Who manages federal property in the Russian Federation? Federal Agency for Federal Property Management

According to the provisions of the Russian Constitution, state property in our country is divided into federal and regional. Who manages federal property in the Russian Federation? This authority belongs to the jurisdiction of federal state structures, the activities of which will be described in detail below.

The concept of federal property

To begin with, the very concept of federal state property should be considered. This property, as well as a combination of products and means of production, which are fully or partially owned by the state. A similar right is enshrined in article 214 of the Russian Civil Code. Here is what applies to federal property:

  • defense industry and its facilities;
  • automobile roads and organizations serving them;
  • objects of national economy;
  • armed forces and military equipment;
  • natural resources and wealth of the country, objects of cultural heritage.

Municipal property includes the property of the regions. Regional property is not part of the federal property.

Federal Property Management

Who manages federal property in the Russian Federation? Work with state property belongs to the authority. Russian law establishes a whole system of institutions and authorities that are required to dispose of and own state property.

At the federal level, there are several state bodies , distributed among three power groups: legislative, judicial and executive. There are close legal ties between all bodies. Above all the authorities is the head of state - the president of the Russian Federation. It is the president who plays the main role in the management of state property. He issues orders and decrees, on the basis of which all other authorities operate.

who manages federal property in rf

The government, as the main executive authority, manages federal property through its ministries. The legislative body, the Parliament, only issues normative acts relating to the management of state property. The courts control the property, and in case of violations - they judge the perpetrators. Next, it will be about executive ministries.

Goals and objectives of the work

Why do you need to manage federal property? What are the goals and objectives when implementing the policy in question? Firstly, it is necessary to ensure high-quality free economic activity and the unity of the socio-economic space. An investment policy should be developed. It is also necessary to take measures for its implementation.

Secondly, socio-economic development must be qualitatively predicted. To do this, take into account the existing property, as well as compare it with the indicators of previous years. It is necessary to formulate a mobilization economic plan, with the help of which it would be possible to ensure the functioning of all state sectors.

Work principles

According to federal laws on property in the Russian Federation, work on the management of national property should be carried out in strict accordance with the following principles, ideas and legal principles:

  • ensuring the unity of the socio-economic space;
  • formation of an economic plan for the implementation of work in the defense industries;
  • planning activities of an investment nature with the adoption of measures for its subsequent implementation;
  • implementation of state policy in the field of international and financial-economic interaction;
  • taking measures to protect the Russian manufacturer.
    Federal Agency for Federal Property Management

So, who manages federal property in the Russian Federation? These are all government bodies, but to a greater extent - the Russian Government, which is entrusted with the main functions and primary tasks of controlling state property.

Accounts Chamber

The Accounts Chamber is a non-governmental body that monitors the efficiency of spending funds from the national budget. The Accounts Chamber is formed by order of the Federal Assembly, that is, Parliament. The State Duma of the Russian Federation, the lower parliamentary chamber, empowers the body in question and appoints its chairman. The Federation Council, the upper house of the Assembly, appoints the deputy. Head of the Accounts Chamber. In its activities, the represented body is guided by the Constitution and individual federal laws.

The powers of the Accounts Chamber include the following points:

  • execution of the federal budget;
  • control over the banking system;
  • conducting examinations and checks;
  • informing parliamentary chambers about the work being done;
  • control over extrabudgetary funds.

It should be noted separately that the Accounts Chamber is obliged to actively interact with other federal services, the property of the state for which is the main subject of activity.

Ministry of Economic Development

The federal property of the Russian Federation is managed by many government ministries. In this case, the main authority here will be the Ministry of Economic Development - the ministry, which has a large number of powers in the field of national economy. The tasks of the submitted ministry include the following:

  • forecasting production volumes and actively shaping privatization policies;
  • drawing up proposals for the formation and implementation of the economic public sector, as well as forecasting its future work;
  • active participation in the management of federal property and in the creation of a quality privatization policy;
  • work with plans for reforming and maintaining the general methodological management of enterprises and government institutions.
    federal state property

The Ministry should actively cooperate with other government authorities, as well as with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

General characteristics of the Federal Property Management Agency (Federal Agency for the Management of Federal Property)

The Federal Property Management Agency is part of the Ministry of Economic Development. It is this body that is engaged in the direct management of state property. The structure works in the field of land relations. She exercises her authority to provide public services.

are in federal ownership

The Federal Property Management Agency is called upon to manage state property, analyze privatization processes, and research marketing, scientific, technical, and sociological aspects. Based on the data received, proposals should be made to modernize existing economic mechanisms and methods.

Federal Property Management Agency is obliged to consider the problem of modernization of state joint-stock companies. Land reform programs should be developed. It is also necessary to draw up normative acts related to issues of ownership, disposal, accounting, privatization and control of federal property.

Structure of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management

The main powers in the Federal Property Management Agency are played by the Central Office. It consists of the heads and deputies of the ministry - the so-called leadership. Each leader should have assistants in the advisory group. The Central Office itself is engaged in the management of structural units.

federal property

What departments are structural divisions divided into? These are land funds, which manage and control federal land property, this is the legal department, law enforcement and financial departments, information structures, material and technical instances, etc.

Thus, the answer to the question of who manages federal property in the Russian Federation is quite simple: these are all state power bodies, of which the Central Committee of the Federal Property Management Agency plays a special role.

Competence of the Federal Property Management Agency

The federal agency under consideration has a number of regional units. All of them are formed by the Federal Property Management Agency for the convenience of managing any municipality. At the same time, the functions of both the federal instance and the territorial divisions are the same.

federal property service
Here's what to highlight here:

  • the formation, maintenance and modernization of the register of material assets that are located in specific regions;
  • organization and control of the privatization program;
  • issuing share certificates and transferring them to the Federal Property Management Agency;
  • seizure of state property transferred to operational management;
  • lease accounting;
  • granting consent to the use of objects that are under economic management;
  • the appointment and conduct of audit and inventory checks;
  • expert work on the assessment of federal property.

Thus, the Federal Property Management Agency has a huge amount of authority in relation to national property.

Federal property right

In order to understand what constitutes the right to federal property, one should turn to article 214 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It is in this norm of the law that it is reported that the federal property is land, natural resources, as well as certain types of property located in the regions of the Russian Federation. We are talking about the territories, autonomous okrugs and regions, republics and cities of federal significance.

federal property law in rf

Property that is in state ownership is assigned to state institutions and enterprises in the possession, disposal and use. Funds from federal property make up the state treasury of Russia.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19722/

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