The device for measuring the octane number of gasoline "Octis-2": reviews, instructions, principle of operation

Analyzers of the quality of petroleum products are considered octanometers. All devices meet the modern possibilities of science (for example, progress in the field of fuel analysis). If there is a suspicion that the oil product is diluted with water, kerosene or does not match the declared brand, in just a few seconds this can be confirmed or disproved.

Refueling gun

Such devices measure:

  • octane number of gasoline;
  • cetane number of diesel fuel, as well as its type and temperature;
  • dielectric constant;
  • some other parameters, depending on the modification of the device.

Among experienced drivers, there are other methods of checking fuel: adding potassium permanganate to detect water, testing with testing for sediment with a sheet of paper, etc. But it is much more convenient to use a ready-made and compact device.

Application area

The use of this device is advisable in any field where the measurement of gasoline parameters is required, for example, at customs, environmental stations, and regulatory authorities.

To save time on laboratory tests, it is also recommended to use "Octis-2". Feedback on this analyzer confirms its performance.

The use of an octanometer excludes the possibility of subjective product evaluation. The device measures the parameters of various types of gasoline equally well: with additives, leaded and unleaded.

Flow Octane Measurement

The design of the octanometer is reliable, and therefore the interference arising in the adjacent area does not affect the measurement result. You can configure the device to measure the parameters of non-standard types of fuel (gas condensate and straight-run gasoline). Also, "Octis-2" works equally well at low temperatures.

Preparation for work and safety measures

"Octis-2" is made in the form of a single device with three main nodes. The device consists of:

  • compartment with electrical part and transition compartment with o-rings;
  • in compartment No. 2, a measuring tube with a sensitive element is fixed;
  • in compartment No. 1 there is an electronic part and a digital display with batteries.

All nodes are enclosed in a petrol-resistant housing.

The principle of operation of "Octis-2" is as follows: the fuel passes through the tube into compartment No. 2 and enters the sensing element. Next is the measurement of the octane number of gasoline.

In preparation for work should:

  • remove the cover;
  • insert batteries, observing the polarity;
  • Replace the cover and secure it;
  • turn on the device by pressing the button.

Important! After prolonged storage (more than 1 month), the sensitive element should be checked. If contaminants (oils, gasoline deposits, etc.) are detected, it is washed and dried, and in some cases replaced with a new one.

Octis 2 Octane Measurement Kit

It is very important to observe safety measures when using "Octis-2". User reviews report that various parameters can affect the end result.

  • the device may only be used in open areas or in well-ventilated rooms;
  • it is impossible to take measurements in a room where there is a concentration of gasoline vapors;
  • it is forbidden to simultaneously use any external sources of electric current during the contact of the octanometer with gasoline;
  • it is not allowed to take measurements near an open flame;
  • Do not use solvents to flush the appliance.

Functional features of the device and use cases

The functional features of the Octis-2 octanometer are:

  • efficiency and accuracy of fuel measurement AI-80, 92, 95, 98;
  • compactness;
  • several ways to use;
  • the ability to calibrate for a specific area;
  • process automation;
  • ease of use.

The device can be used in two ways: by immersion and flow. In the first case, you should:

  1. Pour fuel into a container with a volume of 80 ml or more.
  2. Turn on the device.
  3. Submerge it in fuel.
  4. Rate the result.

When using the second method, you should insert a filling gun into the tank, turn on the device, pass 5 to 10 liters of gasoline through it and evaluate the result.


The device has certain technical characteristics:

  • octane number determination range: from 75 to 99.9;
  • operating time: up to 15 seconds;
  • battery: AA; voltage - 3 V;
  • current consumption - no more than 80 mA;
  • operating temperature range: from 5 to 40 Β° C, humidity - from 30 to 80%;
  • weight - no more than 0.36 kg;
  • the required minimum of gasoline for flow measurement is from 5 to 10 liters, in immersion mode - from 80 ml.
Instrument delivery set

Package Includes:

  • device;
  • instruction;
  • set of spare gaskets;
  • case.

In general, the technical specifications are not bad, as evidenced by the reviews. "Octis-2", which is developed and certified on the territory of the Russian Federation, has become a good analogue of foreign devices.

When is the greatest need for a tester?

Octanometer "Octis-2" is necessary in cases when:

  • it is required to check the quality of new gasoline;
  • car engine is very "sensitive" to low-quality fuel;
  • Planned trips to unfamiliar regions where there are no familiar gas stations.

The device is designed to protect the car from low-quality fuel. For a complete analysis of quality and composition, the octanometer is used only in combination with other instruments (for example, for measuring sulfur content, kinetic density, etc.).

Instructions for use

Despite the fact that the use of the device is not difficult, you should still read the instructions. "Octis-2" can be used for operational control of gasoline - flow method and immersion method. When using the first method, you should:

  • install a gas station gun in the second compartment of the device, and a measuring tube in the neck of the gas tank;
  • turn on the octanometer and ensure an even flow of fuel;
  • wait until the creeping line on the device changes to numbers (in this case, the first reading is not accurate, and the second and each subsequent one are taken into account);
  • It is allowed to remove the device only after a complete stop of the fuel flow.
Octanometer Octis 2

Important! Present air bubbles can somewhat affect the result.

When using the dive mode, the measurement order does not change. It should be remembered that the first result is also not taken into account.

If the device emits an intermittent sound signal - it should be turned off.

Deficiencies in octanometer testing

Despite the usefulness of the invention, there are still some drawbacks:

  • the impossibility of identifying undeclared gasoline;
  • the influence of external factors on the final result.

Since the comparison is made with the reference model, which is recorded in the memory of the device, it is impossible to determine the quality of a new brand of gasoline. The result may also be affected by the ambient temperature.

The most optimal in the ratio of "price-quality" is the domestic device "Octis-2". Its price is about 4000 rubles.

User reviews

Drivers who are not indifferent to the fate of a personal car decided to check the fuel at several gas stations with the Octis-2 device. Its price was 3550 rubles. Users note that on a calibrated device, the error on the 92nd gasoline turned out to be about 2%, and on the 95th - only 1%. With gasoline of the 80th grade, the device produced a value of 93.9 units of octane.

"Octis-2" - a divorce? This question was asked by more than one driver. The thing is the simplicity and low cost of the analyzer. Having tested the device on 95 brand gasoline , users received mixed data - from 94 to 97 units. The fuel of the famous Lukoil gas station shows good results:

  • grade 95 - 96 units;
  • Grade 92 - 93 units.

In general, the opinions of users about the Octis 2 device agreed on the following: you can trust it, but errors should be added to the readings. For example, if the indicator shows an octane rating of 95 gasoline 90.5 or 93.4 - then both the other fuel is considered normal. But if the difference in measurements reaches ten units, you should not refuel this gasoline.

Mobile device - gasoline analyzer

Drivers and experts also note that the readings of the device cannot serve as a claim to the gas station. This is due to the fact that they are not equated with expert measurements, and therefore the manufacturer, court, sellers do not recognize the readings of the device.

Fuel analysis in the laboratory and on the Octis-2 instrument: reviews

Since the device is not subject to mandatory certification, users have doubts about the accuracy of its readings.

checking the device in the tank

The following are comparisons of laboratory readings and an octanometer.

Test Gas Samples

Density at 20 Β° C

Laboratory values

Indications "Octis-2"

Accuracy "Octis-2"

Premium - 95

No. 1





Number 2





No. 3





The device was calibrated according to average readings, and gave good results. Therefore, there is no reason to claim that Octis-2 is a divorce.


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