Fallout 4: battle armor and its description

Fallout 4 is the currently popular role-playing game from Bethesda. The project was released in 2015 and received mixed reviews. In this article, you will learn how combat armor has changed in Fallout 4, and read some tips for using it.

What is combat armor?

In the series of role-playing games Fallout, starting with the first part, there is a special class of armor. Over time, combat (or enhanced, power) armor became a real feature of the project: it was added to posters, announcements, it was very difficult to get armor in the game.

In all games, up to the fourth part of the equipment belonged to ordinary clothing. The only thing that distinguished it from other types of armor was the increased characteristics of protection, radiation resistance, and so on. Usually in such costumes you can meet the Brotherhood of Steel fighters. It is from them that the player can get his first copy in the game.

fallout 4 battle armor

Differences of the battle armor of Fallout 4 from previous parts

In the last part, the developers decided to revise the concept of equipment. All clothes were divided into several parts: left and right arm, left and right leg, torso, head. Recall that previously equipment was divided into protection for the head and for the rest of the body (including arms, legs and torso).

In Fallout 4, combat armor got even bigger changes. Now you will fully feel the gravity and clumsiness of the protective suit. In the new part, the protagonist does not put on the details of the armor, but crawls inside the combat suit.

battle armor fallout 4


However, finding such a costume is only half the battle. Next, the system introduced for the rest of the clothes comes into play. You must find, repair damaged or craft new items of equipment - protection for the arms, legs, helmet and torso. The general condition and strength of the costume depends on the characteristics of each of the elements.

Where to find?

In Fallout 4, combat armor first appears after 20 minutes of the main plot. After you left the shelter, go immediately to the main quest. Having visited your hometown, you should go to a neighboring settlement, where you will meet a detachment of minutenmen. The leader has a plan for the implementation of which your help is needed.

It is worth mentioning here that power armor works thanks to energy blocks. Gradually, the unit’s charge is consumed, and you must insert a new one in the armor. When the equipment is completely discharged, you will not be able to jump and run fast, so carefully calculate the energy supply before long and long trips to the depths of the wasteland.

fallout 4 heavy combat armor

Minutemans send you for the power unit to the basement of the building. After taking it, you must go to the roof and insert it into the power armor. After that, tear off the minigun from the body of the crashed helicopter (in this suit you will be able to carry more weight, pick up heavy objects, damage will also be reduced when falling). Help the minutans fight off the raiders and take equipment to their parking lot in Senchuri. Closer to the middle of the game, Fallout 4 heavy combat armor will replace the usual. She has doubled indicators, but getting it is not so simple. The usual power suits can be found throughout the wasteland. Even in the most deaf and abandoned village you can be lucky, and you will find elements for equipment. In Fallout 4, combat armor is a must at levels of difficulty above average.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19705/

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