Linguoculturology is ... The meaning of the concept, fundamentals, methods and objectives of the direction in the system of teaching foreign languages

It is noted that the individual parameters of the linguistic personality form an individual linguistic world, which objectively reflects the perception of the world by people with different cultures. This is the basis of linguoculturology. The role of linguistic parameters of a foreigner’s personality in successful intercultural communication is revealed.

Culture in linguoculturology


Linguoculturology is one of the most relevant scientific fields. In 1997, Yu. S. Stepanov introduced this term to study the relationship between culture and language. There are some fundamental studies of N.F. Alefirenko, A.T. Khrolenko, S. Bochner, A. Jacobs, J. Metge and P. Kinloch. Many scholars explore the cognitive basis of language to understand people's developmental trends in the past and in the present. According to V.V. Vorobyev, "one of the most important issues of this science is the study of the national personality."

Cross-Cultural Business Communication

Historical reference

The concept of "linguoculturology" was first introduced by the Russian linguist V.V. Vorobyov and is used to denote the relationship of language and culture. Since then, much has changed in this discipline; it has been adapted with some success in the West.

Language in linguoculturology is of particular importance. The English translation of this term is somewhat inaccurate, because the Russian version consists of three words: "language", "logo" and "culture". However, in English, most scholars use the word linguoculture.

Methods of linguoculturology

The methodology of such studies is based on the concept, hermeneutics and general philology. Linguoculturology is, first of all, a methodology for studying the linguistic paradigm of cultural discourse as the main pragmatic function of linguistic-civilizational units in any communicative situations. Such an analysis is used as the basic method of intercultural communication research.

Tasks of linguoculturology

Intercultural communication

Clearly, intercultural communication is based on intercultural interpretation. According to O.A. Leontovich there are some factors of national and cultural linguistic specificity of intercultural communication, such as:

  1. Representation of the traditions of the people: permissions, prohibitions, stereotypical actions and ethical characteristics of communicative universal facts.
  2. Representation of the social situation and communication functions.
  3. Representation of the local social situation in the peculiarities of the course of mental processes and various types of activity, such as the psycholinguistic basis of speech activity and paralinguistic phenomena.
  4. Definition of the linguistic specificity of the community and the study of symbols as cultural symbols.

The motivation of a cultural symbol is the relationship between concrete and abstract elements of symbolic content. Such a correlation distinguishes a symbol and a sign because the sign illustrates the relationship between the signified and the signifier. A sign becomes a symbol as the whole range of secondary generally accepted meanings of interpretation. A symbol has the properties of a sign, although this symbol does not mean a direct reference to the symbol.

linguoculturology is

Sign and symbol

The relationship between sign and symbol plays an important role in the specificity of intercultural discourse, consisting of different linguistic personalities and communication conditions. Such a person, as an object of linguistic research, summarizes cultural-linguistic and communicative-active values, knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. The linguistic personality consists of the following components:

  • the component of value has a system of values ​​and vital values. This is the content of education. The component of value allows a person to form an initial and deep view of the world, forms a linguistic worldview, a hierarchy of spiritual representations that form the basis of a national character and are realized in the process of linguistic dialogue;
  • the cultural component promotes humanitarian research, such as rules of speech and non-verbal behavior;
  • the personal component characterizes the individual and deepest things in each person.
Cross-cultural connection

Individual parameters of a linguistic personality

Individual parameters form a complex combination of psychophysiological, social, national-cultural and linguistic differences of peoples. This leads to the fact that at the level of intercultural communication, differences between linguistic personalities reach a certain critical volume, which can have both positive and negative effects on the success of intercultural communication. English and Russian cultures had some similar things in the past, such as a mytho-archetypal beginning. English culture is the unity of cultures of many tribes, such as the British, Scots, Celts and Anglo-Saxons, then Norman culture. Russian, on the other hand, is a fusion of Slavic paganism, Byzantine (Orthodox) Christianity and Western European influences.

Cultural identity

Studying the principles of intercultural communication reveals the causes of communicative shock. Such identification is a way to overcome the results of a communicative shock. The process of interaction of intercultural peoples is based on the study of the specifics of communication using complex approaches, qualitative changes in the choice of methods for studying a linguistic personality as a subject of successful intercultural communication. Any linguistic personality has a "rating scale."

methods of linguoculturology

For example, the emigrant’s linguistic personality uses this “rating scale” to represent the world as a cultural-linguistic model. This model is a structural property and a powerful factor in personal self-determination, since the representative of a particular civilization has a certain foundation, that is, a set of knowledge that provides a certain look in the field of national and world culture. Linguoculturology is the key to understanding such simple and at the same time complex truths.

Cultural Foundation

This concept denotes the basic units included in any national culture. A person’s belonging to a certain civilization determines his mentality as the basis for the perception of another culture, as a rule, by reading literature and intercultural communication. In intercultural communication, a linguistic view of the world is a very important thing as a guide in the communicative process between the linguistic personality of the emigrant and society. The linguistic worldview is the basis of personal self-identification and largely depends on the specifics of society. This is the language semantic code format.

Linguistic worldview

An individual linguistic worldview can be a reality or a relic. But the relic specificity of the linguistic worldview may be the basis for the formation of new mental structures. As a result of such a new linguistic worldview, we determined the difference between the archaic semantic system of the language and the real mental model that is valid for the linguistic group. E. E. Brazgovskaya spoke about the differences in the intercultural discourse of society and the “social creative text”. Intercultural discourse has a certain national sign, therefore V.V. Vorobiev says: “Linguistic signs and expressions require an extralinguistic way of representing and interpreting them,” while a linguistic worldview can take the form of a linguistic one.

Language in linguoculturology

Differences in Linguistic Worldview

Differences in the linguistic worldview are formed under the influence of complex cognitive structures, and linguoculturology explains this well. Such an influence is important for the formation of both discursive models and literary text models. Linguistic and cultural worldviews are consistent with each other due to the dialectical connection of language and thought as a reflection of the world in the minds of people. At the same time, they have a number of differences due to their functional features.

Studies of the linguistic worldview in dynamics are carried out with a socio-dynamic study of cultural interaction. The socio-dynamic approach to the study of the linguistic worldview suggests that the linguistic worldview is in a state of constant development. The components of this system reflect the specifics of the life and culture of the social and national community, which is the basis of interethnic communicative shock due to ethnic connotation. Ethnic connotation has a deep level of the proposed multilayer model of the cultural concept-sphere. It has a certain structure and specific parameters of the content. The emergence of ethnic connotation in communication processes is based on the degree of correlation between the form and meaning of the cultural code.


To summarize, the “linguistic” view of the world has pragmatic parameters and is manifested in realities that include concepts related to the life and worldview of the society they created. This approach also determines the characteristic problems of linguoculturology. It is obvious that intercultural communication is based on mutual interpretation, which is based on four factors of national linguistic specificity, which have their own symbols.

The role of culture in linguoculturology is enormous. It is proved that it is one of the most important motivating factors of communication, having the language parameters of the emigrant’s personality as a basis. The linguistic parameters of a personality consist of the following three components: a component of value, a cultural component, an individual component.

The linguistic parameters of personality are the basis of the linguistic worldview that is formed in the process of interethnic communication. The tasks of linguoculturology are to learn how to use all this.


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