How to sheathe a garage inside: basic materials and requirements

There is a wide range of materials that you should pay attention to when searching for an answer to the question of how to sheathe a garage inside. It is necessary to focus on technical characteristics, namely: durability, strength, aesthetic qualities. You should choose the option that is suitable for a particular garage.

What are the requirements for finishing materials?

How to sheathe a garage inside is cheap and beautiful

On the modern construction market a large selection of finishing materials is presented, different in cost and technical characteristics. Choosing how to sheathe the garage inside, it is worth paying attention to the materials corresponding to the specific use of this building.

Compliance with the following requirements:

  1. Resistance to high loads. It is important that the wall and floor covering does not deform due to impacts or heavy loads.
  2. Resistance to chemicals. The garage is used not only as a place to put the car, but also for storing various combustible materials, substances and tools for car maintenance. During repair work in the garage, acid, grease, gasoline get on the surrounding surfaces, polluting them. It is important that after cleaning the materials remain unchanged. It is on this criterion that you need to focus when compiling a list of materials, the better it is to sheathe the garage inside.
  3. Fire safety. During repair work, as well as regular maintenance of the car, substances that can quickly ignite are used. To ensure safety, it is necessary to use fire-resistant lining.
  4. Resistance to temperature influences. You should pay attention to this aspect if you do not plan to conduct heating in the room. Under this condition, it is important to consider how to sheathe the garage inside, so that the effect of the repair is preserved for a long time.
  5. Lack of difficulties in leaving. When working in the garage, significant pollution often appears. In order not to experience difficulties in caring for facing surfaces, you must make sure that these materials are composed of substances with low absorption rates. It is important that the surface is not only quickly wiped off, but also does not absorb odors.
  6. The possibility of quick cosmetic repairs. When choosing how to sheathe the walls of the garage inside, consider the possibility of updating the surface with a paintwork.

PVC paneling

PVC panels

Using PVC panels, you can finish the garage of any size. The advantages of materials than cheaply sheathed garage walls inside each car owner can include are:

  1. Price availability.
  2. High moisture resistance, as well as the absence of the need for additional processing, for example, coloring, decorating.
  3. Simple installation process and subsequent easy surface care.
  4. The relatively small mass of each sheet. When using PVC panels, there is no additional load on the frames, hinges and other important structural elements of the building.
  5. The need to use the frame allows not only fast and reliable fastening of the panels, but also at the same time to carry out the insulation of the building, for example, using mineral wool.
  6. Quick and inexpensive repairs in case of damage to appearance or more serious damage. Only the part that has been affected can be changed; work with the rest of the structure is not necessary.


Disadvantages of PVC panels:

  1. Relatively low mechanical strength. In the event of a sudden load, the panel may become deformed, which will require subsequent repair.
  2. Negative reaction to temperature changes. Cheap PVC boards can become deformed over time if the garage is not heated. To avoid changes in technical characteristics, it is necessary to choose more expensive panels designed for facade work or specifically for cladding a garage.

Wooden lining

Wooden lining

In the production of natural wooden lining, in most cases, pine or other coniferous trees are used. Such material is easily mined, it is convenient to process it, while the final product is not harmful to health. When choosing a wooden lining, you need to make sure that before processing the material was impregnated with an antiseptic and also completely dried.

The main positive qualities of wooden lining:

  1. Complete environmental safety.
  2. High service life.
  3. Most products are reasonably priced.
  4. Simple wiring diagram.
  5. High strength, resistance to temperature extremes, including severe frost.
  6. Lack of breakdowns even under the influence of mechanical loads.
  7. Natural material looks attractive, it is possible to choose from a large list of natural shades.

Some features testify not in favor of the lining when deciding what to cheaply sheathe the garage inside:

  1. Accumulates moisture if proper waterproofing has not been carried out.
  2. There is a risk of mold, and pests can deform a wooden lining.
  3. The risk of fire remains even after flame retardant is applied to the surface, however, it is significantly reduced compared with the use of wooden elements without pre-treatment.
  4. Difficulty in leaving. It is difficult to clean the walls of oil stains, which is why it is desirable to cover the lining with varnish, then foreign substances will not be absorbed.

Drywall: is it worth using for cladding a garage?

The better to sheathe the garage inside

Sometimes drywall is called dry plaster. To finish the garage, guaranteeing reliable protection against moisture and fire, GKLVO sheets are usually chosen.

The obvious positive qualities of drywall:

  1. Relatively low cost.
  2. Can be used as a basis for fastening other building materials.
  3. Easy installation of the product. Drywall sheets are attached to the surface using a special solution or on the frame. The second method is used only if the installation is done on uneven walls or at the same time insulation is done.
  4. The absence of difficulties during installation, the minimum amount of garbage after work.
  5. Possibility of use as a basis for fastening other building materials. The surface must be absolutely even, then it is possible to lay out tiles or embossed plaster on it.
  6. Using drywall, you can sheathe not only the walls of the garage, but also make a small partition, delimiting the main space, for example, from the utility room.
  7. Different in shape options. The choice of various sizes and textures of drywall sheets is so great that with the help of this material it is possible to veneer not only absolutely even, but also arched construction.
How to sheathe a garage inside cheaply


  1. Not a convenient option for a small room. If you attach drywall to the frame, the free space will be reduced even more.
  2. Leaving a drywall surface without additional cladding, the developer does not provide sufficient impact resistance. When faced with tiles or other materials, this drawback is leveled.

Wall cladding with OSB sheets

If you are interested in how to sheathe a garage inside cheaply and beautifully, keep in mind that you can limit yourself to plywood and other materials made using wooden shavings. To avoid problems during repair work and during operation, it is advisable to choose sheets marked OSP-3. This option has high strength characteristics, has moderate resistance to moisture. To make an ideal coating, it is advisable to additionally install waterproofing. OSP-4 is a more reliable option, it can act as an independent cladding. Paying attention to the photo, how to sheathe the garage inside, you can choose by carefully viewing them.

OSB sheathing

Benefits of OSB

The main advantages of this material:

  1. High period of trouble-free use.
  2. Durability, resistance to temperature effects.
  3. Protection against penetration and accumulation of moisture.
  4. Mold does not affect OSB, as it contains antiseptic components.

OSB disadvantages

The main disadvantages of facing the walls of the garage using OSB panels:

  1. High risk of ignition.
  2. During installation and operation, the coating emits harmful substances. The composition contains formaldehydes that can be harmful to health, but with proper ventilation, the risk factor does not exceed the norm.

Ceiling decoration

Usually the roof in the garage is flat. This is the most economical and easy-to-build option, but provides for the possibility of leakage, since water can stagnate during heavy rains. The decorative ceiling lining in the garage is installed after a reliable waterproofing. In most cases, plaster is applied to the surface, then painted. Also, PVC or MDF panels are considered a good option. These options allow not only finishing, but also at the same time constructing insulation, hide communication systems.

Floor finish

How to sheathe garage floor inside

The coating must be resistant to constant loads, be sure to withstand the weight of the machine. The most popular flooring options:

  1. Concrete floor followed by painting. It withstands the weight of any car, does not collect dust, and is also resistant to wear.
  2. Ceramic tile. The original design, neat appearance is combined with high durability and the absence of difficulties in care.
  3. Bulk floor. Ensuring the most even surface, resistance to mechanical stress, as well as the possibility of use in an unheated room.
  4. Wooden structure.

If you are interested in how you can sheathe a garage inside, give preference to reliable and high-strength materials. The most popular and load-resistant options are listed, using which for a long time you will not have to carry out repairs.


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