement mortar is poured.

Also, the foundation can be made at ground level, and the protruding part can be made in the form of brickwork. Such options are particularly attractive, but they are more time-consuming and expensive. A fence from a profiled sheet with a modest budget is built by the simplest method.

In some cases, it is allowed to install pillars simply in the ground. If you need to build a small and relatively light fence, then you can do without a foundation. Metal elements must be pre-treated with an anti-corrosion compound and painted.

Do-it-yourself fence from a profiled sheet: step-by-step instructions for installing transverse logs

When the foundation is completely frozen, proceed to install the lag. Correct fixing of these elements is especially important, since they are the basis for fastening sheets.

Cross strips can be installed in two ways: by welding and on special fasteners. If a welding machine is available, then the logs just need to be welded to the posts with a wide edge. Experienced welders have no difficulties with this. We will consider how to install logs for a fence from a profiled sheet with your own hands without welding.

To carry out such work, it is necessary to purchase large bolts with nuts or special X-shaped brackets in advance. With bolted connections, the logs and poles must be drilled through. Then, through the hole, it is necessary to pass the bolt and pull the crossbars to the posts with the nut.

make a fence from a profiled sheet

Please note that the upper lag should be located 20 cm below the highest point of the post!

Mounting on brackets is considered no less reliable. This method of fixing the lag allows you to quickly and accurately build a fence. To do this, you will need a powerful screwdriver and roofing screws (5.5 x 19 mm in size). Fasteners need to be fixed on poles with six bolts with a rubber-metal washer.

Next, a lag is inserted into the clamp of the fastener and fixed with four similar bolts. Thus, all the transverse crossbeams of the frame are installed.

At this stage, all metal elements must be treated with an anti-corrosion compound and painted in the color of a profiled sheet. So that the attackers could not independently disassemble your fence, the heads of the screws must be carefully sanded.

The final stage of installation: installation of metal sheets

Installation of the first sheet starts from the gate. Fence elements must be positioned so that from the ground level to the sheet was at least 20 cm. This will maintain the integrity of the bottom of the corrugated board for a long time.

The do-it-yourself fence device from the profiled sheet involves the following work:

  1. With the help of a drill and self-tapping screws, the first sheet is fixed on the frame. In this case, it is impossible to tighten the bolts strongly, otherwise the integrity of the rubber part of the washer may be violated. Fastening to the lags must be carried out through the lower wave. The step of the fastener is one wave. Weakness and weak fixation of sheets. If the screws jump off the sheet, they will quickly ruin it.
  2. The second sheet overlaps the previous exactly one wave. The connection of the sheets is carried out through the upper wave of the sheet. So the whole fence is going to the edge.
  3. If at the end of the fence it is not possible to install a solid sheet, then it can be cut off with a grinder to the desired size. In this case, it is very important to treat the slice with a protective compound and cover with enamel.

On this, the process of assembling the fence can be considered complete. At the end of the work, all the posts must be covered with plugs, and the upper part of the fence should be decorated with a U-shaped profile.

technology for creating a fence from a profiled sheet

If all the work is carried out in strict accordance with the above recommendations, then the assembled design will last for many years. During the installation of the fence, do not use cheap materials and bolts. You should not save on the number of fasteners.

Responses of the owners of such fences indicate that with an insufficient number of bolts, the sheets begin to "play" from strong gusts of wind. At the same time, the fence makes unpleasant metallic sounds. Moreover, poorly fixed sheets constantly rub against the thread of the bolt, which is why they quickly fail.

Gate device

Independently making the gate and the gates from the profiled sheet is a little more difficult. For the strength of the opening elements of the fence, it is necessary to make a strong frame. In most cases, welding is used to create it.

The base for the gate and gate is assembled from square metal pipes with a section of 50x50 mm. The edges of the elements must be cut so that one pipe can be installed strictly perpendicular to the other.

For maximum frame strength, the edges of each pipe must be cut at an angle of 45 degrees. This can be done with a grinder.

On a perfectly flat surface, you need to fold all the parts of the base of the gate and check the accuracy of the pairing of the pipe corners. If all the parts are installed correctly, you can start welding.

First, all elements are captured by the point method. After that, the correct design is checked again. An oblique seam connects all the corners.

In the process of work, you need to take a break so that the metal cools down and takes its natural form. Otherwise, the frame may skew!

If the gate is high enough, you can weld the diagonal bars for reliability. After that, loops are welded to the frame and the sheets are screwed.

You can also assemble the base for the gate mechanically, however, this method is considered less reliable and is often used during the assembly of the fence from the profiled sheet in the country at home. In this case, a profile with a section of 40x20 mm is screwed along the perimeter of the gate. The hinges are fixed and the wicket itself is fixed with bolts.

After installing the gate, you can begin to finish the fence (if any).

To summarize

We examined the classic version of how to make a fence from a profiled sheet with your own hands. This technology is the most optimal and is used most often.

Fences of this type are very popular today, so there are already a lot of ideas for creating them.

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