Warm plaster for interior use: overview, specifications, reviews

Warm plaster for interior work is a very unusual and new construction and finishing material for many, which appeared relatively recently on the domestic market. Accordingly, the question of what kind of building mixes - warm plasters - and how to use them can be considered quite logical.

The composition of the warm plaster

Warm plaster for interior use - a dry mixture based on ordinary cement. The difference from the classic solution is the lack of sand in the composition. It can be replaced by any other components:

  • Perlite sand.
  • Expanded clay crumb.
  • Pumice derived powder.
  • Expanded polystyrene granules and other materials.

Varieties of warm plaster

There are several varieties of warm plaster. Construction mixtures differ in composition, scope, application method and technical and operational characteristics.

warm plaster for interior use

Among the most popular include the following three types of plaster.

Warm plaster with expanded vermiculite

Expanded vermiculite is a lightweight mineral aggregate obtained by heat treatment of vermiculite rock. Warm plaster with the addition of such a component is mainly used for outdoor work. Despite this, it is also possible to use it for interior decoration - it is a universal building material. Among the advantages of vermiculite warm plaster can be attributed excellent antiseptic properties.

Sawdust plaster

Warm plaster for interior use, which is especially popular and not intended for exterior decoration - the so-called sawdust mixture. It includes sawdust, particles of cement, clay and often paper. Actually, it is for this reason that it is not used for outdoor work.

stucco Price

This mixture is ideal for application on wooden and brick surfaces. The applied layers of plaster should dry only if the room is well ventilated. Full drying takes about two weeks. Indoors, mold and mildew may develop on the surface of the plaster.

Stucco with polystyrene foam granules

Another good type of plaster is a mixture with the addition of polystyrene granules. Its composition, in addition, includes cement, lime, various additives and aggregates. It is used mainly for external finishing works, however it can also be used for internal ones.

Plaster with polystyrene granules is the most common, unlike the other two types.

Scope of warm plaster

To date, dry mixtures of this type are used in the following areas:

  • Stucco finishing of building facades and their thermal insulation.
  • Additional insulation and sound insulation of the external and internal walls of buildings.
  • When using well masonry - wall insulation.
  • Warming of sewer drains, risers of hot and cold water supply.
  • Insulation of window blocks and slopes in places of their fit to the walls.
  • As a heat-insulating and sound-insulating material for interior finishing work.
  • Experts advise using warm plaster as a material for warming floors and ceilings.

Benefits of Warm Plaster

  • Fast application of plaster - for a day of work, you can cover a surface of 110-170 square meters. m
  • It does not require the use of reinforcing mesh.
  • There is no need to level the walls if warm plaster is used for interior work.
  • The mixture has excellent adhesion to all types of surfaces.
  • There is no risk of cold bridges, as there are no metallic bonds.


  • The mixture does not belong to the category of finish coatings and requires the application of not only a primer, but also a layer of decorative plaster.
  • Unlike cotton wool or polystyrene, the thickness of insulation with a warm composition is several times larger.
  • Plaster is not completely economically spent - the price for it, by the way, is not so low.

Where should I use warm plaster?

Based on all the pros and cons of this dry mix, it is best to use it in the following jobs:

  • Sealing joints and cracks in the ceilings and walls of buildings.
  • For internal work in the case of additional insulation, for example, when it is impossible to conduct insulation procedures outside the building, a lining is installed, which will deteriorate when disassembled.
  • Finishing window slopes.
  • Basement insulation.

Technology for applying warm plaster

The base before applying this type of dry mix is ​​prepared in the same way as before applying ordinary cement-based plaster. Residues of other materials, dust and dirt are carefully removed. If necessary, the surface can be treated with special compounds or with a primer in order to strengthen and improve adhesion.

building mixtures

An important requirement - before starting work on applying plaster, the base must be thoroughly moistened with water.


  1. The dry mixture is poured into a container prepared in advance with a volume of at least 50 liters.
  2. Pure water is added in the amount indicated on the plaster packaging.
  3. Using a construction mixer, the mass is mixed.
  4. The shelf life of the finished mixture is 120 minutes.

Checking the consistency of the mixture is very simple - a small amount of the solution is collected on the trowel, after which the tool is turned over. A well-knit mixture should not fall off it. Ready plaster can be applied both manually and by machine.

  • Warm plaster is applied to the base surface with special construction tools in several layers, and the layer thickness should not exceed 2 cm.
  • Each subsequent layer is applied 4 hours after the previous one.
  • The drying time of each layer may vary depending on the level of humidity.
  • Apply warm plaster from bottom to top.
  • Checking the applied layer is carried out after three to four weeks after all work.
  • A full set of strength of the plaster occurs within one to two months.

Errors in applying warm plaster

During internal finishing work using warm plaster, one or another mistake can often be made, especially if it is not done by specialists. As a result of this, delaminations, cracks may appear or the geometry of the entire room may change due to the too thick applied layer.


The quality of the plastering work is checked quite simply: for this, a rule-rule is applied to the surface. If there are gaps between the tool and the wall, there are violations of the geometry.

When applying plaster, the most important thing is to prevent deviations from the vertical or horizontal by more than 3 mm.

Dry mix consumption

Plaster is consumed (the price for it varies between 200-900 rubles per package), depending on the thickness of the layer: about 10-15 kilograms per square meter of base.

If the work will be done by specialists, you will have to pay about $ 15 for their services, not including the cost of the materials and tools themselves.

Plaster layer thickness

Depending on the thickness of the walls, the material from which they are made, and the climatic zone in which the building is located, the size of the layer of the finishing composition also varies. According to standard calculations, a 51 cm thick brick wall can be insulated by applying a layer of plaster of 8-10 cm on it. Of course, such a consumption of the mixture is simply huge and irrational, therefore it is best used as an additional material. Unlike classic bricks, aerated concrete or ceramic blocks require a much smaller layer of plaster.

The standard thickness of the material recommended by the manufacturers is from 2 to 5 cm. It is quite simple to calculate the required amount of the mixture, in addition, it is supplied in separate packages weighing 7-10 kilograms. The standard amount of plaster is enough, as a rule, to apply a layer of 2-2.5 cm per square meter of surface.

Stucco "Knauf"

The dry Knauf mixture is a very expensive finishing material with good heat-insulating and water-repellent properties. Safe insulation, easy to apply on prepared substrate. Among its advantages are vapor permeability, resistance to weathering, absolute environmental friendliness and additional surface insulation.

Knauf plaster

Plaster "Knauf" - the best option for interior decorating.

Reviews about the plaster of this brand confirm the words of the manufacturer. According to consumers, the dry mix is ​​easily kneaded, applied to the surface and has good adhesion. Plaster dries quickly enough, which is more of a plus than a minus. The finished coating has a nice beige-pink hue.

Dry mixes "Umka"

In the domestic market, Umka plaster is in great demand, which is intended for both exterior and interior decoration. It has good heat, sound and waterproofing properties.

umka plaster

The plaster is absolutely safe and environmentally friendly, characterized by low hydrophobicity, thermal conductivity and a high level of porosity. Mineral filler is included in its composition, which significantly increases the strength of the finished base. Silicon balls used as a filler significantly reduce the weight of the solution and increase its resistance to pressure.

Plaster mix "Teplover"

"Teplover" - plaster, which includes vermiculite. Thanks to this component, the composition has a low density and thermal conductivity of the finished layer.

thermal plaster

The mixture is highly resistant to moisture, which allows it to be used both for outdoor applications and for interior decoration with high humidity.

Recommendations for using warm plaster

Similar finishing materials can be used to eliminate third-party sounds. For example, to isolate “airborne noise” (TV noise, conversations, car engines) by means of warm plaster, it is necessary to choose a composition with a fibrous structure and blown through. The thickness of the layer should be within 0.5 cm. To eliminate the “shock noise” - the sounds of steps, falling objects and knocks - it is necessary to purchase plaster with high elasticity.

Warm compositions, unfortunately, do not possess similar properties, therefore, most likely, their heat-insulating qualities are somewhat overestimated.

Manufacturers produce not only classic plasters, but also special mixtures that are used to insulate roofs, ceilings, internal surfaces and floors. You can apply them on any basis, but despite this, on the packages it is often indicated that it is best to work with smooth, even coatings - for example, aerated concrete or ceramic blocks. Before applying warm plaster to the surface, you can apply the usual vapor-permeable mixture.

This type of finishing material can be used for both outdoor and indoor use. However, the use of warm plaster is not always advisable - it is often possible to purchase other, cheaper compositions that will give a much better result.

Before starting the repair, it is advisable to take into account all the possible nuances and purchase exactly the material that is optimal for solving the goals.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19760/

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