House of timber. DIY projects. Should I use them?

You can buy a house, or you can, following the instructions for any man, build it yourself. In the latter case, an ideal choice can be a house made of timber. DIY projects are relatively easy to do. As for labor costs, there will also be not too many of them. In addition, natural wood is universally recognized as the most environmentally friendly material. It is not only pleasant to live in such a house, but also very useful.

do-it-yourself house
In the simplest case, it is best to buy a ready-made beam, since not everyone can afford its independent production. If you still decide to make the beam yourself, then you need to choose only the highest quality and healthy trunks, on which there are no signs of rot, fungus and pests. Sawing logs is possible only on the highest quality sawing equipment, which performs smooth and high quality sawing. The sawn timber should not only be treated with antiseptic solutions, but also thoroughly dried. In a word, itโ€™s difficult to do it ourselves. But in more detail we will not focus on how to build a house out of timber. DIY projects - this is our goal! Is the game worth the candle?

The success of building a house will largely depend on a properly designed project. All sizes and proportions of the future โ€œfamily nestโ€ should be carefully thought out ahead of time, since the consumption of building materials depends on this. Considering that a house from a bar (projects of which you can think of yourself or find ready-made ones) cannot be called too cheap, a huge responsibility rests with the designer.

timber house projects
If you do not have the appropriate knowledge and are not an architect, then it is better to purchase a finished project or find a free option (there are enough standard free projects now). But! The free option is not a guarantee that you will build a good house out of timber. DIY projects created sometimes lead to the fact that in the finished building there are no a couple of doors or doorways more suitable for dwarfs.

Having prepared the project, you can begin work with the foundation. When pouring the basement (if it is planned to make the house wooden), do not forget about the construction of ventilation, since without it it will be damp in the basement or even the basement . After the foundation has finally hardened (at least 28 days), support walls can be erected. The easiest way will be to build walls from a simple timber, not subjected to processing, with a diameter of 15 cm or more. If the beam is well dried, then due to its lightness, you will not have to order heavy construction equipment. For stability and structural strength, it is advisable to use spike connections. If you canโ€™t imagine what a house from a timber looks like, the project of which you created yourself, then it will not hurt to show it to a professional architect. So you save yourself from many problems.

house of timber project

Timber construction has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when making preliminary drafts. Laying the walls is practically no different from erecting them from a regular log. If the beam is grooved, then you should refer to the standard techniques known for laying floorboards. For strength in this case, vertical pins are used. At the same time, you need to carefully wall the walls, as otherwise you will be constantly plagued by drafts. In the house itself, all walls and partitions are made of refractory materials, so that in case of fire, the fire could not quickly spread throughout the room.

Thus, you can build a house of timber yourself . DIY projects are another matter. If you do not have experience and practice, it is better not to tackle complex drawings.


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