Fallout 4: best armor and clothing

Many things in Fallout 4 become simple and understandable only after long hours of passing, so we have prepared a small guide that will help you deal with important details. Specifically, today we will talk about armor and protective suits for the protagonist.

Fallout 4 best armor

Outfit in the world of Fallout 4

When traveling through the dangerous Boston Wastelands, even the most experienced explorer needs decent gear. The eternal question of where the best armor in Fallout 4 worries every player, regardless of level of pumping. Costumes that are able to add additional Charisma, Stamina and other attributes should not be overlooked. Thanks to such useful equipment, you can open additional dialogs during conversations with other characters.

In addition to the best armor in Fallout 4, you can also get other things to protect the protagonist, for example, helmets, glasses and gas masks, which provide additional armor to some damage.

This guide will help you get information about the best armor and how to get it. All the equipment in the article is not presented in any particular order.

Power Armor T-51

best power armor in fallout 4

Full equipment is located near the location of the "Old North Church". We are looking for a barge, deal with the terminal and pick up the entire set.

It is one of the best power armor in Fallout 4. Only those players who manage to reach level fifteen can wear it. Choosing the T-51 power armor is most suitable for completing basic quests until we meet with the Brotherhood of Steel and get their gear.

Power Armor T-60

Several times superior in characteristics to the T-51. The set is located at the Brotherhood of Steel and Atomic Cats - two factions operating in the Wasteland. To meet them it is enough to follow the passage of the main quest. You can start the path of joining the Brotherhood after their airship arrives, after which the Fire Support quest will be added to the list of active tasks. A bonus to the T-60 power armor will be an additional unique coloring, which the player receives as a reward for joining the Brotherhood.

It is worth saying that joining this fraction is not necessary. We can try to get the armor in several more ways: steal it or contact Proctor Tegan with a proposal to trade.

the best armor in fallout 4
Atomic Cats have their own set with a unique color, which is sold in the Hangar near Raudi.

Power Armor X-01

Responsible for the development of this set is the surviving army of the United States of America. This power armor is the best in Fallout 4, so its lucky owners feel comfortable during almost any battle. The material used is quite light, but at the same time heavy-duty alloy, the joints are strengthened with ceramic inserts.

Power armor X-01 is rare enough, which is why more and more players want to get it for their use. In order to find it, you need to pump your character to the twenty-eighth level. If this is not done, then the armor simply will not appear in those places where it should be, and instead the player will find only the T-60 version.

The first such location, which is worth a glimpse after reaching the required level, was the Abandoned Shack. We go to the basement, from where we go down to the lowest level and look under the stairs - this is where the treasured set lies. It is important to note that this option does not have a right arm and left leg.

Fallout 4 where the best armor

In another location, in the Customs Tower, a little to the west of the mark is a building with the sign 35 Court. We rise to the roof and find the next set of armor X-01 of the third type. That's just to get it, we will have to bypass the security. We do the following: we get into the room with robots and press the two buttons that should open the cabinet. Interestingly, before this set of armor was a little buggy - it had the appearance of a T-60, which led the players to bewilderment.

We move on to the third location, where you can find the full X-01. This time we go to the Military Checkpoint in the direction of South Boston. On one of the streets there is a terminal with a fairly high level of complexity - this is what we have to crack.

And, finally, we are moving towards the Training Ground of the National Guard - the fourth and last location. We find the hopper, then go inside and find the power frame with an incomplete set of X-01. The composition usually varies, but almost always there is a chance to get a complete set for the whole body. As for the helmet and limbs, here is how lucky.

Fallout 4 which armor is better

Where can I find good armor in Fallout 4 if I left it unattended?

This advice will be useful to those players who are not used to carrying the same exoskeleton with them everywhere. In the new part, you can no longer hide your power armor in any cabinet to return to it later. So what if the recharging of the suit is at zero or we just wanted to leave our bulky exoskeleton aside and walk through the Wasteland without it? In this case, you can simply drop it wherever you want - the location of the kit is always displayed on the game mini-map, which greatly facilitates the search.

Repair Power Armor

Frequent use of the exoskeleton leads to wear and tear, which is different from how simple equipment works. In this case, it is necessary to resort to timely repair, which is carried out at special stations - they look like yellow vertical frames, somewhat reminiscent of a part of a loader from the movie "Aliens".

To start the repair, it is enough to exit the power armor not far from such a structure and go to the improvement menu by clicking on the cloud that appears. The only condition for a successful repair is a sufficient amount of steel, so do not forget to stock up on the necessary material.

Fallout 4 the best armor not power

Underwater Suit at Far Harbor and Marine Wetsuit

This kit may not be the best non-power armor in Fallout 4, however, having it in your wardrobe is still useful. Both sets are additional content from the released DLC.

Getting to the underwater costume at Far Harbor is pretty tricky. To do this, you need to complete several tasks, but do not worry about the fact that the final prize will not justify the effort - the kit removes the need to use sea perks. Such an underwater suit can automatically protect the character from the effects of radioactive substances and provide him with an unlimited oxygen supply.

There are several ways to get a marine wetsuit in the game. One of them is to go to the base of the Children of Atom and purchase the necessary kit in the shop of the merchant Kane. Another way is to get a wetsuit for free, which becomes available after completing all the hacks in the main story quest.

After we do this, we go to the coast of the island and away from it, under water, we find a trace from the cargo container. To avoid the consequences of radioactive particles, we recommend pumping the character with special means. By the way, in the same place you can get hold of a Tactical helmet and several elements of additional armor.

where to find good armor in fallout 4

Marine Kit

Another type of armor from the add-on that is not power. In total, it is presented in three basic forms and in one legendary. All sets are sold by various merchants, so instead of a long search, you can simply spend your savings. Several parts are located with a marine wetsuit hidden in a cargo container, which we talked about a little higher.

Base armor is divided into: Zealot, Stormtrooper, and Inquisitor. All sets differ from each other in various modifications, so the answer to the question of which armor in Fallout 4 is better depends only on the preferences of the players themselves.

If you do not want to spend money, then there is a chance to get a Marine kit absolutely free. To do this, continue the storyline of the Far Harbor quest and crack DiMA memories. We get the necessary quest with the three locations indicated in it and go in search of parts of the armor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19692/

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