Mushroom places in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Map of mushroom places in the Nizhny Novgorod region

The Nizhny Novgorod region is mostly covered with forests: mixed - in the south and dense taiga - in the north. Not surprisingly, the region is rich in berries and mushrooms. Therefore, Nizhny Novgorod - lovers of "silent hunting" - every year they wait, they will not wait for the beginning of the mushroom season. They even created an unspoken map of mushroom places in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, which guides mushroom pickers where it is better to go for prey. In this article you will learn about the most successful places for hunting mushrooms in different regions of the country.

map of mushroom places in the Nizhny Novgorod region

Mushroom places in the Nizhny Novgorod region

Experienced Nizhny Novgorod foresters know that porcini mushrooms grow especially well in the Semenovsky and Sokolsky districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region, and boletus and butterflies - in the direction of Arzamas. Where else can you eat mushrooms? This will tell the map, which shows the mushroom places in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The most beloved place by the townspeople is Tarasikha. It is located 44 kilometers from the city along the P159 highway. Here the Linda River flows , along the banks of which there is a dense deciduous and coniferous forest. The soil of these places is marshy and suitable for the growth of mushrooms. The only minus of Tarasikha is that although it is located close to Nizhny Novgorod, it is not so easy to get to it: from early spring to late autumn on the Borsky bridge across the Volga, which must be crossed, there are many hours of traffic jams. Knowledgeable people drive through it either early in the morning or late at night. But this does not become an obstacle for mushroom pickers, who can always get to their favorite places by train. Many citizens say that Tarasikha and its environs are the best mushroom places in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Map of mushroom places in the Nizhny Novgorod region

Over the bridge

In the same direction, 88 kilometers from the city is the wonderful river Kerzhenets. A variety of mushrooms grow on its shores. Therefore, mushroom pickers especially respect these places. A little further, 120 kilometers from Nizhny Novgorod, is the legendary lake Svetloyar. Forests around it are also rich in fungi of any kind. Everyone should visit these picturesque mushroom places in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

On the border of the Krasnobakovsky and Urensky districts, 155 km along the same highway is the village of Shemanikha. This place is remote from industrial enterprises, therefore it is famous for its ecology. The forests around the village are so rich that literally a hundred meters from the highway, you can already start picking mushrooms, not to mention the far corners of the taiga. Without full baskets of pickling for salting - lumps and russula - no one has yet returned from the forests of Shemaniha.

The best mushroom places

In the other direction

In the Balakhna district, which is located 40 km from Nizhny Novgorod, the town of Yasenevo is rich in forest gifts. This place is not as popular with mushroom pickers as the north of the region with its wonderful taiga, in which, as it is believed, the best mushroom places of the Nizhny Novgorod region are located. Therefore, it is possible to get a rich "catch" here with a high probability.

In the Gorodetsky district, the village of Fedurino became the favorite among mushroom pickers. In addition to forest squirrel, you can collect more full basket of berries here. Kovernino enjoys popularity among eco-hunters in the Koverninsky district. Forests here consist of different types of trees, so a variety of mushrooms is provided.

In the Dalnekonstantinovsky district, forest gifts can be collected at Surovatikha, and in Volodarsky - along the banks of the Pyra River.

From Lower to Great

There are also many forests in Veliky Novgorod. Fans of the “silent hunt” share their knowledge on where to get the forest gifts on the forums. Most mushroom places in Veliky Novgorod are located along the Luga highway. About 40-60 kilometers from the city. The fact that there are mushrooms in the forest will be evidenced by cars parked along the sides of the highway. You can safely stop, take a basket and a knife and go on a “hunt”. In these forests you can collect boletus and honey mushrooms.

Mushroom places in Veliky Novgorod

Another wonderful and beautiful mushroom place in Veliky Novgorod, or rather in the Novgorod region, is Lake Valdai, which is considered one of the cleanest in the world, and its surroundings. Around it are forests rich in berries, mushrooms and other gifts for people.

Further north ...

Local residents joke that mushroom places in Karelia are everywhere where there is no asphalt. And this is not far from the truth. Mushrooms hide from prying eyes in coniferous pine and spruce forests, in birch forests and on the shores of lakes. Chanterelles can be gathered near Petrozavodsk and in the western regions of Karelia. Fans of "quiet hunting" who will come to the village of Syam-ozero and the Syapsya river will have full mushroom baskets. The most popular mushroom places in Karelia are located in the Pryazhinsky and Loukhsky districts. Ginger and mushrooms grow near the town of Olonets. Black mushrooms, russula, brown boletus and boletus can be found near Sosnovo. Whites and chanterelles live in the forests of the Vsevolzhsky region, and butter and moss fly around the village of Losevo. According to the recognition of local residents, you can "mow down" with mushrooms near the Kutizhma River.

Mushroom places in the Ivanovo region

Ivanovo is famous not only for brides, but also for mushrooms. There is a lot of forest in the region, you just need to find your favorite route and participate in a “silent hunt”. Mushroom places in the Ivanovo region, according to information obtained at local forums, are located near the village of Mikheevo in the Komsomolsky district and in Novo-Talitsy, near the villages of Mitkino, Dachnaya, and Small Vyazemy. Chanterelles and Russula can be found near the village of Klopovo and Pestovo. Many diverse mushrooms on the banks of the rivers Nakhabnya and Ostrovka.

Boletus and cap boletus grow near the village of Petrishchevo, Nikolskoye near the villages of Svitino and Timonino.

30 kilograms of mushrooms ...

Mushroom places in Novosibirsk are located in the Kudryashovsky, Karakansky and Zaltsovsky forests. Forests near Moshkovo, the villages of Kudryashi and Kamenka are also rich in mushrooms. Knowledgeable lovers of “silent hunting” visit the forests located along the Izrevaya railway line from year to year.

Mushroom places in Yaroslavl

In Yaroslavl, affairs with forest gifts are no worse than in Novosibirsk. According to statistics, city residents collect 10 to 30 kilograms of mushrooms per year. Mushrooms like to collect all the townspeople from small to large. And this is not surprising: mushroom places in Yaroslavl are very rich. There are almost all types of mushrooms in the region: chanterelles, ceps, boletus, mushrooms, aspen, mushrooms, mushrooms. They grow not only around Yaroslavl, but also near such large cities of the Yaroslavl region as Tutaev and Rybinsk.

Tips for mushroom pickers

1. First, decide where you will go. If there is no ready-made solution, then choose the most popular destination. Pay attention to the side of the highway. If there are a lot of parked cars on it, then you can safely stop and go to this forest for mushrooms.

3. Wear comfortable clothing, preferably waterproof shoes such as rubber boots. In the morning - namely, in the early morning it is best to pick mushrooms - the grass is wet from dew. If there are no rubber boots, then you can pull shoe covers or plastic bags on your sneakers. Just don't slip.

2. Be sure to bring a compass with you. Even if the forest is sparse, you can get lost in it, carried away by hunting for mushrooms.

3. You will also need a basket - the mushrooms in it do not crumple and break. Mushrooms should be placed with the hat up. In the forest you should find a convenient stick about a meter long, which will help in finding mushrooms.

4. If you doubt whether the mushroom is edible, then you should not take it at all. Health and life are a hundred times more valuable.

Tips for housewives

1. No matter how tired you are in the hunt for mushrooms, they cannot be stored at home for more than three hours.

Mushroom places in Novosibirsk

2. Store unprocessed mushrooms exclusively in the refrigerator.

3. When cooking, do not try raw mushrooms. Before cleaning and processing prey, you need to once again see if it is edible.

4. Do not fry, cook and salt mushrooms in galvanized and aluminum dishes.

Get to know me

Before going on a “silent hunt”, one should study not only general information about mushroom places, but also how edible mushrooms look.

  • Boletus (or porcini mushroom) can be found in almost any forest: in a pine forest, and in a birch grove. Depending on where he grows, the color of his hat changes. It can be either yellow or brown. His leg usually resembles a cylinder thickened downward.
  • The cap of the birch is painted whitish-gray. True, often his headgear changes color depending on the area in which the fungus grew. But the bottom of the hat is always white, porous. The leg of the boletus is cylindrical, slightly thickened down.
  • Boletus looks like a bullfinch - its hat is bright red or orange, and the leg is gray. It also becomes thicker near the ground.
  • The butterflies have a light brown oil hat. Often, due to excessive oiliness, leaves are glued to the cap, and then the mushroom is difficult to find. The bottom of the headdress is lemon yellow, its surface is porous, similar to a sponge.
  • The breast looks like a funnel with the edges turned down, usually it is white. Salty muffins are very good, but they must first be soaked so that he gives away excess moisture and mucus located in the center of the hat.
  • The saffron grows in deciduous forests or under a pine tree. The shape of his “headgear” depends on the age of the camelina: when the mushroom is young it is small and convex, then it is pressed inward and takes the form of a funnel. The hat is bluish-green or orange.

Mushroom places in the Ivanovo region

  • Champignons are bred in greenhouses under artificial conditions. So do not meet them in the forest.
  • Honey mushrooms are one of the most beloved mushrooms of forest hunters. They grow up in families, if they find one worm, it is likely that with it it will be possible to chop a whole basket of his family. Usually this mushroom grows on decaying trees in high humidity. The color of the cap is usually yellow or light brown; the leg is thin and elegant. Honey mushrooms are marinated. But some mushroom pickers fry them, while cutting off the legs, which can be harsh, cooked in this way.
  • Chanterelles are considered a royal mushroom. They can not be confused with a poisonous mushroom. So, their appearance is unique. They are red or light yellow, grow in the form of funnels with small legs. Chanterelles, like honey agarics, are a godsend for mushroom pickers, as they grow up as whole families.
  • Russula - the funniest mushrooms in coloring. Their hat can be of any color: white, red, green, yellow. They grow in deciduous forests and are the most common mushrooms. In order not to confuse the russula with the grebe, you need to look under the mushroom's hat, if it has a "skirt", then you should not take it - it is poisonous.


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