The procedure for obtaining a security certificate. How to renew a security certificate

In order to work properly in a security organization, you need to get a security certificate. But how to do that? What kind of document is this? What rights does he give? Actually, starting to work as a security guard is not as easy as it seems. It is not enough to come by an ad and get a job. If you plan to work in private security companies, as well as in large responsible corporations, you will have to work hard to get a certificate that allows you to carry out such activities. Where to start?

security certificate

Who is not eligible?

The first step is to find out who is allowed to work as a security guard. After all, not all citizens can find a job in a similar position. In Russia, there are certain restrictions for employees. So who does not have any rights to carry out security activities? First of all, these are:

  • Incapable (including those deprived of legal capacity) people.
  • Minors
  • People with a criminal record.
  • Citizens who have only been charged for a crime.
  • Persons who, according to the results of the audit, were prohibited from carrying out security activities in connection with the increased danger of violation of the freedoms and rights of citizens.
  • People who prematurely terminated public service (including dismissed) due to disciplinary misconduct (within 3 years from the date of resignation).
  • Citizens who have canceled the security certificate in connection with several administrative violations committed during the year (12 months from the date of cancellation).
  • People without training or a medical board.
  • Persons who refused compulsory fingerprint registration.

It should be noted that the certificate of a private security guard can be obtained by persons under the age of 18. These are extremely rare cases. Under such circumstances, a citizen must have emancipation. It has endowed a person with legal capacity since the age of 16 in Russia.

How to get a certificate: briefly about the main thing

Obtaining a certificate that a private security guard should have is not as difficult as it seems. This process is not much different in its complexity from issuing, say, a driver’s license. It is enough to go through just a few simple steps, at the end of which it will be possible to say that the citizen has officially become a guard. And now he has the right to work in private companies. How to get a security certificate? In short, the following steps can be distinguished:

  1. Exploring the possibility of working in the security sector.
  2. Collection of a package of documents.
  3. Training.
  4. Passage of the medical commission.
  5. Exams.
  6. Submission of an application for obtaining / renewing a certificate.

This completes the whole process. It remains only to obtain the necessary document in the relevant authorities. Nothing special or difficult. Only if you delve into all the features of the procedures, you can notice that the future security guard will have to know many nuances. Which ones? What should I look for in order for the security certificate to be obtained without any problems?

How to get a security certificate


The resulting discharge plays a huge role. The thing is that the guards have their own hierarchy. Each specialist receives a discharge. The higher it is, the more opportunities an employee will have. It should be remembered that when receiving the lower ranks in higher positions in security activities, work will not work. What hierarchy is proposed in Russia? You can distinguish the guards:

  • Fourth category. This is the lowest "title."
  • Fifth grade.
  • The sixth category is the "top" among the guards.

It would seem that not so much separation. This is really not a long list of ranks. But the difference between them is noticeable. Especially in employment or training.

Lowest rank

What gives a security certificate of 4 category? It is already clear that we are talking about the very beginning of a career. Often, it all starts with her. The capabilities of the security guard in this case are not too large. Such an employee:

  1. Has the right to use special equipment (handcuffs, vests, protective helmets).
  2. Can officially work in private security companies.
  3. It must once a year pass an audit related to the use of special equipment.

The possibilities are not too many. And the responsibility even in this case is high. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the higher ranks of the guards. Indeed, upon receipt of a certificate of the 6th category, you can work in the posts of both the 4th and 5th, for example. If a citizen wants to build a career as a security guard and he is quite serious, there is no point in training for the fourth category. Unless in order to test the strength.

obtaining a private guard certificate

Golden mean

You can go to training as a guard of 5 category. This is the golden mean that is found among people engaged in this kind of activity. And not the bottom, and there are prospects for development, as well as promotion. These employees have more opportunities. Among them are:

  • The right to work in private organizations engaged in security activities.
  • The ability to use special tools at the workplace.
  • The use of civilian weapons authorized for protection (including gas sprays, barrelless pistols, stun guns).
  • Annual audit at the police department.

It is this category that is most common in Russia. Responsibility is higher than in the previous case. Basically, it manifests itself in the consequences of the use of certain official means.

The very top

You can get a certificate of a private guard 6 category. This is the very top of my career. The employees who were able to achieve this category have the most opportunities. It is not so easy to take training and pass exams to get the title of a top guard. To such employees:

  1. Allowed to work in private organizations.
  2. It can be used during the work of special equipment.
  3. Given the opportunity to carry and use civilian self-defense weapons.
  4. Allow the use of a firearm arsenal.

In addition, they are forced to annual proficiency testing and skills.

It can be noted that there is no significant difference among all the above categories. Often, security guards are simply given a different set of working tools and weapons. It is also believed that earnings depend on the category. It really is. The higher the rank of the guard, the more money he will receive, the more prestigious his position will be. Therefore, it is recommended that you consider a career plan in advance. However, it is not necessary to receive all the categories of a guard. You can immediately pass the exam for the 6th, and then already choose a job at your discretion.

private security certificate


As soon as the verification of the possibility of obtaining a citizen’s certificate is left behind, you can choose the category of training. All the possibilities in one case or another are no longer a mystery. It is worthwhile to prepare for the fact that the training will vary depending on the category received. How exactly? For example, in order for a citizen to be able to obtain a security certificate of the 4th category, it is required to undergo appropriate training for 98 hours. This is the minimum established by the standards established in Russia. You can unlearn more than this period of time. But usually at the appropriate courses, the duration of the classes does not exceed the above indicator.

But the security guard of the 5th category is obliged to attend a course of lectures, as well as pass practical exercises for at least 174 hours in total. This is almost 2 times more than in the first case. How much should a citizen study in order to receive a private security certificate of 6th grade? In this case, you will have to take a course of 266 hours. More precisely, not less than this period. If the training program permits exceeding this norm, you should not worry - such a step will not be superfluous. But you will have to unlearn no less than the established deadlines in a particular case. Otherwise, the issuance of a private security guard certificate simply will not take place.

Exam Features

Taking into account all the above features, the category of training is selected. Further, a citizen goes to lectures and practical classes. By the end of the course, you will have to pass an exam. In case of successful completion of training, you can obtain a certificate for the possibility of private security activities. What features can be found in the certification process?

The whole classification is divided into 2 parts: theory and practice. In the first case, you have to prepare for the fact that the potential guard is given the opportunity to make only a certain number of errors. That is, if the established norm is exceeded, obtaining a security certificate will become impossible. Either the student forgets about this career, or comes for a retake. The features of assessing theoretical knowledge are as follows:

  • For the fourth category, 7 questions are prepared. 2 errors are allowed.
  • The fifth category offers 9 questions. You can make as many mistakes.
  • Sixth category includes 10 questions. A person has the right to a single mistake.

These are all the features of testing knowledge in the field of theory. If this stage is completed successfully, you can proceed to more serious tests. It's about practical exams. It's hard to believe, but for each category of guards the check will be different. Rights to errors are usually not given. A feature of such testing is the time limit. That is, for each task a certain period is given. If the student does not cope with the task, the exam is failed. And you will either have to go for retake, or forget about the guard’s career at all. What tests will be prepared in order to be able to obtain a security certificate of 4 category, a photo of which can be seen in the article? The student will:

  1. Demonstrate how to properly remove and wear a helmet.
  2. Show how to use body armor.
  3. A person needs to use a rubber stick correctly .
  4. He must be able to use handcuffs.

Nothing more is needed. If all the tasks are completed correctly in the allotted time (it is set in each educational institution), you can go for the conclusion of the commission.

What awaits citizens who have decided to become guards of the 5th rank? In this case, you will have to not only show the previously listed skills, but also demonstrate how to use a stun gun, how to use aerosols with tear gas or other irritating substances correctly. Not too much difference. If you study in good faith, there will be no problems with the practical part of the exam. The main thing is not to worry.

But the guards of the 6th category will need to show a lot of skills. Among the requirements for candidates for the highest "post" in security activities, requests are made in the form of a demonstration of all the above actions. In addition, the student must perform the exercise of aimed shooting from a place at a target (fixed), show how he can shoot at an emerging target (from a place).

Once all the tests are behind, you can wait for the conclusion of the commission. If the exam paper fails, a retake day is assigned. If there are no complaints, you can get a special document (certificate) on the successful completion of training. Paper is issued within 5 days from the moment of passing testing of skills and knowledge. What else is fraught with obtaining a private security guard certificate?

new guard ID

Medical commission

Next, you will need to go through a special medical commission. This process is required. It can be done both during training and after it. The main thing is that the results of a health check are not too old. It is recommended to carry out the process after receiving a certificate of training for a particular category. Where to go for help? Absolutely any medical institution - public or private. Only when contacting the registry should it be reported that a commission is required in order to obtain a new security certificate. The following specialists have to go:

  • otolaryngologist;
  • therapist;
  • surgeon
  • narcologist;
  • a psychiatrist.

Additionally, they may require a health report from an ophthalmologist. It is advisable to immediately go through this specialist. Especially if you plan to receive higher ranks. At the end of the commission, a citizen will be issued a certificate of health of the established form. This is another document that comes in handy.

Collection of documents

How to get a security certificate? The main part of the process is behind. Now you can collect a complete list of documents and go to the appropriate authorities to apply for a certificate. What is useful to a citizen? It is advisable to prepare copies and originals of the following papers:

  1. Identity cards (passport of the Russian Federation).
  2. Certificate of training for a particular category.
  3. Applications for the issuance of a document (without a copy, to be completed when a package of papers is submitted).
  4. Photos (format 4 by 6, matte, 2-3 pieces).
  5. Conclusions of a medical examination.
  6. Information about fingerprint registration (held during the training period).
  7. State duty payment receipts.

With the above list of documents, you must contact the department of licensing and permitting work of internal affairs bodies. Within 30 days, the certificate will be issued. You can pick it up by presenting your passport. That's all. Now it’s clear how the issuance of the certificate of a private security guard occurs.

private guard certificate renewal


Some people wonder how much they will have to pay the state fee for the implementation of the task. It is worth noting that this payment is required. Without it, an application for a certificate will not be considered. The size of the payment is different. Much depends on what needs to be done. For example, the initial receipt of the document will cost the citizen 2,000 rubles, and the extension of the certificate of a private security guard costs 650. The government will have to pay the least when it is necessary to make any changes to the previously obtained permission to work as a security guard. The thing is that in this situation, the state treasury will need to pay only 350 rubles.

Extension of term

Sooner or later, the moment comes when you have to renew the security certificate. This process is not much different in fact from the initial receipt of the document. A citizen will have to go through similar stages. It is necessary to complete specialized advanced training courses, make a visit to the medical commission, prepare a package of documents and an application to the department for issuing licenses for internal affairs. The papers that are required for this also do not differ much from the initial issuance of the certificate. Present to the appropriate authorities:

  • statement;
  • photos (3 pieces, 3 by 4 or 4 by 6);
  • passport (with copy);
  • medical board conclusion;
  • previous certificate;
  • receipt confirming payment of state duty.

Then you should wait until the license of the guard is renewed. This is done for approximately 30 days. As soon as the security certificate of the guard (the sample is presented in the article) is renewed, you can not worry about the implementation of the relevant activities for another 5 years. It is for such a period that the license is "renewed".

issuance of a private security guard certificate

By the way, for the delay in renewal to the citizen there will be nothing. But this is only if he does not work as a security guard. With an invalid certificate, the right to carry out security activities shall terminate. If a check occurs and it turns out that the document is expired, they will be suspended from work. Most likely, a reprimand will be made. And you will need to immediately contact the appropriate authorities for the renewal of the certificate.

These are all the features that the activities in the field of security conceal. In fact, there is nothing difficult in obtaining an identity card. The most difficult part is training. After the exams are passed, you don’t have to worry - a citizen will definitely be able to get a security certificate. Only it does not give the right to provide private assistance to citizens under an agreement with clients. This is done strictly through security companies that have the appropriate license. Now it’s clear how to get a new security certificate or renew the old one.


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