What is the most economical heating in a private house? Tariffs for gas and electricity

If you live in an apartment of a multi-storey building, then you probably use a centralized heating system, which cannot be replaced with anything else. But the owners of cottages can choose economical heating for their home. However, before that it is important to decide which one will be profitable.

What types of fuel are best discarded

what heating in a private house is the most economical

Owners of suburban buildings and private houses within the city use heating systems, which can be supplied with hot water, electricity, firewood or gas. The most expensive form of heating today is electricity. You can verify this if you connect a simple air heater. At the end of the month, the electricity bill will be very impressive. If it is only necessary to maintain room temperature, then electric boilers can be used.

When deciding which heating system in a private house is the most economical, consumers quite often pay attention to the wood used to heat stoves, which have established themselves as a proven and reliable way of heating. You can equip your home with a fireplace while enjoying the crackling of logs on long winter evenings. However, this type of fuel has some disadvantages, expressed in increased fire hazard, as well as the high cost of firewood. But the price of such fuel is slightly lower compared to electricity.

Gas use

bimetal radiators

When buying a home, people wonder what heating in a private house is the most economical. Among the first options, one can distinguish gas, which is in demand and popular. This fuel has a low cost in the domestic market, which is why it is economical. If the house is located near the gas pipeline, then you should not waste time, it is enough to purchase a boiler and extend the pipes.

Solid fuel use

gas consumption for heating

What is the most economical heating in a private house - many consumers are asking this question. Those who want to save money use solid fuel, which is represented not by wood, as you might think, but by fuel briquettes. On sale you can find granular chips made of wood.

Liquid fuels

economical heating for a summer residence

If you can solve the question of which heating in a private house is the most economical, then you can reduce your costs. It is recommended to do this also with the help of liquid fuel, which is diesel fuel mixed with oil. This composition is used for gas boilers. Such a tandem can be considered the most economical.

The use of bimetallic radiators

economical heating boilers

If you decide to use gas as an energy source, you can purchase a dual-circuit boiler, which will become part of the heating system. Among the elements of the latter will be radiators. In order to get a higher efficiency, it is important to choose the right batteries. The most modern of them are bimetallic radiators, which are distinguished by lower cost and high heat transfer. Aluminum fins are capable of delivering excellent energy, this figure for bimetal is 3 times higher compared to steel batteries. In this case, thermal energy is spent more rationally. You can save not only at the time of purchase, but also the operation of the equipment, because the high heat transfer of aluminum allows you to use less heat. The heat flux remains equal to the flux from cast-iron radiators. This indicates that bimetallic radiators may have smaller sizes, but their shape will be more attractive compared to cast iron counterparts.

Use of electric convectors

economical electric heating

If, despite the fact that electricity cannot be called the most economical of all types of heating, you still decide to use this option, then convectors that can be installed both on walls and on the floor will be an excellent solution. In the latter case, the device can be moved from room to room, which makes it mobile. Among the additional advantages, absolute safety can be distinguished, since the devices have protection against overheating, and their case does not heat up so much, the temperature does not exceed 80 degrees.

Given that convectors cannot be called the most economical, it is best to purchase devices with built-in temperature controllers to reduce electricity bills, which make the system the most economical to use. In terms of functionality, such units are the most innovative, which is associated with the use of an additional control unit. But as for the price, the convector will cost about 3000-7000 rubles. for the heater. If you expect that one device is needed per room, then the cost of such a heating system will cost about 20,000 rubles. Economical electric heating convectors can live up to expectations if the house is small enough, and you will approach the choice of a device taking into account the presence of a temperature regulator in it.

Economical gas boilers

economical electric heating convectors

If you want to get the highest degree of savings, it is important to deal with the varieties of existing gas boilers. They can be floor, mounted and condensing. The first are mounted on the floor, the others are mounted on the wall. While others can be wall or floor, and as a distinguishing feature of such equipment is a high efficiency, which can reach 100% or more. The most economical heating boilers belong to this type.

Such a high efficiency is due to the fact that two energy sources are used in such units, the first is gas burning, but the second is the energy that is released during steam condensation. If you choose a hinged boiler, you will be able to save even on the purchase, since such equipment is cheaper compared to other gas boilers.

Tariffs for Russians on gas and electricity

Economical heating systems for houses were presented above, if you decide to choose, for example, gas, then it is important to know the tariffs. One cubic meter of fuel for Russians costs 5.6 rubles. This should include heating water and cooking using a gas stove; fuel should not be used in other directions. If we are talking about electricity, it is important to know the tariffs for it. For 1 kWh, residents must pay 5.03 rubles. At night, the tariff is much less, it is 1.43 rubles.

Gas consumption

Choosing economical heating for a summer residence, consumers most often pay attention to gas. If you also decide to follow the experience of the majority, you should know what the fuel consumption is for a certain area of ​​the house. As practice shows, for a home with an area of ​​approximately 140 square meters, about 13 kilograms of gas per day will be needed. This statement is true if the windows in the house are well insulated, there are no cracks and crevices, and the temperature outside the window varies from -18 to -23 degrees. Indoor temperature will vary from 21 to 23 degrees. Mentioned gas flow for heating is approximately half the cylinder.

Affordable electric heating

Economical electric heating can be equipped in the house independently. On sale today you can find EOUs, which are energy-saving heating systems that process electricity into heat. Some buyers believe that such units consume excessive amounts of electricity, but this is not so. In one hour, the equipment “winds up” several times less compared to all known analogue electric heaters. Another development of Western manufacturers is infrared film, which does not require significant costs for the arrangement of the system. But if you use an infrared coating for the floor, then you can’t install furniture, as well as household appliances, which is not always acceptable.

Using the energy of the sun

If you live in the sunny region of Russia, then solar panels will be an excellent solution for you, which will generate heat and heat water for most of the year. It is not necessary to pay utility bills monthly, and heat will be taken "out of thin air". This is suitable for owners of summer cottages, which are used only periodically, for example, for planting crops on personal territory and for summer holidays in a cozy country house. Consumers who install such systems are not afraid of blackouts. You can also use photovoltaic panels, which are used as an additional power source. If there is a power outage, the energy of such devices will be enough to maintain the operation of boilers and heaters for several hours, as well as watch TV and charge the phone.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19769/

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