Holidays in Cape Verde: reviews of tourists. Tours, attractions, hotels and photos

We were taught at school that this country is called Cape Verde. But its real name is Cape Verde. In principle, geography teachers were not so wrong. The name is translated from Portuguese - Cape Verde. The archipelago country consists of fifteen islands, among which there are uninhabited. All of them are located in tropical latitudes, quite close to the equator, six hundred kilometers from the west coast of Africa (exactly opposite Senegal). The cool Atlantic Ocean somewhat softens the constant heat. Which island to choose for your vacation? It completely depends on your preference. For example, if you like diving, the islands of the lee group (Mayu, Fogu, Brava, Santiago) are suitable for you, and if you are fond of surfing or kiting, choose Bov Vishta, Sal, Sao Nicolau, Sao Vicente or Santo Antau. The rather large island of Santa Lucia is uninhabited, you can come there only on an excursion.


Cape Verde
A representative office of Cape Verde has recently opened in Russia. The embassy, ​​or rather, the honorary consulate of the country, is located at Moscow, Rublevskoye Shosse, 26/1, office No. 182. But you need to go there for a visa only if you fly to the Cape Verde by flight with a connection in German cities. According to national regulations, German airlines may deny you the right to boarding if you do not have the appropriate sticker in your passport. If you use the services of Spanish, Portuguese or French companies, then you can get a tourist visa upon arrival in Cape Verde. The main thing is that your passport has an expiration date exceeding your stay in the country. It is worth the pleasure of 25 Euro per person.

How to get there

Unfortunately, there are no direct flights from Russia to the tropical Cape Verde Islands. After all, the country of Cape Verde is located nine thousand kilometers from Moscow. Therefore, the journey has a long, about nine hours (excluding docking time). After analyzing the reviews of tourists, we can say that it is most convenient to fly with a TAP company with a transfer in Lisbon. Then you can choose a flight to the islands of Sal or Santiago. You will need to spend the night in a hotel in Hanover (and, accordingly, you must have a Schengen visa for this) if you choose Lufthansa. But there are convenient connections in Madrid (Iberia), Paris (Air France) and Frankfurt (Lufthansa). You can freely bring two liters of alcohol and 400 cigarettes with you. Most tourists arriving in the republic land at Amilkar Cabral International Airport, which is located on the island of Sal, while the country's capital is located on Santiago.

Capital Cape Verde

Movement inside the archipelago

We can say that the locals are the most flying nation in the world, because the main form of communication between the islands is air. So, having arrived in Sal, do not rush to leave the well-groomed and beautiful airport building. In its open zone is the representative office of the local airline Transportes Aereos de Cabo Verde, abbreviated TACV. Small but comfortable aircraft of this company flutter from island to island with enviable regularity. Cape Verde also boasts a developed maritime transport system: ferries, boats and speed boats connect nearby land areas. Inside a separate island you can rent a car (the driver must be over 21 years old and have experience driving a car). But reviews of tourists say that there is no particular need for this. Minibuses (local name aluguer) are active on the roads, and taxis are inexpensive. You can agree with the driver, and the whole day of riding around the island will cost you only Є70-80.

Country Cape Verde

Helpful information

At Cape Verde International Airport, there is a currency exchange and ATMs. You should not immediately change all dollars and Euros to local escudos. The course at the airport (as well as in hotels) is underestimated. In addition, a reverse exchange is not carried out, so you will take colorful pieces of paper with you to Russia as souvenirs. Credit cards are accepted only in large "untwisted" hotels, and even then not all payment systems. Judging by the reviews of tourists, only Visa owners had no problems. It is best to change the currency in banks, but they work on weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00, and only a few are open on Saturdays until noon. Winter tourists may feel that it’s not so hot in the yard. Do not be fooled by the refreshing ocean breeze: the equatorial sun will easily burn the skin not oiled with protective cream. But a sweater or a windbreaker will not hurt to take with you.


Cape Verde tourist reviews
It is due to the location of the geographic object under consideration in tropical latitudes, the proximity of Africa (Sal even brings sand from the mainland, which gathers in the dunes) and the action of the warm Gulf Stream. The climate can be called dry, but the amount of precipitation varies significantly depending on the location of the islands. For example, in Sal it rains only eleven days a year, while in Fogu it is often cloudy and damp. Summer is sultry: the average air temperature is +28 ... +32 ° C, the water warms up to +26 ° C. Winter brings only relative coolness: + 24 ° C of air and +22 ° C of the ocean. The rainiest months are January and February.

Holidays in Cape Verde: reviews of tourists

Experienced travelers, who have something to compare with, say that this country is a rare combination of a European level of service and a pristine nature. Here you can relax from the intrusive and annoying things in our civilization (smog, traffic jams, etc.) and at the same time not feel deprived of its benefits. Huge sandy beaches accept everyone. Sunbeds and umbrellas in this earthly paradise are free. Cape Verde Islands are very popular among French, Spanish, German and Portuguese tourists. But there are few Russians here, which can be considered a plus. The audience is clearly divided into two categories: pensioners and couples with children who want a relaxing holiday, and the so-called athletes. The Republic of the archipelago is one of the world's most recognized centers for diving, windsurfing and sport fishing. There are noisy discos and buzzing water scooters there, as in Antalya. The only event gathering crowds of people is the Carnival before Lent (usually falls on February). Colorful processions take place in the capital Praia and the main city of the island of San Vicente - Mindelo.

Cape Verde Vacations


The hotel base of the country is quite developed. The only feature is the small presence of well-known chain hotels here. But each complex can boast of its original design. Most resorts in Cape Verde consist of hotels, which are cottage villages or bungalows standing on the shore. But there is no shortage of noisy "anthills" - huge, consisting of multi-story buildings of hotel complexes. The lion's share of hotels practices an all inclusive food system . The food, as you can judge by the reviews, is tasty, well-prepared, but without frills - mainly meat and grilled fish, vegetables, fruits. The hotels have evening and afternoon animation, including for children. In places with strong ocean surf, there are pools with salt water.

Cape Verde Island


Most tourists who come to the country through agencies have a rest on the island of Sal, in the east of the archipelago. Thanks to the winds blowing from Africa, a desert landscape is observed here. The island owes its name to the salt deposit, which is extracted from the crater of an extinct volcano. There is also its own analogue of the Dead Sea - a brine-saturated lake at the bottom of the caldera. It is worth going on a sightseeing tour of Sal. It does not cost that much, and is often included in the tour package. They also offer to admire the inhabitants of coral reefs and underwater caves, taking a walk on a boat with a transparent bottom. You can also watch the laying of eggs by turtles. Other excursions are expensive (150-180 Є), which is understandable - they include air travel. Such travel takes all day. Immediately upon arrival or on the last day, you should see the island of Santiago. There is the capital of Cape Verde, Praia. The name of the city translates as “beach”, and that’s it. An interesting excursion to Fogu (the tour includes climbing an active volcano) and to the “island of flowers” ​​Brava.

Cape Verde Embassy

What to bring from Cape Verde

Holidays on the islands are so original that you definitely want to take something to commemorate these wonderful places. Local craftsmen give you a wide selection. Wooden and clay figurines, crafts made from coconut or bull horn, lamps, palm straw baskets, graceful things from tortoise shell, carpets. Souvenirs are sold mainly by Senegalese people. You need to be able to bargain with them. Your eloquence and mastery of acting (pretend that you are ready to leave the shop) will be rewarded - a wooden carved figure half a meter high can be purchased for only 10 euros.


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