Choosing a gift for daughter: baby doll reviews

Favorite game of many girls are mother-daughter. Kids are happy to dress up baby dolls, feed them porridge, plant them on a pot, and carry them in strollers for a walk. Especially for such games, interactive dolls were created for Baby Doll. Reviews show that they are very popular among girls aged 3-10 years. After all, these small dolls are very similar to real babies: they can drink water, eat, go to the toilet and cry with real tears.

Replaces Baby Born

For the first time, baby dolls with the functional features of an infant were launched in 1991 by the German company Zapf Creation. The Baby Born brand quickly won the love of girls from all over the world. Playing with a doll will prepare the little mistress for the birth of a younger brother or sister. Caring for her, girls learn to show care, patience. However, many parents are scared by the high price of the toy.

Girl with a doll

However, on the market you can find cheaper analogues. One of them is the Baby Doll. This toy is produced in China, in its appearance and functionality as close as possible to the original. However, the price of a plastic baby is much lower, which bribes many buyers.

Doll description

The manufacturer offers a fairly wide range of baby dolls, which in their proportions resemble real babies. They have a large head, pretty faces, mobile limbs with folds. The height of the doll is 43 centimeters. There are no gender differences, so the toy can be easily turned into a boy or girl simply by changing clothes.

The body of a baby doll is plastic. The head, arms and legs are made of soft polymer. No hair and eyelashes. The toy is completely mechanical, it does not require batteries. Therefore, the baby can safely swim with the doll Baby Doll. Parents' reviews suggest that the baby's weight is much less than the original Beby Born. But still it’s hard for a 3-5 year old girl to carry it in her arms. Therefore, strollers or adult assistance is required for walks on the street.

Small dolls are sold along with a set of clothes. The options are very different, but all the costumes are comfortable, beautiful. The seams are neat, protruding threads are not visible.


A more realistic game is made by items sold in the same kit with the Baby Doll. Reviews show that little "mothers" are happy to use them, reproducing various actions.

girl watering a doll

So, in addition to the baby doll, there are:

  • Pot.
  • Miniature diaper. He has cotton wool inside, so the accessory can be dried after use and played on. True, Velcro quickly breaks down, and mothers have to change them or buy ordinary baby diapers of the smallest size.
  • Bottle for feeding.
  • Nice spoon and plate.
  • A daytime nipple with which you can calm a capricious baby.
  • Magnetic night nipple. If you give her a doll, she will close her eyes and fall asleep.
  • Porridge made from flour and starch in bags. To prepare it, you need to dilute it with water.
  • A colorful birth certificate where you can enter the doll’s name and date of birth.

What can a toy do?

on a pot with a doll

The most modern option available on sale is the Baby Doll with 9 functions. Reviews of parents say that children are attracted by the ability of a bobblehead to walk on a pot, eat, drink, make sounds, close and open their eyes. The manufacturer claims that the toy can:

  1. Drink clean water from a bottle. For this, the doll has a special valve in its mouth. During the procedure, it is recommended to keep the toy upright.
  2. Write in the diaper.
  3. There is a special porridge with a spoon. It is recommended to feed the doll in a prone position.
  4. Go to the potty. When a baby doll drank or ate, he needed to cope with his needs. To do this, put the toy on the pot, gently press down on top with one hand, and with the other press the left leg several times. The remnants of food are removed with a soapy solution, which is poured into the mechanism after each feeding.
  5. Cry. To do this, you need to water the doll with water and press the right handle. Tears will pour from my eyes.
  6. Move your arms, legs, head with the help of your little "mom."
  7. Squeak when you press the left hand.
  8. Bathe. However, the baby is not recommended to dip under water with his head, otherwise liquid may get into the mechanism. It is better to bathe a sitting doll and then invite her to go to the potty.
  9. Close your eyes and fall asleep when a magical magnetic nipple is inserted into your mouth.

Negative reviews

mother and daughter game

Many parents wonder if their daughter should buy a Baby Doll. Reviews show that there is no single answer to this question. Consider the main problems faced by toy owners:

  • The instructions for the Baby Doll are printed in English, so you have to deal with its mechanism yourself.
  • Sometimes defective toys come across. Water from them immediately spills into the diaper when the baby is drunk from a bottle. After feeding, porridge does not always go outside; to remove it, it is necessary to wash the toy with soap and water. All this upsets the child and creates chores for parents. However, the same problems arise when buying an original.
  • Even if the mechanism works without failures, a girl under 5 years old needs the help of her parents. Alone, a small child will not be able to make the doll go to the pot or drink from the bottle.

Positive reviews

Baby Doll, however, often becomes a favorite toy for girls. They are attracted by cute babies who can be changed, bathed, laid to sleep with them. The ability to drink and feed a baby doll, make him go to the toilet amuses little hostesses. It is best to buy a toy for girls aged 5-7 who can play with it on their own.

girl puts the doll to sleep

However, some parents successfully use the toy to teach the kids the potty. Kroha willingly does his business with a handsome friend, imitating him.

If a daughter asks you for an interactive baby doll, consider buying a Baby Doll. Reviews show that the prices for it are quite acceptable, and the quality is as close as possible to the original.


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