Tomato Malachite Box - Green Tomato

The unusual emerald-yellow color of fruits inherent in the tomato Malachite box is not the only difference between this variety and its red counterparts. Due to the excellent taste, this green-fruit tomato has earned a very high praise from gardeners from different regions of the country.

malachite tomato box
Tomato Malachite box, its properties, features of cultivation and care - this is the topic of this article.

What is interesting about the variety

Tomato surprisingly unusual color Malachite casket is a tall bush, reaching a height of 1.3-1.5 meters, with large (up to 300 g), rounded, slightly flattened fruits. The color of ripe tomatoes is green, yellow-green, yellow and pinkish. The fruits are decorated with intricate emerald patterns that completely cover the peel. Excellent taste with elusive melon notes and a delicate crumbly structure of pulp create an amazing harmonious combination, which made the culture recognizable and in demand. Tomatoes of this interesting variety are consumed raw, in home canning and cooking. A feature of it is called a thin peel, which, if desired, can be easily and quickly removed.

tomato malachite box reviews

Cultivate the culture in one or two stems. Since the plant is high enough, it needs a garter to a stationary support. This mid-early variety is equally successfully grown in open space and in greenhouse conditions.

Tomato Malachite box: description and features of planting

Since the climatic conditions are very severe throughout the country, the seedling method of cultivation is most acceptable. Producers of seeds positioning tomato Malachite casket on the Russian market have established deadlines and rules for planting. Seeds are sown for seedlings in March-April, focusing on local weather conditions, 2 months before planting in a permanent place.

Seeds are sown in pre-sanitized seedlings filled with light moist, fertile soil etched in a biostimulator (these may be Epin, Zircon or aloe juice). Duration of exposure in solutions should be consistent with the recommendations in the annotations to the drugs. In aloe juice, the seeds are left for 12-20 hours. Tanks with planted seeds are covered with a film and installed in bright and warm places. Optimal for seedlings is the air temperature - 22-25 หš. Shoots germinate for 3-5 days. The film shelters are cleaned when they appear, while making sure that the seedling boxes are not in the draft.

Seedling Care

A good harvest will provide quality seedling care. When 3-5 real leaves appear on the seedlings, they begin to dive, i.e., seated in separate containers.

Tomato malachite box photo
Tomato Malachite box well tolerates picking and transplanting. Seedlings planted in separate pots are fed every 10 days with special mineral complexes for seedlings of vegetable crops. The concentration of the solutions should comply with the standards recommended in the instructions for the preparations. Good results are given by the alternation of mineral dressing with organic. By the time plants are planted at permanent places, seedlings are gaining green mass, accumulating the necessary substances for painless adaptation and further development. It is only important not to overdo it, because you canโ€™t overfeed the plants, it is better to underfeed - the consequences will not be so fatal.

Malachite box - plants are powerful and large, therefore, per 1 square. meter planted no more than 3. This will avoid the oppression of the bushes with each other and the inevitable infections due to thickening of plantings.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The taste and delicate texture of the pulp are important properties that characterize the tomato. Malachite box. Responses of gardeners also focus on the possibility of growing crops in open and protected ground. The green fruit variety is an excellent substitute for red brothers for allergy-prone pigment-prone consumers.

Malachite Tomato Box Description

The disadvantages include the low transportability of the fruit and some wateriness that occurs when the tomato is overripe. In addition, this variety has a very low resistance to pests, bacterial and viral infections, therefore, according to reviews, they will need additional treatment with special drugs.

We have listed the features that characterize the tomato malachite box, a photo of which is presented in the article, and commented on the recommendations of vegetable growers for growing this unusual variety.


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