Seed cyclamen: not as hard as it seems

Cyclamen is a plant that blooms in the coldest time of the year - in winter. It pleases the eye with its flowering, and many want to grow it at home. However, not everyone knows how to do it right. Persian cyclamen from seeds is the brightest and most beautiful species of this plant, which is best chosen for growing at home. It does not require additional lighting, you only need a cool window sill and regular watering. The plant loves light, but this does not prevent it from growing on those sides where the access of light is limited.

It is a little more difficult to grow cyclamen from seeds than to buy a finished plant (but when buying a finished seedling you will need to follow special adaptation conditions). In general, cultivation requires a little patience and work. Experienced gardeners or specialized literature can learn more about how to grow cyclamen from seeds . Our task is to describe the basic requirements for planting cyclamen and the features of caring for it.

Remember that cyclamen from seeds is initially unpretentious, it easily adapts to the living conditions that you provide it, unlike those plants that you can buy in the store. If cyclamen is acquired by you, but not grown, the chances that it adapts to your living conditions are estimated at 50:50.

Cyclamen from seeds has a specific planting and cultivation technology. Only if all the rules are observed can it be achieved that the plants will take over and grow healthy. So, the seeds must be soaked in warm water for 24 hours before planting. After you have planted the seeds, for better growth it is necessary to place them in a cool place. Many also recommend restricting the flow of light to this place, but this condition is not necessary. It is much more important to observe the temperature regime. So, if the air temperature ranges from +10 to +21, the seeds will give the first seedlings in about a month. If the temperature rises, then they will germinate in two months, or even more. On average, the appearance of the first seedlings ranges from a month to three.

It is also necessary to carefully monitor that the plants receive a sufficient amount of moisture, to prevent drying out of the soil. But you can not fill them. When the seeds germinate, place the containers with them in a bright place.

The first two to three months you may not notice the active growth of the plant. After the appearance of the first leaf, the root system and tuber begin to actively form. At this time, it is important to prevent the soil from drying out. In general, the first year of life of cyclamen from seeds requires a sufficient amount of moisture. Plants develop well when the air temperature reaches +5 degrees and above.

As soon as you notice that two or three leaflets have appeared on each cyclamen, you need to transplant them into separate boxes, where they will grow in the future. The average diameter of the pot should be approximately 8 cm. When replanting, do not forget that the tubers of the plant should not be completely immersed in the soil. This must be observed so that the growth point does not decay.

After transplanting, seedlings begin to grow actively. The hardest part is left behind. The first six months, cyclamen does not need to be fed, then for this purpose a weak solution of mineral fertilizers suitable for flowering plants is suitable. But, in principle, there is no special need for its use.

As a rule, the first flowering of cyclamen occurs when the plant reaches a year old.

After a year, stronger plants need a moderate amount of water: they need to be watered about once every two to three days with a small amount of liquid. It is advisable to use watering through a pallet to avoid overflow.


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