DIY painting made of natural materials - exclusive decoration of the home

Interior design of your home is a fascinating and beautiful occupation. A picture from natural materials can fill the house with cosiness and pleasant memories of summer. With its own hands, it will become an exclusive decoration that demonstrates the great taste of the inhabitants of the home.

DIY painting from natural materials

Necessary materials

  1. As a basis, cardboard or plywood is usually chosen, which are cut to the size of the future frame. If the picture will be placed on the wall, then fastening must be done before the start of the creative process.
  2. Material for creating a future masterpiece can be any element of the flora:
  • Roots and branches are often chosen to create crafts from natural material. Pictures with their use look very impressive with a well-thought-out compositional solution: an arrangement with the edge or in the corner of the canvas. Parts of the tree are cut along and attached to the base. The most bizarre forms of roots and branches should be sought along forest roads and paths. In streams and ponds, due to their long presence in the water, they can acquire an unusual shade, and specimens of golden color are found on peaty areas.
  • Small coniferous paws to give a “hoarfrost effect” are lowered into a very saturated saline solution, thereby protecting against premature shedding.
  • A picture of natural materials, made of straw with one's own hands, also looks very impressive. To create it, it is necessary to cut along, then dry and smooth the stalks of cereals. Any elements of the future composition are cut from such blanks.
  • Cones and nuts will give the picture the necessary volume, they can be coated with colorless varnish to give shine.
  • Very original compositions are obtained from seashells and pebbles.
  • You can make a picture of natural material using seeds and cereals. The small size of the feedstock allows you to most accurately lay out a small pattern or ornament. The most commonly used aromatic coffee beans, peas and beans.

make a picture of natural material

  • Thin, dried slices of pears and apples are ideal for creating a fruit still life.

3. Rhinestones, beads, buttons and miniature synthetic insects are used as additional decorations.

4. To fix the details of the picture glue is suitable: “PVA”, “Super”, “Master”, etc.

Work stages

  1. We master the basis of the picture: we fasten the frame and plywood (cardboard) with a furniture stapler.
  2. We sketch the composition with a simple pencil.
  3. We fasten the natural material to the base.
  4. Decorate with additional elements.
  5. A self-made picture made of natural materials will last much longer if it is covered with hairspray, this process will prevent the loss of small parts.
  6. We place an exclusive masterpiece in the most prominent place and get aesthetic pleasure.

crafts from natural material paintings


Do not forget that nature is the muse for any creative person, therefore, in search of a plot for your future composition, it is better to look around. A self-made picture made of natural materials in eco-style can become a magical window into the world.


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