Transparent gems: photos, names and descriptions

Transparent gemstones give grace and luxury to jewelry. They attract eyes with their characteristic shimmer of light. These minerals adorn both the appearance of a person and his life, giving an incomparable brilliance and radiance. When buying products from expensive natural material, you can be sure that it will never irritate its owner, but will give him a feeling of luxury, confidence and comfort.


The birthplace of this stone is India. The stone was brought to Europe by Alexander the Great, who, having learned about the stone of incredible beauty, specially went after him to India.

The uniqueness of diamond is in its structure. Due to its special crystal lattice, the mineral has high hardness and thermal conductivity. Contrary to popular belief, the majority of diamonds are not colorless. Nature generously took care of the color palette of this transparent gem.

stone diamond

The most common diamond color is yellow. It is followed by brown, pink and orange. The rarest and most expensive specimens are green, blue and red. Alone among all is a black diamond. Due to the large number of inclusions, it is not always possible to achieve the frequency of its cutting.

Favorite countries for diamond mining - Brazil, Russia, India, South Africa, Angola.

It is believed that diamond has a great influence on its owner. It gives courage, confidence and protects from any negative influence.


This imperial stone has the ability to change its color depending on the consecration, from light green to maroon. For the first time this gem of transparent color was found in 1833 at the Ural mines. It was presented to the general public in April 1834 on the name day of the Russian sovereign Alexander II, in connection with which he received his name.

Alexandrite is a type of chrysoberyl. Its chemical composition is rather complicated. It includes iron, titanium and chromium. Thanks to the latter, this transparent gemstone is capable of a unique color reversal.

natural alexandrite

Alexandrite is rarely colorless. Most of all, it is distributed in a bluish-green color. There are also specimens of olive and brown shades.

Today, the largest supplier of alexandrite to the world market is Sri Lanka, India, Tanzania and Madagascar.

Alexandrite has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and psyche of its owner. There is an opinion that with its help it is possible to cure alcoholism.


A transparent gem of blue color, which is a type of beryl. The most valuable are minerals that have the color of clean and clear sea water.

The peak of the popularity of aquamarine came at the beginning of the twentieth century and the Art Deco style. Its icy transparency has made aquamarine one of the favorite materials of jewelers, along with diamonds, emeralds and sapphires. It looked great in a rectangular cut popular in those days, which only emphasized its laconic rigor.

aquamarine stone

The most significant gem deposits are in Brazil, Russia and Madagascar.

The stone is able to protect its owner from lies and negative influences. He knows how to support the feelings of lovers and resolve disputes.


This stone of wisdom and good luck is shrouded in mystery and magic. Mineral is a transparent jewelry variety of zirconium with diamond shine. It contains manganese, which is why it has a red-brown color palette.

Hyacinth is a rare and treasured stone by jewelers. Due to its high hardness, it can be stepped or brilliant cut. The density and refractive index of this mineral depends on the deposit.

hyacinth stone

It is mined in Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and Russia.

According to ancient symbolism, hyacinth is a stone of success and constancy. He is able to improve vision, maintain youth and protect from nightmares. He gives prosperity, helps to get rich and recognize a lie.


This mysterious white and transparent gem has long been surrounded by a halo of mysteries and legends. Ancient philosophers believed that rock crystal is frozen and turned into ice, by the power of magic, water.

If we turn to science, then this mineral is a variety of quartz. Pure, free of any defects crystals are rare and highly valued. Practical value are instances of 3 cm or more.

In ancient times, various vessels and jewelry were cut from it. And now, having entered the jewelry store, one can see earrings, rings, pendants and bracelets with rhinestone on the counter.


Many stone products are associated with witchcraft. It is enough to recall the indispensable attribute of all fortune-tellers - a crystal magic ball. The main property of a mineral is the ability to give clairvoyance to a person.

But the disinfecting property of rock crystal is scientifically confirmed. It is applied to wounds and bruises for quick healing. The mineral laid under the pillow can relieve insomnia.


Natural emerald is a transparent gem of green color and belongs to the beryl group. According to the classification, emerald, together with diamond, alexandrite, sapphire and ruby, belongs to the first-order semiprecious minerals.

An important criterion is its transparency and color. The perfect emerald is a crystal clear and transparent stone with an even distribution of color. Copies over 5 carats are valued above diamonds.

beautiful emeralds

Especially expensive are the emeralds from Colombia. They have a juicy grassy green hue. But Zambian emeralds are distinguished by special transparency and purity of brilliance. They are much darker than Colombian and can even have blue tones. High-quality emeralds are also mined in Brazil, Russia, Afghanistan and Egypt.

If we talk about the magical properties of this transparent gem, then its task is to rid its owner of bad habits - infidelity, deceit, fraud. If its owner does not have bad inclinations, then the emerald will grant him health and good fortune.


Ruby is a type of corundum and a mineral belonging to the class of oxides. Transparent gem, inferior in hardness only to diamond. It is found on all continents of the earth, except Antarctica. The most significant ruby ​​exporting countries are Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

The ruby ​​has a special fiery red color that other transparent gemstones do not possess (photo). This is due to the presence of chromium impurities in the mineral.

ruby stone

This stone was mined in Burma as far back as the Bronze Age. Rubies were also highly valued in ancient India. There they were used in the manufacture of talismans.

This stone is considered a symbol of passion, energy and power. It gives a person strength and protects against black magic. It is also believed that by changing color, a ruby ​​warns its owner from danger.


Blue transparent gem from a variety of corundum. Its shades can vary from pinkish to black, but mineralogists consider the true dark blue sapphires to be true. Its characteristic is a high degree of hardness and strong glass luster.

sapphire stone

The most valuable sapphire placers are found in Asia, India and the USA. The most famous sapphires are Kashmiri. They got their name from the place of their extraction - Kashmir (an area in the north of Hindustan).

Sapphire is considered a heavenly stone and has cosmic energy. It is often used during meditation. It pacifies passions, strengthens the spirit, brings fidelity and love to the family.


The precious transparent stone got its name at the place of its first discovery on the island of Topazios in the Red Sea. Its color scheme is very diverse: from brown to blue, yellow and pink. Colorless minerals are also common.

As history indicates, it was with this stone in antiquity that the kings and sultans of many countries adorned the crowns. In Russia in the XIX century it was called the “Siberian diamond”. Currently, the global topaz suppliers are Germany, Zimbabwe, Madagascar and Brazil.

stone topaz

Raw topaz is practically not shiny. Only after cutting does he have an amazing glass luster that allows you to admire the extraordinary radiance of a gem in jewelry.

It is believed that topaz protects against damage and witchcraft, gives the body the strength to cope with depression. He can be called for help when you need to concentrate or calm down.


This clear green gem is considered the most expensive garnet variety. It is known from antiquity and earlier, by mistake, it was often called chrysolite. It was this gem that was the favorite of the jewelry collections of the nobility of the late 19th century.

Due to the fact that demantoids are quite rare, they are of considerable jewelry value. The color play of this mineral is even stronger than that of diamond.

demantoid gem

This gem helps its owner to become more collected and concentrated. Beads from this stone improve the work of the heart, and the bracelet eliminates infertility.

Noble spinel

This beautiful semiprecious stone is represented by a diverse palette of shades. Its individual instances are comparable to the value of rubies and sapphires. Noble spinel contains various mineral impurities that color it in all kinds of shades: blue, yellow, green, brown, red and even black.

Noble spinel

The richest spinel deposits are in Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Brazil and India.

The stone is perfect for people whose work is related to business trips. He is able to create favorable conditions for the life of his master, attracting finance and luck.


The name of the gem comes from the Greek χρυσος, which translates as "gold". Mineral has a glass luster and is golden, blue, green, gray or brown.

The most high-quality samples of crystals are collectibles; moreover, the value of some items may exceed their value in jewelry.

chrysoberyl mineral

Chrysoberyl deposits are available in Brazil, Ceylon, Madagascar and the USA.

Wearing a gold ring with chrysoberyl promotes the development of intuition and insight. It is believed that this gem is able to alleviate the state of a hangover.


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