A committee is ... An investigative committee: concept, goals and functions

The investigation is organized by the Investigative Committee. This is a large structure of law enforcement bodies that is part of the executive branch. About the work of the Investigative Committee (IC RF) will be described in detail in our article.

Legal status of the RF IC

The Investigative Committee is a relatively young body. It appeared only in 2011. Prior to this, there was only a special committee, dependent on the prosecutor's office. Until 2007, the concept of an "investigative committee" did not exist at all - the prosecutor's office was engaged in all detective functions.

According to the law, the RF IC exercises a number of powers in the field of criminal proceedings. This is a large state militarized organization. Employees of the IC of the Russian Federation have the right to carry military weapons with them.

The main task of the investigating authorities is to organize a preliminary investigation in the form of an investigation. At the moment, about 35 thousand people work in the entire system of the RF IC. The system manager is Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin. His first deputy is Vasily Ivanovich Piskarev.

The principles of the RF IC

The Investigative Committee is the most important law enforcement structure, consisting of many institutions, institutes and departments. Such a large system should operate on the basis of strict principles. According to Article 5 of the Federal Law "On the Investigative Committee", the system of bodies under consideration exercises its functions on the basis of the principles of legality, humanity and publicity. The main task of the RF IC is to protect freedoms, interests and human rights of a citizen. Investigative authorities need to maintain constant relations with other federal authorities, especially with the prosecutor's office.

the committee is

A large number of principles apply to the staff of the Investigative Committee. So, workers do not have the right to combine their main activity with any other work that has a reimbursable basis. It is forbidden to be a member of the governing bodies, supervisory boards, foreign organizations and other instances provided for by Russian law.

Functions of the RF IC

What do the staff of the Investigative Committee do? The answer to this question is given by the corresponding Federal Law, which sets out in detail all the duties, powers and tasks of law enforcement officials. Moreover, everything depends on the rank of the employee, his status, as well as on the provisions of the employment contract. However, one can still single out the most general functions of the RF IC.

investigative committee

The first task of the body is to conduct pre-investigative checks on messages constantly arriving in the RF IC. Anonymous mining calls, allegations of criminal acts, case files from the prosecutor's office - all this should be carefully examined by the investigating authorities. The second important task is the implementation of the preliminary investigation. Moreover, the cases that the RF IC parses should be of a criminal nature only. Everything happens in strict accordance with the law.

The implementation of forensic support during the investigation of crimes is the third task of the organs of the IC of the Russian Federation. Evidence is being collected, witnesses are being interviewed, a dialogue is being held with the suspect, etc. Forensic activity occupies a special place here - the most important function of process control.

Thus, the employees of the Investigative Committee definitely have something to do. In addition, Russia, despite the huge police structure, is a rather criminalized state. The IC of the Russian Federation is an organ of special importance that is constantly developing.

Chairman of the RF IC

The Investigative Committee is the broadest system of organs with a complex structure. To begin the characterization of the internal structure of this system follows from the story of the chairman of the RF IC.

Federal Law on the Investigative Committee

Ever since the creation of the body itself, in 2011 Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin, lawyer and general of justice, was appointed the head of the Investigative Committee. The chairman’s functions are specified in article 13 of the Federal Law “On the Investigative Committee”. His first and main task is to organize the work of the entire system of the RF IC. In addition, the chairman has the right to change the work of the body. All changes should be progressive in nature: for example, alternates can change, system instructions and plans undergo revisions, staffing is being modernized, etc.

The Chairman of the SC has several deputies - one main and five additional. All these individuals form the highest commanding structure. Each deputy has his own specific set of powers.

Management of the RF IC

The system of investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is described in article 12 of the corresponding federal law. According to him, the following authorities are included in the RF IC system:

  • Central office. Here the chairman, his deputies and chairmen from districts sit.
  • Territorial departments of the investigation, including the military. The division occurs at the district, interregional, regional and district levels.

investigation committee function purpose concept

Thus, the federal and regional structures are included in the general system of the UK. The central administration has inspectorial, financial, personnel, military, procedural and documentary types of management.

Educational institutions that train future employees of the investigative system are also part of the structure of the RF IC. Here are some scientific institutions.

Thus, the Investigative Committee is a wide and complex system with many branches and branches. In many respects, precisely because of this, the RF IC was once separated from the prosecutor's office.

Employees of the IC of the Russian Federation

Having examined the concept, goals and functions of the Investigative Committee, we should proceed to the characterization of its employees. It is known that one can become an employee of the system in question only with a legal education.

investigative bodies of the investigative committee
Moreover, it is necessary to meet certain criteria for physical and mental health. An incompetent person with an outstanding criminal record, as well as a seriously ill citizen, cannot be accepted for service. In addition, access to the service is closed to close relatives of employees of the RF IC.

When hiring, a special test is carried out. Within six months, the employee fulfills the legal requirements of his superiors. If the result is satisfactory, the citizen will be hired. Before starting work, the employee must take the oath.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19708/

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