Description of grape varieties Frumoasa Albe

Table grape varieties are highly valued due to their early ripening and taste good. Frumoasa Albe grapes are especially distinguished, because this variety is unpretentious in care, the berries have a marketable appearance, although at the same time they are quite fragile and loose. In general, grapes are a tasty and healthy dessert.


The name of the grape Frumoasa Alba translates as "White Beauty". This variety has an average ripening period of berries, and in the southern regions of the country it ripens faster. Berries keep to frosts, pleasing with pleasant taste. This grape belongs to dessert varieties.

Gardeners like it because of its resistance to too hot weather, a lot of sunlight. And also the peel of berries does not crack after rain in hot weather. The older the berry vine, the more intense the taste of the berries. Therefore, they are best consumed fresh.

Grapes Frumoasa Albe is resistant to cold. This variety is also distinguished by resistance to various fungal diseases. Thanks to these qualities and unpretentiousness in leaving, this variety is popular.

Frumoasa Albe grapes


In the description of the grape variety Frumoasa Albe, it is noted that the bushes are medium-tall. Although sometimes they can reach 2 m. The leaves are wavy, medium in size, and the flowers are well pollinated. Berries in clusters of medium and large size.

The mass of the bunch can be from 300 to 700 g, most often - 500-600 g. The berries have a yellow-green color, and the shape is round and sometimes oval. This grape has a sweet taste, and the flesh is juicy, with a pleasant muscat aroma. It should be noted that the smell of grapes is quite strong. His fans highly appreciate the taste.

Advantages and disadvantages

This variety has a number of advantages due to which it is popular among gardeners. These are such as:

  1. High yield.
  2. Harmonious taste with light musky notes.
  3. The longer the berries hang on the vine, the more intense the taste.
  4. Bunches ripen evenly along the entire length of the vine.
  5. Resistant to fungal diseases and pests.

But the grapes of Frumoas Albe have also disadvantages:

  • average frost resistance;
  • you need to normalize the load of bunches on the shoot - they should be no more than two;
  • susceptibility to powdery mildew.

But, despite the shortcomings, this variety is widespread in the horticultural culture due to its taste and unpretentiousness in care.

grape berries

Landing conditions

How to plant grape variety Frumoasa Albe? The site on the sunny south side is best suited for him, be sure to step back 1.5 m from the wall. It is preferable to plant in the spring, following certain recommendations:

  1. The distance between seedlings should be at least 2 m.
  2. Depth of landing - 25-35 cm.
  3. The seedling should be planted, slightly tilted to the north.
  4. It is abundantly watered and the earth around it is protected from weathering and freezing.
  5. When the stalk has taken root, it needs to be planted 15 cm deeper than the container in which it grew.

If you do not have a summer cottage, then you can grow vine in pots.

  1. This grape variety needs to be grown in tubs, each year changing the capacity to a more voluminous one.
  2. It is necessary to ventilate the room, while avoiding drafts.
  3. For top dressing, use organic fertilizers.
  4. Preventive treatment from pests should be done only by means that can be used indoors.

Then it’s best to take a tub of grapes to the balcony or loggia, where there will be enough space and light for the vine.

grapes in a plate

Care Features

For each bush, it is necessary to prepare a support and make trellises. The seedling should be watered in moderation and regularly. Already an adult vine needs to be moistened more actively in the spring-summer period. Also, you need to often water during the flowering period.

For top dressing, it is best to use water-soluble fertilizers so that they are more easily absorbed by the roots. The dosage of organic mineral dressings should be selected in accordance with the instructions. It is very important to correctly distribute the load: on one shoot there should not be more than two clusters of grapes. Then the berries will be large and sweet.

When the vine has just been planted, you need to leave one shoot and protect the earth from weathering and freezing. Adult vines are bent, laid on the ground and also sprinkled with sawdust. Snow is raked to the trunk, and in the spring it is removed.

Frumoasa Albe grape variety


This variety is popular. In reviews of Frumoas Albe grapes, gardeners highly value the taste of berries. Gardeners also like the fact that this variety has a high yield. And unpretentiousness in leaving allows to grow it in various regions and even in urban conditions.

Grapes Frumoasa Albe differs in that the berries grow evenly throughout the vine. They are the same in size and shape. A pleasant aroma is another advantage. Such delicious berries are a wonderful dessert and a great alternative to various confectionery and sweets.


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