Tales about Babayka: folk and author's tales for children

Whatever parents come up with, to put the child to sleep, feed him porridge and make him clean his room. Here is the terrible omnipotent Babai - one of the inventions to help exhausted moms and dads. However, fairy tales about Babayka are different, and you can scare them in different ways. In this article, we will get to know good and evil characters, and which of them will best affect your baby, you decide!

Who is this, Babaika?

Babaika came to us from Slavic folklore, there were always problems with restless children, and the imagination of parents was limitless. So who is Babai? The word translates as "grandfather." Most often, this elderly man lived in the forest, from which his parents called, in order to frighten a naughty child.

Today the principle of fairy tales about the Bike is the same. He is invited to apartments and houses with a request to teach a kid a lesson, and if he doesn’t get scared, Babaika will take him with him to the forest. Although modern Babayki can be taken to an abandoned house, and even to an empty metro station. There are many options, and all of them are based on fear.

Who are the Babai

There are a lot of tales about Babaika for children. There are absolutely wicked and scary Babai for very naughty children. There are more peaceful and even pleasant ones, like those from the cartoon "Monster Corporation". We will meet some of the grandfathers-Babayks.

Once upon a time there was a babayka

In one dark and explosive forest, in a stone cave, there lived a terrible Babaika. From birth, he was very ugly and from this very angry. The inhabitants of the forest were afraid of him to madness, and told terrible stories to each other. Babai was really very gloomy, he did not talk to anyone, but only built dirty tricks to everyone around him. It was not difficult for him to frighten someone, because by himself he was very scary: dirty, in rags, with huge black eyes, greasy tangled hair, hunchbacked and nosy, with crooked rotten teeth. There was trembling from his sight.

He himself was not afraid of anything and walked through the forest like a master. Nobody talked to him. But in fact, Babayka was very bored to live in the forest. At first he scared passers-by, and this amused him. But soon he was tired of it, and he got bored. The terrible monster had no friends; there was no one to talk to in the evenings either. Sadike Babayka and sat in his cave, did not go anywhere. Then it occurred to him to submit an advertisement to the newspaper and offer his services as a “pacifier of children's crying”. He did not even expect how his announcement would be in demand! From all ends of the forest Babike began to call with an invitation to calm this or that child.

So the scary forest Babayka became very popular, and to this day it scares children who, at the sight of it, immediately go to bed or lick their plates with porridge.

How Babaika scared children

Scaring children for Babayka is a common thing. Every day he walks around the apartments and scares the naughty kids. However, every year it becomes more and more difficult, and many children stop being afraid of it. At the school for Babaev, monsters are taught new tricks to intimidate children, but they sometimes do not help.

How they drove Babayka

A Babai named Bon frequented one house where two very naughty children lived. Every night, with all his terrible powers, he tried to scare them, but the children were so fearless that they began to resist and even attacked Bon. The last time a frisky boy even beat him! Babai Bon was upset that he couldn’t put the hooligans to sleep, and cried.

Fighting Babayka

Then the naughty boy hugged him to regret. Babai was so moved that he began to cry even more! Already the boy was trying to calm Bon, in desperation, he asked him what to do. And then Big Bon asked him to just go to bed.

So Babaika Bon began not to scare the children, but caused them pity, and now everything turned out fine for him!

Babayka and a pot of porridge

To very naughty and harmful children, Babayka came at night. He was big and toothy. Babayka looked in the windows of houses and looked for naughty children. Then he took out his huge sack and packed the restless kids there.

Scary babai

Every night, a huge Babai carried his children into a dark forest, where he lived in a huge stone house. Unloading all the children from the bag, he planted them at a large wooden table. And here the fun began. On the stove by the forest dweller stood a pot of delicious rice porridge. Babai put porridge on plates, and each child had to eat everything to the last.

However, if the baby ate his plate, Babai again imposed porridge from a magic pot on him. The secret was that the porridge in the pot never ended, no matter how many children and how much they ate, the pot always remained full.

Then Babai watched the children eat. Babai took those who ate well back home, and those who were naughty and refused to eat porridge, he left them forever in his house and fed them endlessly from a magic pot.

Everyone who returned from Babai to their parents was already obedient and always ate everything that their mother had given them.

The terrible tale of the gluttonous babayka

This is a very scary fairy tale about Babaika for 3 years old children. In an old abandoned house there lived a very large and smelly Babaika. He came only to the most naughty and most harmful children, older than 3 years. Because these children were already big, and Babayka had enough to eat one of them for the evening. He needs two or three little kids at once, and one big one just right.

Scared baby

Every night, the gluttonous Babai searched for a new victim, he walked under the windows of houses where the light was on. All normal children went to bed during and turned off the lights in their rooms. And only the most harmful could not sleep all night. A hungry Babai went to such burning windows to drag such a well-fed baby into his den, fry it and eat it! Therefore, you must go to bed on time and not scream before going to bed, otherwise the gluttonous Babai will see and take you to him.

How Babaika became a friend

One very famous and scary Babayka, as usual, was hiding under the bed of a naughty girl. When she started to cry and scream, he crawled out from under the bed and scared her. Then the girl hid under the covers and sat there all night.

But one of these evenings, the girl’s mother brought her an interesting book. The girl did not read it, as usual, she cried and waved her arms and legs.

Sitting under the bed, it became very interesting for the woman, what kind of book is this? While the girl was jumping and screaming on his bed, he stole a book from her and became so carried away by reading that he forgot how to frighten a little fidget as usual.

Babayka also reads books

Suddenly, the girl noticed that under her bed was already quite kindly Babai sitting with her book in her paws. The girl came down to him, and together they began to read a book until they fell asleep. So they read now every night, and thanks to the book they became great friends.


Fairy tales about Babayka do not always help to put the kids to bed, but maybe the good Babayki will cope with this task better. After all, every child is kind by nature. If you spend more time with your baby before bedtime, reading books about good monsters, then his dreams will be kind and calm. But trembling under the covers, choking with heat, in fear that the evil Babai will take you away, is that calm? We wish parents to lay and feed their babies with love, and not with fear in their eyes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19669/

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