Spraying cucumbers with milk with iodine: recipe

With the opening of the summer season, most of our fellow citizens have a lot of problems. When to plant, what to cover, how to protect against diseases - all these are questions that need to be answered. This is not surprising, because everyone wants to get an excellent crop with minimal use of chemistry. In order to grow their country vegetables, so that they are as natural and healthy as possible. Today we’ll talk about the use of milk with iodine for cucumbers.

milk with iodine for cucumbers

Universal top dressing

Are you puzzled? Indeed, many people are surprised at the use of such a valuable food product as irrigation. But it can not only provide the plant with almost all types of nutrients, but also make it unattractive to insects. And more often the bed with cucumbers is exposed to watering. Why is so much attention paid to them? The fact is that healthy vegetables, which are a source of potassium, calcium and phosphorus, are also quite whimsical. Therefore, without being vigilant, you can simply remain without a crop.

spraying cucumbers with milk with iodine

Disease protection

Milk with iodine for cucumbers is both a nutrient solution and an antiseptic. To understand why this particular pair is chosen, let's take a look at their effects individually. And start with an inexpensive and affordable component called iodine. In order to prevent various diseases, the use of this antiseptic is justified. Its antifungal effect allows you to quickly and effectively destroy metabolic processes of pathogens.

But that is not all, otherwise milk with iodine for cucumbers would not have received such popularity. Active oxygen, which has a detrimental effect on fungi, is produced by the contact of iodine and water.

feeding cucumbers with iodine and milk

Processing time

Now let's move on and consider the effect of milk on plants, but so far another important point. Cucumbers begin to hurt early enough, pests like to destroy young plants. Therefore, preventive treatment should be carried out before landing in the ground. And then plant protection needs to be done systematically. Biomethods are best used than pesticides. Milk with iodine for cucumbers is the ideal β€œpreparation” that is effective on the one hand and safe on the other.

The "scientific poke" method

I want to note that there are no reliable studies that could confirm or refute data on the effectiveness of the drug. Moreover, the timing, concentration of the drug and the form of application are selected at random. The use of iodine (in some cases, brilliant green) gives a very short-term effect, which means that the procedure will have to be repeated often enough. There is one more point whether you will like the state of the garden after such a procedure. After all, green bushes in brown spots of iodine look completely unpresentable.

cucumber iodine milk processing reviews

The effect of milk on plants

Spraying cucumbers with milk with iodine is practiced by many gardeners. In this case, the majority is guided only by the advice of comrades and neighbors in the country. It is usually recommended to dilute 2 liters of milk in 10 liters of water. Similarly, you can use serum, while maintaining proportions. What action do they have:

  • A protein film envelops parts of plants and prevents hostile organisms from entering the leaf or stem.
  • Whey and milk contain complete proteins and minerals. All these elements contribute to increasing plant resistance, improving metabolic processes.

What do agricultural technologists say about spraying cucumbers with milk and iodine? The protein film is too short-lived, it is washed off by rains and during watering. In order to provide the desired effect, you will have to repeat the procedure very often. Having considered the costs of milk, as well as the time spent, we can conclude that the procedure is too time-consuming. However, experts in the field of agricultural technologies do not deny that feeding cucumbers with iodine with milk is an effective means of combating certain diseases, along with the introduction of nutrients.

sprinkle cucumbers with milk and iodine

Against basal rot

The causative agents are fungi that live in the soil and multiply under favorable conditions. Rot does not usually manifest itself immediately, but through time. The lower leaves turn yellow, the ovary dies, the roots become brown and the plant dies. In this case, an ordinary antiseptic solution will help well. To optimize the processing procedure, it is combined with the introduction of nutrients. As a result, feeding cucumbers with iodine and milk is born.

To perform the procedure, you need to prepare a working solution. Take a liter of milk (yogurt or kefir, whey is suitable) and add a tablespoon of liquid soap and 30 drops of iodine. Pour 10 liters of water, it turns out a working solution with which you can spray cucumbers every 10 days.

Treatment or prevention

Does treating cucumbers with iodine and milk help get rid of the symptoms of the disease? Reviews emphasize that this tool is more suitable for prevention. Timely processing allows you to protect the culture from the spread of root rot and spores of parasitic fungi. This, in turn, is the prevention of powdery mildew and bacteriosis. But if you already see obvious signs of damage on your plants, then you will have to use modern drugs. It will be possible to spray cucumbers with milk and iodine after the danger has passed.

watering cucumbers with milk with iodine

Solution benefits

As usual, agricultural technicians have their own truth, but gardeners have their own. And practical experience says that it has advantages and the processing of cucumbers with iodine and milk. Reviews suggest that the plants are getting greener, the trunks are thicker, and the crop is massive. Moreover, the processing costs are very small.

A plant sprayer eliminates chemicals. It is this task that most summer residents face, otherwise it would be much easier to buy a bag of universal chemical in a store. Irrigation is recommended based on the following reasons:

  • These two substances can reduce the risk of certain diseases, in particular powdery mildew.
  • Milk enhances the immunity of green organisms, which contributes to increased productivity.
  • The plant is saturated with useful trace elements.
  • When using this mixture, the cucumber whip does not turn yellow and does not fall.

This tool is natural and safe, it is prepared in a matter of seconds, and is inexpensive.


Spraying cucumbers with milk and iodine is not difficult at all, you just need to prepare a working solution and arm yourself with a spray gun. So, take a large bucket, add 20 g of laundry soap and a liter of milk, warm water and 30 drops of iodine to it. If the processing area is large, it is necessary to increase the amount of solution used.

The second version of the recipe helps if the plant begins to turn yellow and become stained. Then, instead of laundry soap, a tablespoon of urea and baking soda is added. Affected leaflets must be removed and the whips should be well watered from all sides. In just two weeks, you will see that the plant is releasing new leaves, and will soon begin to bloom.

processing cucumbers with milk with iodine

Expected Result

Processing of cucumbers with milk with iodine is carried out in good weather, without rain and strong wind. Getting on the leaves, the antiseptic shows properties, destroying pathogens. At the same time, milk forms a transparent protective film, which prevents the penetration of pests. The only moment: you should not take homemade milk, or skim the cream from it. Excess fat will prevent oxygen from entering. You can replace milk with whey, but it contains less nutrients. Treatment of cucumbers with milk with iodine should not be carried out if the plant has already been affected. In this case, you will need stronger funds that can be bought at a specialty store. In recommended amounts, these drugs are not dangerous.

Top dressing

Earlier it was said about processing to protect against late blight. However, watering cucumbers with milk with iodine differs from spraying, because the solution acts as a natural fertilizer. It is prepared in a slightly different way. For 10 liters of water you need to add four cups of nonfat milk and 15 drops of iodine. This is done to strengthen plants and early prevention of fungal infections.

Watering cucumbers with milk with iodine is performed when planting in the ground, and then repeated with the beginning of fruiting. Now you can carry out the procedure regularly, but not more than twice a week. The systematic use of this solution allows you to do without chemistry at your summer cottage and get the most healthy vegetables. Have a good harvest and tasty preparations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19765/

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