Walkthrough "Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen" (in Russian). Passage of the game "Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen" (Russian version)

At the moment, there is hardly a person who would never have heard of Nancy Drew, a young girl who is also a private detective and detective. Initially, there was a series of books about Nancy that many young readers liked. However, over time, its popularity grew more and more, which led to the emergence of new branches, one of the most impressive of which were computer games. At the moment, there are already much more than a dozen of them, and each of them is an interesting and fascinating quest that offers gamers to solve one or another riddle described in books. To do this, you will have to show both quick wits and dexterity, speed - in general, you will have to try to help Nancy solve another case. Well, if you do not succeed - you can always see the passage. “Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen” is a rather difficult game, so there’s nothing to worry about when you use the hints periodically. But you can do without them, and then the taste of victory will be much sweeter. In any case, you should definitely take up the passage - “Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Missing Queen” is a very exciting project that will delight you for quite some time.

Management and start

the passage of Nancy Drew the tomb of the missing Queen

So, the first thing you need to pay attention to is that in this game immediately, from the first minutes, the passage begins. "Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen" does not contain training, like most other projects in this series, so you immediately find yourself in the thick of action. That is why this article will provide a brief overview of everything you need to know before you can successfully manage Nancy.

The most important thing in this game is the cursor, it can take several different forms, each of which denotes something of its own. If the cursor is a hand, then you can take the item that it was pointed at. If it has taken the form of an illuminated magnifier, you can inspect a specific item. It can also look like an arrow or a cloud - in the first case, you can go to another location to continue the adventure, and in the second - talk to the character to learn important information from him. The inventory panel is located at the bottom of the screen - on the left side you will find Nancy's mobile phone, through which she can make calls, and on the right - her notebook, where all current and completed tasks are displayed.

So, the game begins in the vicinity of Cairo, where excavations are being conducted, and you find yourself right in the central tent with the members of the expedition. Here you have to talk with several people, after which you will need to play a rather strange game, in which you are required to move as many of your chips as possible to the finish line faster than the opponent. After that, inspect the tent, collect items that can be collected, read notes, books, and so on, and also write numbers in the phone book (this happens automatically when you look at the number). It is from this moment that a serious passage begins. “Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen” is a game in which absolutely all details will be important, so always carefully inspect locations, read notes and listen to other characters before moving on.

In the research tent and at the tents

walkthrough nancy drew tomb of the missing queen

Passage of the game "Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Missing Queen" prepares for you a large number of surprises and complex puzzles, so you do not have to relax and enjoy the tranquility - your brain will work without interruption. So, leave the central tent and go into the next one - there you have to collect a few more items and study the notes, after which you need to put the puzzle - a broken ancient amulet in the shape of a cat. One piece is not enough, so you need to pick up also the plan of the tunnels where this amulet was found. After that, leave the tent and look around. Pay attention to the water tank - here you can quench your thirst, but the most important thing is that from here you can move in different directions. At the moment, you are specifically interested in excavations, namely, the entrance to the found tomb. Passing the game "Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Missing Queen" will bring you a lot of pleasure, because here the mysterious and mysterious atmosphere reigns all the time - how could it be otherwise if you have to spend time in the ancient tomb?

Tomb and return to the camp

What further will offer gamers the passage? “Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen” in Russian is more than well framed, but it is still recommended to play in the original, if possible, as some puzzles will have a verbal cover. However, as it was said earlier, the translation of the game is performed at its best, so you can not worry about it if you do not know English.

the passage of Nancy Drew the tomb of the missing Queen in Russian

So, once in the tomb, you get acquainted with the archaeologist who works here - you need to talk with him on all possible topics in order to get all the information available. After that, examine the tomb, and then in the place where the medallion’s find is indicated on the plans, carry out a clearing - this will allow you to detect the missing element. Then finish all the necessary things and return to the tent to add the missing element to the medallion and take it with you ready-made. After that, you have to call all those who are already in your phone book. As soon as you finish this, you will have to return to the tomb - this requires passage.

“Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen” in Russian turned out to be no worse than the English version, and at this stage of the game it becomes clear - at least from the episode where Nancy translates the hieroglyphs found in the tomb.

Return to the Tomb

Nancy Drew Tomb of the Lost Queen

In the game "Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen" the passage can no longer seem fascinating, but then everything will only get better. So, you returned and with a more detailed examination of the walls you were able to find a secret passage. Go there - he leads to the hall, where you can read a few more messages, translating them using a dictionary. At one point, you will come across a message in which the characters are mixed up, so you have to solve this puzzle to find out the contents of the message. After that, you can find another riddle - this time the ancient symbols are in the wrong order, and you have to play an advanced version of the tag mixed with the puzzle. After that, you will have the opportunity to open the door, which had previously been locked. After going inside, you pretty quickly need to use a flashlight to illuminate your path and look around. A short video will immediately begin, after which Nancy will be in the central tent. There you will need to talk with Lily about what happened, and then go to the researchers' tent.

The passage of the game "Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen" in Russian to the Russian-speaking fan will bring considerable pleasure, but at the same time, events are still only gaining momentum.

Explorers Tent

passing game Nancy Drew the tomb of the missing Queen in Russian

It's time to find out what else Nancy Drew: The Tomb of the Missing Queen will require from you. Birds, jackals and other animals are found here exclusively on clay boards in the form of various symbols, so you should not be afraid of the dark, but the flashlight still needs to be charged, so in the researchers' tent you will need to find a charging station and insert your flashlight there. Unfortunately, nothing works, and under the table you can see that the cable is blown.

Unfortunately, now your flashlight is useless, and you need a new light source that will help you in your adventures. Leave the tent and go to the tank from which they drank water - there will be a bottle of oil. Take it, as it will come in handy for you to make torches when you are in the tomb. Talk to Dylan, your new acquaintance, and after exhausting all the topics for conversation, go to the tomb.

The best level of difficulty at which novice gamers are recommended to complete the passage "Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Missing Queen" is a junior detective, but if this is not your first game in the series, then you can increase the difficulty.

And again the tomb

Passing Nancy Drew Tomb of the Missing Bird Queen

You have already noticed that the tomb is the place where the main passage is “Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Missing Queen” (Russian version). The junior detective, as mentioned earlier, is ideal to complete the game without any problems, but if you want serious challenges, you can safely increase the difficulty.

So, you again returned to the tomb and speak with the archaeologist who is excavating. Having exhausted all the topics, go to the place where the last time you found the missing element of the amulet in the shape of a cat - there will be an archaeologist girl with whom you can talk for a long time. After completing the conversation, hurry to the archaeologist and talk with him about your new acquaintance, as well as what she told you. Thanks to the new data you can read a lot more hieroglyphs, which gives you a significant advantage. Return to the girl, but she has already managed to disappear. However, on the spot you will find many interesting things that will help you solve puzzles. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this part of the game is literally filled with various puzzles, so you will have to try to advance further. As a result, you can find collapsed forests, which you should talk to an archaeologist about. After that, solve the puzzle on the doll with the help of newfound knowledge, but even they will not be enough to fully deal with it. Therefore, you should return to the camp to be able to continue the passage of "Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen." Lily's chest is what you need.


the passage of Nancy Drew the tomb of the missing Queen Jr.  detective

As you might have guessed, more and more questions will cause you to complete the passage of "Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Missing Queen." Where to find tracing paper? How to solve a riddle with a doll? Now one more very serious question will be added, but about it a little later. First you need to talk with Lily to find out all the necessary information - for now, you will not have access to her chest. Then you should go outside, but only in order to find out that someone made a hole in the tank, and the camp was without water. And here is the very question that was mentioned earlier - who could do this? Gather evidence, talk with those who are in the camp, and also call the head professor.

Well, you did everything you could, so you have to go back to the excavations to deal with unsolved puzzles. As you can see, the passage of "Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen" in Russian does not stand still and is developing very rapidly, more and more of you are addicted.

More mysteries

As you might have guessed, returning to the tomb will bring you only more mysteries that you will need to solve in order to successfully complete the passage of "Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen." The senior detective is the increased complexity of the game, in which, for example, in puzzles for a while you are given much less seconds to complete. So in reality, this level is of serious importance only on game segments, such as this one, where it is full of various puzzles. So, you deal with them, constantly learning more and more about the tomb in which you are. Then you need to discuss your findings with the chief archaeologist and go to that very secret passage, which you still could not fully explore. Do this, and then return to the archaeologist - he will communicate with Lily. Listen to their conversation, and then calmly leave the excavation to meet with Dylan. Talk to him, after which you will have the opportunity to examine the contents of his bag - perhaps he is not the one he claims to be.

More and more interesting is the passage, “Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Lost Queen” (Russian version) is a detective masterpiece that will appeal not only to children.

Who broke the tank?

While there is nobody in the central tent, you can study everything that was previously inaccessible to you. At least you might think so - in fact your possibilities will be greatly limited. The fact is that both Lily’s chest and the archaeologist’s chest are locked with locks that you cannot open, so you should not even spend your time on this. Go back to the tomb, where you have to talk with the chief archaeologist - find out from him what Lily caused his anger. Then go to the archaeologist girl you met and chat with her by sending her to another place in the end. What for? Well, since you were not able to open the chests in the tent, then you can at least see what is in her bag. Of course, it is also closed, but at the same time, if you were careful, you can open the lock. Inside you will find a lot of interesting things, and most importantly - a model of the plane, from which a piece was broken off, with which a water tank was broken.

Well, it's time for you to put everything in place and pretend that everything was so, and then return to the tents. It becomes more and more twisted in the game "Nancy Drew: Tomb of the Missing Queen" walkthrough. The stones that you found in the tomb will still be useful to you in the future.

The code

After that, you can chat with Dylan, who will give you the second half of the code - the first you found in the bag of a girl archaeologist. Now this code will allow you to read what is written in the diary of this girl and find out what is still happening at the excavations. Even with the two halves of the code it will be quite difficult to figure out what is written in the diary, so you need to take this task very seriously. When you finish it, you need to return to the central tent and talk with Lily, who is still very upset by how the chief archaeologist behaved with her. To reassure her, agree to help her with amulets that need to be sorted. They are located in a research tent, so you should go there.


So, you need to sort the amulets in the desired sequence, and for this you can use a special book, but only there the amulets are indicated by strange symbols that are not so easy to understand. But if you collected all the necessary information, then you are unlikely to have problems with this. When you are done, it will become clear that one of the amulets is missing. In search of it, you will find a cut in the tent - go around it and unearth the place where the cut was made. There you will find very interesting notes - it turns out that there is a possibility that the camp is carrying out illegal trade in antiquities, and you need to understand who arranged all this. To do this, go to the tomb and talk first with the chief archaeologist, and then with a girl who is suspected of destroying water supplies. Then, of course, you will need to solve some more complex puzzles in order to be one step away from completing the game.

The final

Well, it's time for the final part of the game, where you can find out who is still a villain who illegally sells antiquities found in excavations. Naturally, all this will be accompanied by the next ten different puzzles, during the passage of which you will learn a lot. For example, you will have the opportunity to look into the bag of a girl archaeologist again, but now you will find out that there is a second bottom. There you will find a newspaper in which there is a note by a girl stating that the chief archaeologist is a villain.As a result, you have to play with the villain the game not for life, but for death - whoever wins in it, manages to jump out of the tomb before it hits the head of the rest inside. However, it will not be said who actually is the villain - so as not to spoil gamers the impressions of the game and the impressive and rather unexpected ending.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19678/

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