Winter fun for children and adults

Winter has an unusual and magical power, because on the eve of the Christmas holidays, all people expect a miracle. When the Christmas troubles subsided, the house became quiet, and the holidays ended, spending the weekend sitting locked up is still reluctant, especially when light snowflakes are spinning around the window in a dance.

On a sunny, slightly frosty and snowy morning, it is simply impossible to resort to outdoor activities. When is it still possible to frolic on the street with such unprecedented power than in winter, especially if winter pleases you with snow-white cover?

Winter fun

In order not to freeze and not get bored, going outside, be sure to come up with an activity for yourself, while the more spontaneous it is, the more joy it will bring! If you have children, a variety of winter fun will not only help cheer up your child, but also engage in its development - both physical and moral.

To begin with, determine for yourself and the child those preliminary actions and games that you will occupy yourself on the street. The most popular entertainment for people of different ages is sledding and downhill, and you can combine them. Sleds also play the role of a vehicle that will take the child to the necessary slope, of course, not without your draft power. On them you can easily, quickly and extremely fun go down from any, even the highest mountain. If the sled has not yet entered your transport arsenal - it does not matter, you can always find an analog to them. Take a piece of plywood, plastic or a special pallet for descent - and now you are already turning into a conqueror of peaks.

Winter fun for kids

Winter fun must necessarily combine the common goal and the joint work of the child and the parents - this will help to bond the family and build relationships in it. Offer your child to make a snow woman or a hare, play snowballs or just lie in a snowdrift - your delight will have no limits.

Unusual winter fun for children will help develop a child’s motor skills and creative abilities . These include the creation of multi-colored ice figures. To do this, dilute gouache in water, pour the mixture into molds, lowering the thread there, and put them in the cold. After the colored ice floes are ready, go decorate the trees with colorful figures. Such entertainment can also be offered by teachers in kindergarten to their wards.

By the way, with a large number of children, you can organize a variety of outdoor games. For example, a game in a store. The buyer and seller go to the rest of the children and choose a chicken. When a chicken is selected, it is circled on its elbows or shoved lightly, while pronouncing funny phrases. Who laughs is out of the game.

Kids winter fun

You can organize such winter fun as tic tac toe in the snow or funny and entertaining stories about what snow is and how it turns into water. The winter season can also instill in a child a love of nature and the environment. Make feeders together and hang them on trees in the yard. Believe me, a child will be very happy about every bird that flies to feast on millet.

What can we say that the winter fun of children is different from that of adults, because the kids have much more activity and mobility. Nevertheless, do not forget that going out into the street, you must protect yourself and the child from hypothermia and colds.

As for adults, no one canceled winter fun for them, though often they are already of a different nature. Snowboards and skis are a real pleasure for avid snow lovers, although even professional sports can be perfectly combined with truly children's snowball games.


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