How to feed a castrated cat?

Depriving a pet of reproductive function, it is necessary to radically revise its content and diet. The fact is that castrated cats differ significantly from their counterparts who have not undergone this execution and, accordingly, certain rules for caring for them should be adhered to. Since along with the loss of interest in the representatives of the “beautiful half” ... cats, your ward has an unprecedented interest in food, and in excessive quantities. Do not forget the immutable rule and strictly adhere to it: adult cats should be fed no more than twice a day, kittens - three times. How to feed a castrated cat so that it remains cheerful, healthy and well-groomed in appearance?

As a result of the operation, the cat becomes more susceptible to the likelihood of urolithiasis, characterized by the formation of stones (stones) in the urinary tract and kidneys. The genitourinary system of cats is designed so that the stones are very difficult to remove from the body, due to the fact that the urethra has an S-shaped bend. Thus, the calculi formed in the bladder of a cat who underwent a castration operation are almost impossible to excrete because of the significant narrowing of the urethra after a surgical intervention.

There is nothing to do, it’s necessary to take the question with all responsibility: “How to feed a castrated cat?” and strictly adhere to the permissible so as not to harm the pet.

To prevent urolithiasis, it is necessary to feed the cat who underwent surgery with products with a minimum content of magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, because it is these minerals that contribute to the formation of the most common stones - tripelfosphates. Due to the fact that fish is precisely the main supplier of these trace elements, it is excluded from the cat's diet in the first place. In this case, an excellent alternative is the purchase of specially balanced feeds for castrated cats, which, as a rule, include components that help prevent stone formation, acidifying urine.

Feeding castrated cats implies their consumption of water in sufficient quantities. This is especially true for animals fed dry food, in this case the cat should drink three times more water in relation to the amount of food eaten by him. If the cat drinks very little water, there are two options: either completely switch to natural nutrition, or pre-soak dry food. These measures prevent the accumulation of calculi in the bladder of a castrated animal, which is less likely to urinate due to low water intake.

You have to decide whether to feed a castrated cat: natural products (combination with canned food is allowed) or industrial feed (canned and dry).

Natural nutrition includes the following foods in your pet's diet: meat (poultry, beef), offal (liver, chicken stomachs, lung, heart), vegetables and cereals (cabbage, carrots, etc.). The presence of a cat and sour-milk products - cottage cheese and kefir is mandatory in the diet.

If answering the question: "How to feed a castrated cat?" you prefer dry foods - choose the food of one brand and stick to feeding your furry pet exclusively to them. When choosing food for your pet, remember - its composition is important, and not the general, even the most eloquent, description. And although there is a huge amount of feed specially produced for castrates, differences in their composition, in comparison with similar feeds for non-castrates, are not fundamental.

Choose food for neutered cats Superpremium or Premium class, after consulting with your veterinarian. When supplementing dry feeding with canned food, stick to one brand. With natural nutrition, the choice of brand of canned food is not so important.

Choose feeds of well-established brands: Jams, Royal Canin, Hills, Acana - remember - you should not save on the health of your beloved cat.


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