Cat urinary incontinence: causes, symptoms, prescribed treatment, recovery period and veterinarian advice

Cat urinary incontinence is sometimes perceived by owners as banal hooliganism. However, most often - this is a sign of serious violations in the health of the pet. To fully resolve the problem, it is necessary to find out its causes, and for this the animal should be shown to the veterinarian. If you ignore such a pathology, then it can begin to progress, which will lead to persistent damage to internal organs and even the death of a pet. The problem can be completely eliminated only if rehabilitation therapy was started on time.

Diagnosis of urinary incontinence in a cat

Kind of disease

Cat urinary incontinence can occur in different ways. Depending on the characteristic features, the following forms of the disease are distinguished.

  • Digging up. In this case, urine is excreted in small drops and rarely enough. Most often, the phenomenon is recorded during physical exertion of the animal. Due to the fact that digging is small, the pet’s health does not suffer much. However, even if the amount of liquid released is small but frequent, urgent measures must be taken.
  • Involuntary leakage of urine. The phenomenon is recorded during any movement of the pet: turning over, jumping and even walking. It is characterized by a constant wet back of the animal. The litter does not have time to dry out and exudes an unpleasant odor. At the same time, the cat also notices its problem and tries to hide in a secluded place. Pathology requires medical intervention.
  • Stress leakage. With severe stress or fear, the cat may empty its bladder. If the situation is one-time, then perhaps treatment will not be required. With constant psychological stress, sedative drugs will be required.
  • Urgent form. In this case, the cat simply does not feel the urge. Urination occurs due to overflow of the bladder, while the animal is scared of this phenomenon. Comprehensive treatment is needed.

Depending on the causes of the pathology, the veterinarian prescribes a set of procedures. In neutered individuals, therapy is somewhat more complicated.

How to treat an old cat for urinary incontinence

Cat Incontinence: Causes

In order for the treatment to bring results, the doctor must determine the cause of the pathology. It often happens that it serves only as a symptom of another disease. In this case, it is necessary to cure the pet from the main ailment.

But it’s almost impossible to determine for yourself what could have caused cat incontinence. Causes and treatment should be determined by a specialist. The main factors that cause pathology can be the following:

  • Infectious diseases of the genitourinary sphere.
  • Congenital pathology, which is aggravated by the growth and maturation of a kitten. Sometimes it is difficult to notice a problem immediately after birth, because the cat strictly follows the order in its lair.
  • Urolithiasis disease. Present foreign elements constantly irritate the ureters and sphincter, which causes pathology.
  • Failure in the metabolism. As a result, a cat has obesity or diabetes, which often leads to unwanted discharge.
  • Constant birth. If the cat gives birth too often, then her urogenital system does not have time to recover. The natural work of the bladder is disrupted and, as a result, incontinence develops.
  • Elderly age. With the age of the cat, its internal organs begin to function incorrectly. Muscles weaken and possibly involuntary leakage. Most often, the problem is chronic due to the inability of the sphincter to retain urine.
  • Bladder injuries. In this case, the fluid leaks constantly.
  • Tumors in the genitourinary sphere and paralysis of the lower extremities.

Cat urinary incontinence can be of a different nature, but in any case, the disease requires the attention of a specialist.

On examination by a veterinarian

Establishing diagnosis

In order to correctly prescribe treatment, the veterinarian must make a diagnosis. For this, urine will be taken for analysis. It is important to follow the collection rules so that no stool enters the liquid. Otherwise, the results of the indicators will change.

Sometimes the veterinarian carries out additional tests: ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, blood test and others. Cat urinary incontinence may require a variety of medications and physiotherapy, but sometimes it goes away on its own.

You can not start the pathology. The sooner you start treatment, the more chances there are to achieve a full recovery. Veterinarians emphasize that if you take time, then the cost of treatment increases and the likelihood of a positive outcome decreases. For a kitten, urinary incontinence is a particularly worrisome symptom. In this case, it is important to show it to a specialist as soon as possible.

What to do when a problem is detected

The cat has urinary incontinence, what should I do? First of all, the pet must be shown to the doctor. The specialist will take all the necessary tests, conduct an external examination and ask the owner about the cat’s behavior and lifestyle. Based on the collected history, a cat urinary incontinence diagnosis can be made. Treatment will depend on the reasons that caused it.

Causes of Urinary Incontinence

Antibiotic use

If bacteria were detected during the analysis of leaking fluid, then antibacterial therapy will be required to eliminate them. Preparations (Amoxisan, Vetalgin, Oflosan, Tsiprovet) are selected from the variety of microorganisms, the general condition of the cat, its age and associated diseases. Most often, the veterinarian prescribes intramuscular injections, however, tablets may also be recommended.

The use of reducing drugs

If a cat is diagnosed with metabolic disorders, then it is likely that concomitant diseases will be found. In this case, the treatment will be aimed at eliminating the underlying problem. The veterinarian will recommend medications to improve metabolism and metabolism (Katozal, Baksin). Often, in this case, the cat is obese. She is prescribed a diet and after treatment, the problem disappears.

Complex therapy

If the disease was caused by disorders of the nervous system, then a comprehensive solution to the problem will be required. The veterinarian finds out the reasons that became the culprits of malfunctions in the spinal cord and brain. Based on the data obtained, therapy is carried out.

Sometimes the treatment does not bring the desired results. This situation is possible if the breeder seeks help from a doctor too late or the pet is too old.

Cat Incontinence Treatment

Special cases

In injuries of the lower spine often incontinence of urine and feces in the cat. In this case, the animal is not only unable to control the discharge, but also to move on its hind legs. Malignant tumors of the genitourinary system and intestines can lead to a similar problem.

In this situation, the veterinarian can prescribe both medical and surgical treatment. Medicines will be aimed at eliminating malignant neoplasms and stimulating the work of the lower extremities. The operation will be required if it is necessary to remove the tumor or restore the function of the spines and hind legs.

Cat incontinence after an injury, if minor, often goes away on its own. It is important to ensure peace and not scold the pet for small "troubles". It will be recommended to the breeder to cover the places where the animal is with diapers and change them as necessary.

What to do if a cat has urinary incontinence

Age changes

Often in older cats there is an involuntary leakage of fluid from the bladder. Nuisance happens due to persistent age-related changes in the body. In the animal, the sphincter is weakened, which should block the free access of urine. As a result, the cat can stain floors in the house at any time of the day.

Breeders are often interested in how to treat an old cat for urinary incontinence. Veterinarians in this case emphasize that the animal has persistent age-related disorders and the muscle-ligamentous apparatus weakens. As a result, any drug therapy does not bring a lasting positive result, however, it can significantly facilitate the life of both the owner and his pet. In this case, homeopathic remedies (Lirasin, Kantaren), physiotherapy and massage become the most effective.

Veterinarian tips for preventing the problem

A cat's urine can leak due to various reasons. It is important to observe preventive measures in order to prevent such an unpleasant situation. Experts give a number of recommendations that are important to adhere to:

  • select for the pet only high-quality food that meets his age, state of health and needs;
  • regularly treated for helminthic invasion;
  • restrict uncontrolled being outside the house;
  • constantly visit a doctor;
  • Do not give your pet economy-class food if the cat is neutered or has a chronic illness.

If the breeder provides the pet with quality nutrition and proper care, then problems can be avoided.

Cat Incontinence after Injury

What to do after recovery

During treatment and the recovery period, it is necessary to provide the pet with complete rest. The cat should have its place in a secluded corner. It is important not to scold the animal for misses, but to provide the opportunity to go to the toilet in many places at home.

During the recovery period, it is extremely important to observe hygiene. If a bacterial infection has been detected, then re-infection is possible through the litter.


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