Lop-eared cats: description, character, care, feeding, rules of keeping

Charming fold cats have long won the hearts of Russian animal lovers. Many dream of such a pet. However, not everyone knows that Scottish fold cats are an unusual breed that has its own characteristics. This applies to the care of animals, their feeding and health status.

According to most owners, the Scots (Scottish folds - the second name of the breed) are very affectionate and loving creatures.

fold cat

From the history of the breed

Often, a new breed of cat appears during a natural genetic mutation that unexpectedly occurs in a regular cat. That is how the breed of fold cats appeared. All representatives of the Scots came from a snow-white, not quite ordinary cat, Susie, who had bent ears. She did not know that she would become the progenitor of a new breed, and she calmly caught mice in Scotland's most ordinary barn.

Susie probably would have continued to live in obscurity if in 1961 the shepherd William Ross, who was raising cats in his free time, had not paid attention to her. After the birth of the kittens from Susie from the most ordinary domestic cat, Ross bought one of them - a cat named Snux.

Snooks later had kittens from the British Shorthair. So a new breed began to develop, the representatives of which at first were called simply fold cats, later the word “Scottish” was added to the name, which indicated the country of origin. In addition, sometimes this breed is called the British fold.

fold cat care

Breeders became interested in breeding unusual cats, and it was found that the gene mutation is dominant. In other words, this means that if at least one of the parents has a gene for folded ears, then a born kitten will also have such ears.

Another gift for Susie was the longhair gene, which was inherited by her descendants. Such representatives of the breed are better known to animal lovers as long-haired Scottish fold cats. Surprisingly, until now, these animals are not officially recognized in the country of origin of the breed. Local experts fear that folded ears can cause ear infections or deafness due to problems that may be associated with cartilage.

Description of fold cats

An adult Scottish fold cat weighs an average of 4 to 8 kilograms. His body is strong, from shoulders to hips even, with a well-developed chest. It is rather difficult to call him muscular: it is rather round and soft. The head is round in shape with smooth lines of the muzzle, cheekbones and cheeks protruding noticeably, the lower jaw is clearly defined.

Fold cats have longer and thicker mustaches than cats. The neck is tight and short. The nose is wide and short, with a small hump on the nose. Ears are small, widely set. Their corners amusingly hang forward, and the ear opening is completely covered. Ears can have from one fold, when the ear does not rest too tightly on the head, up to two when it lies denser, and up to three when the ears fit very tightly on the head. Interestingly, kittens are born with straight ears, they begin to fold at the age of about three weeks.

home maintenance

Round eyes are rather large, widely set. Forelegs are flat, small, hind legs are set at an angle. The tail is of medium length, wider at the base than at the end. A short and wide tail is considered a disadvantage.


The short-haired fold cat has a dense, as if plush hair, very soft to the touch. In long-haired representatives of the breed of hair of medium length, only on the hips it is somewhat longer.


Scots have many colors - plain, tabby and white, tabby, multicolor, two-tone. According to the standard, eye color depends on the color of the coat. For example, two-tone or white cats may have blue eyes.

fold cat colors

Lop-eared cats: character

Scots are considered ideal pets - it’s easy to take care of them at home. They have a calm and restrained character. Such pets are friendly and friendly to all households. They adapt to new living conditions without any problems, get along well with other pets.

The Scottish fold cat is completely devoid of aggression, which is important for families with children. By nature, these are intelligent and intellectually developed animals. According to the owners, they understand everything at a glance, react to teams and, importantly, remember them well for the future. Very quickly accustomed to the scratching post and the tray.

Not only the external features of these cats made them so beloved - their soft character also plays a big role. These are gentle, flexible and good-natured creatures that do not show aggression even for self-defense. Lop-eared cats are very attached to the owner, but they are never too intrusive, although they are always happy to pay attention to themselves. This breed is ideal for keeping in an apartment.

Experts attribute this breed to the category of intelligent: animals will not climb the eaves, jump on cabinets, spoil the property of the owners. Although they are very kind to their masters, the Scots do not tolerate kneeling when they do not want to.

Despite a very calm disposition, representatives of the breed sometimes do not mind having fun or running around. Lop-eared cats often stand on their hind legs when they are interested in something. Interestingly, in this position, they can spend quite a long time.

You might think that their unusual ears are less mobile than other cats, but this is not so. With their help, animals communicate quite effectively, adding zest to their cheerful and quiet voice, if required. These are moderately active cats. They are very fond of various toys that are designed to test their dexterity, and even puzzles.

lop-eared character

The favorite pastime of these handsome men is any work involving interaction with a person. Most of all, Scottish fold love to be with their family and participate in all its events. These charming creatures need human attention. They do not like to stay alone in the house for several hours, so owners who spend all day at work should think about a company for their pet, for example, a second cat.

Attitude towards children and pets

Friendly fold cats are ideal for families with children, as well as with other pets. They gladly accept attention from small owners, but on condition that they will treat animals without undue familiarity. Scots are happy to play with children, they can learn various tricks. These cats get along well with dogs if they are socialized.

Care and maintenance of a fold cat

Representatives of this breed need a weekly combing of wool, which will help get rid of dead hair and massage your pet's skin. For long-haired animals this procedure should be carried out twice a week to prevent the formation of tangles.

The Scot needs to brush his teeth at least once a week. This procedure is a preventative measure against periodontal disease.

Caring for a fold cat requires mandatory and regular inspection of the ears once a week, especially in those cases when they are tightly folded. They are wiped with a cotton swab or a damp soft cloth soaked in a solution of warm water and apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1.

scottish kittens


It is not necessary to bathe these animals without special need. This should only be done if your pet's fur coat is very dirty. For prevention, this procedure is carried out no more than 4 times a year. Do not immerse the cat in a full bath. At the bottom, spread a towel on which the cat is placed and watered with water from above, trying not to get on the head. Shampoo must be special. It can be purchased at the pet store. Water temperature +35 ... + 37 ° C.

Claw trimming

Once or twice a month, a pet living in a city apartment needs to cut its claws. If you live in a private house and your pet has free access to the street, there is no need for pruning.

The Scottish fold tray must be kept clean. These cats are famous for their cleanliness, so this pet does not accept dirt and bad smell.

Scottish food

Care for lop-eared cats, which lead a not very active lifestyle, should include a thoughtful and balanced diet, as these animals are prone to gain weight. The owner, with the help of a veterinarian or breeder, must choose what kind of food his pet should be - natural or using ready-made feed.

How to feed a lop-eared cat, if you opted for natural food? Your pet should receive a variety of mineral and vitamin nutrition. The Scottish diet should include:

  • lean meat of chicken, beef, turkey;
  • low-fat marine fish;
  • offal;
  • Cheeses
  • vegetables;
  • cottage cheese;
  • kefir;
  • porridge from millet, rice, oats;
  • a raw egg.

From the cat menu should be excluded:

  • pork
  • lamb;
  • potatoes;
  • bow;
  • legumes.


Experts believe that it is best to keep a Scottish fold cat only indoors to protect the animal from diseases that other animals spread. In addition, it will help protect the pet from dog attacks and other dangers that cats often encounter on a city street. Diseases of fold cats are often of a genetic nature.

names for fold cats

Future owners are interested in how many fold cats live. With good care and proper nutrition, cats of the Scottish breed often live up to 25 years. Key Scottish health issues include:

  • joint diseases, especially in the tail, causing severe pain to the animal and reducing activity;
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a heart disease that veterinarians consider hereditary.

What to call a cat or cat?

Nicknames for fold cats - this is undoubtedly the prerogative of the owners. You can call your pets Murka or Vaska, and from this they will not be less loved. But if you have acquired a charming plush baby, and the nicknames have not yet been decided on, we offer you several options.

For cats:

  • Alan.
  • Bonnie
  • Watson.
  • Glam.
  • Craig.
  • Ross
  • Steve.
  • Mickey.
  • Tarry.
  • Uni.

For cats:

  • Alva.
  • Batsy.
  • Wendy.
  • Daisy
  • Diva.
  • Connie.
  • Lucky.
  • Nora.
  • Faya.
  • Shiney.
fold cat

Interesting Facts

  • In lop-eared cats, ears hang differently. It is considered a valuable pedigree sign of their maximum adherence to the head and their small size.
  • Not all representatives of the breed drop ears, in some individuals they remain erect. These animals are called straights. In addition to the position of the ears, they retain the remaining pedigree features. For breeding Scottish fold, cats or straight cats can be used. They have not damaged the gene responsible for the development of cartilage and bone tissue.
  • Straights do not participate in exhibitions, but are only used for breeding. It is forbidden to cross two folds, since in this case there is a high risk of having kittens with mutations, deformities, and serious defects.

A charming Scot with unusual hanging ears, a plush coat and chubby cheeks is a wonderful pet that does not require complicated care.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19777/

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