How to put your baby to bed - simple and effective tips

Your baby grows up and sleeps with each passing month less and less. If earlier he observed the regime “Eat and sleep”, then upon reaching the age of six months, the period of wakefulness and examination of the surrounding world increases.

When there is a problem with the baby laying

Children are already born with inherent temperaments. Any nurse in the hospital will say that each baby sleeps in its own way. Therefore, the solution to the problem of “how to put a baby to bed” depends, first of all, on the character of the baby. Calm babies have time to fall asleep, not having time to listen to the end of the lullaby. A nervous, fearful child falls asleep with difficulty and wakes up right away from the slightest rustle.

Secondly, the ability to quickly and easily fall asleep depends on the state and nature of the mother. The connection between the mother and her baby is invisible, but very tangible and effective. It is difficult to expect quick falling asleep with nervous and hectic motion sickness. And if before this there was feeding with one thought: “Eat faster!”, Then it would be difficult to expect a strong and quiet sleep for the little man. After all, although he is small, he still feels everything ...

Getting ready for bed - how to put your baby to bed

Having examined the two basic conditions on which success in falling asleep depends, we will move on to the technical part of the process of laying the "bike". Almost everyone knows how to put a baby to bed . True, this does not guarantee success. At least from the first call.

In infancy, as a rule, all children sing lullabies. They accompany every falling asleep. A lullaby with motion sickness will eventually work on any child. Thus, you understand how to properly put your baby to bed. That is, a certain order of actions is developed before going to bed. You just have to take it as a basis and gradually, as the baby grows up, add new rituals to it. It could be:

- bathing before a night's sleep;

- walk in the fresh air for an hour and a half;

- falling asleep always in one place and under the same lighting (get yourself a nightlight with a soothing soft light);

- the voice of the laying parent (usually mom, but dad should take part and know how to put the child to bed);

- bedtime stories that can be told to an already grown baby. They replace lullabies over time and become a necessary ritual for him.

At the age of six months, swinging on hands becomes more difficult. But rocking can be done in a stroller. So you gradually bring the child to the habit of falling asleep not in his mother’s arms. In addition, before you put your baby to bed, be sure to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. Half an hour before going to bed, turn off the TV and try to remove all annoying and distracting factors. Communicate with your child in a warm and calm voice. You should not play active and outdoor games with him . This should be done no later than two to three hours before.

Why put your baby to bed

Children are all different. Someone can be put in for half an hour, someone has to suffer for an hour and a half. But you are parents and your child is completely dependent on you. The daily routine and its competent routine are entirely in your hands. And the physical development of your baby depends to a large extent on this. Therefore, understanding how to properly put your baby to sleep will help you to show consistent persistence in this matter.

Over time, the daughter or son will fall asleep themselves. Strongly and long ago, the habit you formed to fall asleep after a certain ritual will help them close their eyes already in the first ten minutes of their mother’s or father’s tales. And over time, about to go to school, fairy tales will come to naught. It will remain a habit to talk with mom before going to bed about the most secret that happened during the day. And she is worth a lot ...


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