Denisova Olga and her literary work

Her books are incredibly popular with those who love to read fantasy art works. The heroes of the books that she wrote suffer, love, fight, and, most importantly, live in a unique place in terms of geography and nature, which is called "northern Russian land." In her work, the writer Olga Denisova reflects the picturesque beauty and color of Russia with its dark forests, patriarchal churches and fortresses, “sweet” banks and “milk” rivers. Reading her works, you really find yourself in some kind of fairy-tale world where you get to know shamans, magi, werewolf bears, unusual forest creatures ... So, who is she - Denisova Olga, and what successes did she manage to achieve in the writing field? Consider this issue.

Years of childhood and youth

Denisova Olga - a native of the village of Vyritsa, which is located in the Leningrad region.

Denisova Olga

She was born into a family of engineers, and her childhood was “Soviet-style” happy. Already in school years, Olga began to show interest in literature. The girl wrote her first story at age 12. It was just that she was overwhelmed with feelings and emotions that needed to be thrown out, which young Denisova Olga, in fact, did.

Her native spaces inspire her.

And how are stories for books written by a writer? Not the last, if not to say, the main role in this process is played by the area where it was born. And she is really unique. The village of Vyrice is the “forerunner” of Vyria, which is a prototype of the Slavic pagan paradise. It is there, in the vicinity of forests and swamps, that the picturesque Oredezh River flows , the water in which, according to legend, turns into milk once a year. The color of the Russian North, its unsolved secrets and beliefs, tall pines and uncomfortable marshlands - all these are the prerequisites for creating “fairy-tale” plots that Olga Denisova composed.

Denisova Olga biography

The writer’s books are penetrated through the fantasy world, and she continues to create in this vein.

Search for yourself

Despite the fact that literary talent was discovered in her youth, she did not think about choosing writing as her profession. Denisova Olga herself, whose biography is little known, considers herself an eternal student. She studied both physics and economics, entered graduate school, tried to master such disciplines as: psychology, programming, history, philology. After studying, the girl tried just an unimaginable number of professions. She worked as a teacher, and a secretary, and a librarian, and an accountant, and a maid in a hotel, and a cook, and a plasterer, etc. One would think that her work book was written from beginning to end. But Olga Denisova, whose photo is not common, believed that a person needs to try many professions, since everything is useful in life.

New profession

And yet, at one point, she found her true calling. She was simply bored with the ordinaryness that was present in her work.

Olga Denisova photo

She wanted to become independent in work and do what she liked, and not her employer. And then Olga Denisova thought: “Why not try to make money writing books?” And she brought this idea to life, and she managed to reveal the potential of the writer’s talent. True, after some time, she realized that writing novels is not the highest paid way to make money, even when compared with the salaries of a locksmith, janitor or electrician. Naturally, there are exceptions, but, by and large, the writer's income is not the highest. Realizing this, Olga suddenly decided that she would write business plans, pushing aside the "custom" books. " But then she changed her point of view, as she really liked to compose artistic subjects. Today, Denisova Olga, whose work is beloved and in demand, is fully implemented in the chosen profession.


She called her first work “Berendey”, but, according to the writer herself, it turned out to be far from ideal. But the reader liked the debut story Denisova.

During her relatively short writing career, she has written more than a dozen books, including: “Berendey”, “For Kalinov Bridge”, “The Lone Traveler”, “Teacher”, “Roadside Grass”, “Unchangeable Ruble”, “Mother of Earth Cheese”, "Karachun", "Eternal Bell", "Black Flower", "Ties". Consider a summary of some of them.


This is a narrative that includes two storylines - bear hunting and love.

Denisova Olga books

Berendey - the so-called werewolf-bear. And there is Yegor, who works as a huntsman in a small hunting farm. Once a stranger appears on the territory - a formidable cannibal bear ...

"Mother Earth Cheese"

The book takes the reader to a small northern country controlled by peacekeepers. In one of the destroyed settlements, a car thief lives, who takes care of several young street children. The hero tries not to delve into the intricacies of his surrounding politics until he finds out that they plan to bring one unique innovation abroad ...

The Eternal Bell

This novel poses to the reader one of the global questions: “What is the responsibility of a person to the world in which he lives”? The young prince of Novgorod had a vision, after which he reports that he knows all the clues to the death of his father.

But will the interpretation of the vision of the magi confirm the correctness?

Family, hobbies and creative plans

The writer is happily married. Her husband is a certified physicist. Daughter gets higher education. Still living with her beloved grandmother.

Denisova Olga creativity

At leisure, Olga Denisova can surprise the family with some delicious, self-cooked food. She also creates Internet resources.

And, of course, the writer is not going to stop there and continues to write books. She works on several works. Firstly, we are talking about a large-scale work, to which the name has not yet been invented. Secondly, this is a science fiction novel, which in its content is a post-apocalyptic utopia. Thirdly, work is underway on a small work, “Egoriy the Brave and Klimka the Fool,” the author of which was written by Alexei Tolstoy’s poem, “Egoriy the Wolf Shepherd”.


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