Lump on the tail of a cat: causes, description of symptoms and treatment methods

When a pet gets sick, its owner falls into a real panic. This is not surprising, because the animal cannot tell what exactly it hurts and how it feels. Based on this, the owners of tetrapods have to search for information on the Internet on their own, studying similar cases, or contacting a specialist in this field.

Cat tail

Sometimes people are interested in the fact that the cat has a bump under its tail. Could this be a symptom of a serious illness or nothing to worry about?

Basically, the appearance of seals on the tail is explained by the fact that the animal may have received insufficient care, and its nutrition is not balanced. However, there are other reasons.

Bruises and injuries

If the animal often walks on the street, then a fight between several cats could well have occurred. They become especially aggressive at the beginning of spring, as they begin the most romantic period. Damage can occur at the household level. For example, an animal climbed onto a closet and fell unsuccessfully. Sometimes injuries are caused to pets by their owners, but solely by their carelessness.

If damage to the skin occurred, then at this point an infection could enter the body. This often leads to the formation of abscesses that look like a cat has a bump on its tail at the base. Such a manifestation requires a mandatory examination by a doctor.


This is a fairly common reason for the appearance of a lump on the tail of a cat, which is found in veterinary practice mainly in the warm season. In this case, we are talking about infection of a four-legged pet with a subcutaneous parasite, which is known to many as a tick.

Cat inspection

But some do not even realize that he not only begins to suck blood from a helpless animal, but also leads to the development of extremely serious infectious pathologies. The tick can parasitize on the cat's body for quite some time. Most often, pets suffer from this pathology, and they are allowed to walk outside. However, a tick on clothes can bring a person to the apartment.

Lipomas or Wen

As a rule, age cats over 7 years old are most often affected by such manifestations. In itself, a wen is not dangerous for a pet, but it must be removed. If this is not done, then under the influence of numerous negative factors (for example, poor ecology, constant stress, etc.), after some time, the adipose can transform into a cancerous tumor. The procedure for excision cannot be performed at home.


Unfortunately, cancer can cause bumps on the tail of a cat. In this case, a serious medical examination is necessary. Depending on the final diagnosis, appropriate treatment will be prescribed. In some situations, at the initial stage of oncology development, you can fight this disease and achieve complete cure of the animal.

Sad cat

However, it is very important not to delay the treatment process.

Main symptoms

If a lump appeared on the tail of a cat, then it is necessary to clarify the reasons for this formation. For this, attention must be paid not only to the behavior of the animal, but also to the characteristics of the neoplasm itself. If the bump is soft, then in this case, with the greatest probability, an abscess can be assumed. This is a dangerous condition.

If the cat has purulent cones on its tail, then the animal will additionally have an increased body temperature. The abscesses can be either only on the tail, or throughout the body. In this case, the animal will behave very restlessly and annoyed. Especially when its owner presses on a sore spot. If a cat has a bump on its tail, other disturbing signs are observed, then measures must be taken.

If the formation is solid, then most likely we are talking about an overgrown fracture of the bones of the tail. However, such manifestations may indicate more serious pathologies.

If the animal suffers from the parasitic activity of the tick, then in this case he will immediately experience a number of alarming symptoms. Among them, it is worth highlighting increased body temperature, lethargy, constant apathy, lack of appetite, blanching of the mucous eyes and oral cavity. It will become more difficult for the animal to move around, shortness of breath will appear.

At the doctor's

If suspicion fell on a wen or lipoma, then, as a rule, such formations do not appear at all and remain completely invisible to the animal. The cat will let itself be stroked, and at the moment of touching a troubled place it will not be nervous. As a rule, adipose is formed if the pet has a metabolic disorder.

The most difficult manifestations are oncological pathologies. Cancer for a long time may remain invisible both to the owner of the four-legged pet and to himself. To identify this pathology at the very initial stage, it is necessary to periodically conduct a complete medical examination of the pet.

Treatment features

Therapeutic measures are prescribed by a doctor, depending on the specific cause that led to the appearance of a lump on the tail of the cat. For this, it is initially necessary to undergo a diagnosis and pass tests.

If we are talking about a purulent abscess or an early stage of an oncological disease, then in this case usually requires the intervention of a surgeon. When a tick or a wen appeared on the body of an animal, the operation is far from always carried out. The doctor must consider the risks depending on the age of the animal and its state of health.

If the bump appeared due to a bone fracture, then in this case it needs to be cleaned. This procedure is also performed by a specialist. After this, the treated area will need to be periodically lubricated with antibacterial and healing effects that the doctor will prescribe. Also, after treatment, you need to give the animal peace, adjust its menu.


In order not to wonder why the cat had a lump on its tail or any other formations, it is best not to let the animal out onto the street without unnecessary need, especially in the spring. If this is not possible, and the pet still periodically walks, then in this case it is recommended to purchase a special collar, the smell from which will drive the parasites away.

Stroking a cat

To exclude most of the other problems, you need to reconsider the animal’s nutrition and balance it so that the cat receives all the necessary mineral components and vitamins. However, obesity is also not recommended.

Sometimes bumps of this type are congenital. They become noticeable immediately after the birth of the kitten. In this case, the defect does not affect the condition of the animal, so there is no reason for concern. But it is better to play it safe and exclude other pathologies.


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