Proper application during breastfeeding: recommendations, poses

Undoubtedly, every mother wants her baby to be healthy. Therefore, most women want to feed their babies with their own milk. True, it turns out this is not the first time for everyone. It is very important to correctly put the baby to the chest. After all, not only the health of the crumbs depends on this, but also the health of the mother. Therefore, today we learn everything about such an important action as the correct application during breastfeeding, postures (photos are given in the article) used in this process. We also define the basic rules that a woman should not neglect if she wants her boy or girl to grow up healthy and strong.

proper application during breastfeeding

Signs of Faithful Attachment

  1. The baby's mouth is wide open. At the same time, the baby resembles a little birdhouse to which the mother brought food in her mouth.
  2. Both sponges are turned out.
  3. Nipple deep in the mouth.
  4. The chin and tip of the nose are pressed to the chest. This item should be controlled by mom.
  5. The tongue does not move forward and backward.
    proper posture while breastfeeding posture

Signs of misapplication

The inconvenient position of the baby can interfere with its satiety, as well as cause stagnation of milk. In this case, prolonged eating by the child may not be possible. Understand the correct application during breastfeeding or not, it is possible on certain grounds. So, the signs of an incorrect application may be the following:

  1. The baby tilts his head down or turns it sideways.
  2. The baby opens its mouth not wide, while its lips do not turn out, and the cheeks are retracted, although they should be pouting.
  3. The baby does not chew, but chewing.
  4. Only the nipple is in the baby’s mouth, while the areola is completely visible.
  5. When feeding, you hear a clatter of your tongue, as well as a smacking.
  6. The baby spits up a lot after application due to the large amount of swallowed air.
  7. The baby is restless, he cries, stops taking breasts and again demands food.
  8. Mom feels pain during feeding or discomfort at the same time.

proper application during breastfeeding photo

If there is any one or even several situations described above, then this means that the woman does not correctly apply to the breast of the child. Then it is necessary to complete the feeding and correctly position the baby. To do this, you can insert the fingertips into the corner of the mouth of the crumbs and gently press on the lower jaw. In general, proper application during breastfeeding is a procedure that needs to be learned gradually. Therefore, the main thing that mom should think about at this time is about her state of mind. Even if nothing happens the first time, you should not despair, because the second or even the tenth time, everything will certainly be different. In extreme cases, you can contact a pediatrician who will help my mother in this seemingly difficult task.

How to give a breast?

Since the baby in the first days after his birth does not understand anything, then the mother should help him eat. For this, a woman should do the following: before each feeding, hold the nipple in the mouth of the baby strictly from top to bottom. You never need to move it from side to side! In this way, the mother will teach the child only to turn his head, but will not achieve a wide open mouth.

Top-down movements should be repeated as many times as needed. And how is it - in all its breadth? Mom should catch the moment when the baby yawns or, for example, cries. At this time, a woman should pay attention to how wide the crumbs can open her mouth, and strive for this. Also, the mother can catch the moment when the baby yawns, and quickly put a breast into his mouth. You need to do this with lightning speed, otherwise you can be late.

proper application when feeding a baby

Possible poses

Proper nesting when feeding a baby clearly intersects with the choice of position of the mother. At the same time, both the woman and the baby should not feel uncomfortable. Therefore, the choice of posture is a crucial moment. He is influenced by many factors: the weight of the crumbs, his manner of sucking, the health of his mother. Depending on these circumstances, the following postures may be acceptable:

  1. "Cradle". The initial position of the woman is sitting, she holds the baby in her arms, pressing his belly to her. In this case, the baby should grab the nipple without turning the head.
  2. "The Cross Cradle." The mother defines the child on her hand, with the palm of his hand holds his back. With the other hand, the woman should support the breast.
  3. "From under the arm." The baby lies on a pillow, while his body is located at the mother's back. In this position, the baby receives milk from the lower and upper lobes, where lactostasis most often appears.
  4. "On the chest." Mom in a reclining position determines the baby on herself. Such a pose is convenient when there is an excess of milk, when it flows strongly, preventing the baby from sucking.
  5. "Standing." This pose can be used if the mother wants to rock the baby. In this case, the woman should hold the baby in her arms in the "cradle" position.
  6. "Hang". The initial position of the mother is lying on her side. The woman turns the baby facing her and feeds, leaning on her elbow.

If during feeding both the mother and her baby do not feel discomfort, they are relaxed, and the chest is emptied perfectly, which means that the position was chosen correctly. Applying during breastfeeding, the postures of which were described above, is carried out correctly. Women can experiment with positions to understand which position is best for them to give their babies milk.

proper application during breastfeeding Komarovsky

Pose for feeding if mom doesn’t get enough sleep

Often, mothers complain that the baby does not give them a normal rest. After all, even at night you have to feed babies. However, you can learn to attach the baby to the chest and at this time continue to rest. To do this, it is enough to feed him lying down. Below we will consider how to properly attach the baby so that both he and his mother feel good.

  1. A woman should lie down comfortably. Do not lean on your elbow. Only mom’s head can be on the pillow. The starting position is strictly on the side, neither forward nor backward can be deviated.
  2. The child should also lie on her mother’s side under the arm. The shoulder, thigh and ear should be in line. The tummy should be pressed to the mother, the head is slightly thrown back, then the mouth will open easily.
  3. It is necessary to conveniently serve the baby's chest. If this is the left mammary gland, then the baby should be supported by the shoulder blades with the left hand, and the breast should be served with the right.
  4. Throughout the feeding, the child should be supported so that he does not roll onto his back. You can define a roller under its back.

These are four points that ensure proper application during breastfeeding. If you clearly observe these conditions, then the mother will be able to relax, and the baby will be full.

Basic rules for breastfeeding an infant

  1. Early attachment to the chest.
  2. The right application.
  3. Feeding on demand.
  4. Compliance with the duration of application.
  5. Alternate feeding.
    proper application during breastfeeding poses photo

Early breastfeeding

Obstetrician-gynecologists advise women in labor to feed the baby, or at least try to do it no later than an hour after birth. This is very important, because in this case the first contact of the mother and baby will be made. The duration of the first feeding should be at least half an hour.

Early proper application during breastfeeding will encourage the formation of milk, as well as contribute to the rapid passage of the placenta and will be an excellent prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. In addition, the baby will quickly form the intestinal microflora, as well as immunity.

Faithful Attachment

This item has already been examined in detail, but it is worth mentioning how good the correct application is. If the baby correctly captures the mother’s breast, does not cause the woman pain or discomfort, drinks plenty of milk, this protects the woman in labor from mastitis, cracks and other troubles.

On-demand feeding

This is another important rule that you should pay attention to. Feeding not by the hour, but at the request of the baby is one of the principles of such a basis as proper application during breastfeeding. Komarovsky E.O. - An experienced pediatrician who has his own program on babies on television claims that crumbs should be given breasts for any reason from the first months of life. It is necessary to provide him with access to milk when he wants. This is very important, since the baby will not only get enough, but it will also contribute to his psycho-emotional comfort. After 4-5 months, the child will develop its own regimen. Komarovsky E.O. notes that it is advisable to feed the baby at least six months, and preferably up to a year.

proper application while breastfeeding lying

Duration of application

All mothers should remember that it is not worth interrupting feeding, you can’t take away the baby’s breasts . When the baby is full, he himself will stop sucking. Different babies remain at the chest for varying lengths of time. And this is normal. Therefore, do not worry if the neighboring baby is at the chest for 40 minutes, and yours is enough for 15. Why is it not worth taking breasts yet? It turns out that at the beginning of feeding the baby receives earlier milk, rich in water, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins. But after 5-7 minutes of sucking, he comes to late milk, which contains proteins and fats. That is why it is so important not to interrupt this process.

Alternate feeding

Proper application during breastfeeding can not do without this item. Specialists strongly recommend that all mothers give one breast to a baby for one feeding. If a woman is in a hurry and wants to give a second as soon as possible, then the baby will not receive late milk rich in fats. As a result, he may have problems with stool. To prevent this, the mother should know that she can offer the same mammary gland to the child for 1-2 hours. And only then change it to another. Feeding from both breasts is allowed only if the baby is already 5 months old, that is, when he already does not have enough milk from one breast and still needs to.

Now you know everything about such an important action as the correct application during breastfeeding (photos of this process and suitable poses are presented in the review). We found that breast milk is the indispensable product that babies should eat. After all, it contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals that are so important for the health of children.


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