Interesting facts about origami. Scheme "paper boat"

Origami - paper figures obtained using the folding technique. The history of this art goes back to the time of the invention of paper in ancient China. For many centuries, the Chinese kept the secret of its manufacture, and only in the 7th century did one monk, once in Japan, reveal a secret. It was in Japanese monasteries that the paper folding technique was called origami (the official term appeared in 1880).

paper boat diagram

With the development of the paper industry, more and more people began to get involved in this art. Now paper figures adorned not only the walls of the temple, but also ordinary houses. It was considered a special manifestation of attention to send a beloved lady a letter decorated with origami. A paper boat, flower, or airplane decorated the tables during the feast.

Origami distribution around the world

The middle of the 20th century was marked by the publication of the universal "Origami Alphabet." This allowed art to enter the masses, breaking the language barrier. In the book were placed accessible to a wide circle of readers diagrams, symbols and drawings explaining the process of making figures.

Today, origami is an entertaining activity for both the smallest and adult people. Children make their first paper crafts in the kindergarten, for example, a paper boat. Step-by-step instructions will help to demonstrate to a child all the stages of origami creation. For the kid, this is real magic when interesting voluminous figures are obtained from a regular sheet.

Origami develops fine motor skills of hands, spatial thinking, logic, the creative principle of man.

Types of Origami

Origami is simple and modular. Simple is suitable for children or beginner needlewomen. The craft is created quickly enough, and you can immediately see the result of your work. The result is a crane, airplane, and other wonderful things that require one sheet and outline to create. A boat made of paper is a favorite craft of active children who arrange real races in spring streams with their help.

Modular origami is a three-dimensional figure, assembled from several specially folded pieces of paper (modules). Similar crafts are very common lately. And no wonder, because in this way they get real masterpieces that can not only decorate your room, but also make them a great gift.

Essential paper craft accessories

A boat, airplane and other simple origami are made without glue. It is preferable to create even more complex designs of modular origami using only paper. It can be any, but dense enough to bend well. Sometimes scissors may be needed. On the Internet there are many workshops on creating such crafts. The figure shows the simplest diagram - a paper boat.

origami paper boat

Folding Boat Walkthrough

The “paper boat” scheme is one of the first origami that children quickly master. To make it, you will need an A4 sheet .

origami boat made of paper diagram


  1. Fold the sheet in half as shown. In this case, the bent edge should be on top.

    paper boat step by step instructions

  2. Mentally divide the resulting rectangle in half with a vertical line. Fold the top corners along this line.

    paper boat step by step instructions

  3. Fold the bottom of the remaining strips of paper from different sides and bend the corners.

    craft paper

  4. Expand the triangle as shown in the figure to make a rhombus.

    paper boat diagram

  5. Wrap the bottom corners to the top. The result is a triangle.

    paper boat diagram

  6. Carefully unfold the figure as indicated in the diagram.

    paper boat diagram

  7. Origami paper boat ready. It can be launched to swim in the bath or in the nearest puddle on the street.


A kind of modular origami technique in which the parts are not just connected, but stitched or glued together to form spherical shapes. The result is amazing compositions, having seen which it is hard to believe that they are made of paper. Traditionally, these balls kept aromatic mixtures, dry petals. Today they have become the subject of decor, this is an original gift.

Kusudama flowers can be made even by a beginner. To do this, stock up on a large number of square pieces of paper (suitable sheets for notes) and glue. As in the case of the classic modular origami, you should be patient, but the result will exceed all expectations.

Interesting Facts

The largest is considered to be the origami paper boat, a diagram of which was created by Moscow masters at the exhibition of the office. It supports the weight of several people. Its dimensions are 3 by 1.5 m.

The smallest origami is a 2 mm high crane. He became the most common paper figure thanks to the famous story of the girl Sadako Sasaki, who survived the atomic explosion in Hiroshima. She, being at a fairly close distance from the bomb, did not receive any bruises or scratches. But after a while she got sick with blood cancer. The girl believed that if she managed to make 1000 cranes out of paper, then her cherished desire - to recover - would come true, the disease would recede. But the girl died. According to one version, she made only 644 cranes, and the friends who completed the rest completed her after her death. Since then, films and anime have been shot, books and music on this subject have been written. In memory of Sadako and the terrible bomb, a monument was built in Japan and the United States in the form of a girl with a crane in her hands.

Origami is a great hobby and a way of self-expression for those who love hard work and appreciate the beautiful. The “paper boat” scheme presented in the article is a classic. But do not stop at such simple figures. Having mastered modular origami, you take a completely new look at all the paper around you.


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