Central Asian tortoise: maintenance and care at home

The Central Asian tortoise, which is often called the steppe, is a popular pet these days. In English-speaking countries, it is more often called - Russian tortoise. The small size of the turtle allows you to keep it even in the apartment.

Central Asian tortoise maintenance and care


The Central Asian land tortoise is named after Thomas Horsfield, a well-known US biologist. Its habitat covers Central Asia, the steppes from China to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. These turtles prefer sandy soil, although they are often found on loam. Most often, they settle on rocky or hilly terrain, where there is access to water, and grass grows in abundance.

These small creatures live in minks, which they dig on their own, but there are times when other people's homes live. They live in arid areas, but choose places with the highest humidity so that they can dig holes. If the soil is very hard and dry, the Central Asian land tortoise cannot dig and remains without shelter. It is listed as an endangered species in the Red Book due to uncontrolled catch.

Central Asian tortoise


The size of the Central Asian turtles is small. They do not grow more than 25 cm. Males are noticeably smaller than females (13–20 cm). At home, they do not grow more than 18 cm. A female who has reached 16 cm is capable of bearing eggs. The strong, well-developed carapace that covers the entire body is not only an excellent protection against predators, but also reliably protects against overheating under the hot sunlight, and protects against overcooling in cold weather.

The shell is convex. It reaches its maximum size in very old turtles. Horny shields are decorated with a complex pattern, which consists of rings of irregular shape darker on the outer edge. Usually the upper part of the shell (carapace) is painted olive brown with dark spots or greenish. Paws and head are brownish yellow. The only turtles belonging to the genus Testudo that have four, not three toes.

Central Asian tortoise at home

The life expectancy of this animal in vivo is more than forty years. Having created comfortable conditions for the tortoise in captivity (high-quality food, no stress), you can extend this period.

Determine age

The dorsal shield of the Central Asian tortoise is divided into thirteen horny scutes, and the abdominal plastron is divided into sixteen. On the side of the carpax there are twenty-five more small guards, and grooves are noticeable on the central plates. By their number, you can determine the approximate age of the turtle.

Central Asian tortoise: maintenance and care in a summer aviary

Despite their small size, these turtles exhibit activity uncharacteristic for sedate animals. Your pet will be happy if you give him space and the ability to dig. They tolerate significant changes in temperature, so they can be outdoors almost all summer. If there is such an opportunity, then in the warm season, relocate your pet in an aviary in the country or in the garden.

Such a house should be spacious, not less than 2x2 meters. The fence is deepened into the ground by 30 cm, because the turtles can dig it and run away. The height of the fence is at least 30 cm. Central Asian turtles at home usually dig in the corners, so it is advisable to place large stones there - this will disrupt your pet's escape plan.

Central Asian tortoise at home

The owners of these turtles note that the digging activity of this species increases when the difference in night and day temperatures increases. In this way, they are saved from hypothermia. For this reason, many owners prepare a hole in advance for shelter at night. There must be a container of water in the enclosure.

Maintenance and care in the cold season

With the onset of autumn, you need to transfer your pet to the room. The Central Asian tortoise, the maintenance and care of which does not cause you any particular problems, feels great in an aquarium, terrarium and even a spacious plastic box. It is important that this house is solid and your pet cannot escape from it.

For one animal, a capacity of at least 60x130 cm is required. When the dwelling is cramped, turtles begin to dig excessively actively in the corners of the terrarium. This animal needs to be given more space, only in this case the turtle will be healthy, active, in addition, and watching it in a large terrarium is much more interesting.

Some owners contain the Central Asian tortoise as an ordinary pet, allowing them to crawl wherever they want. Do not do this. Firstly, you can simply step on it and inadvertently injure. Secondly, in every house there are drafts, which the Central Asian turtle is very afraid of. The maintenance and care of this animal involves the creation of the necessary conditions for digging in the terrarium. We have already said that this process is vital for her.

conditions for turtles

Which soil to choose?

To make life easier for the turtle, you can make a layer of earth mixed with coconut shavings in the terrarium, which will loosen it. As for the sand (for this purpose), opinions differ. Some believe that it can be used, while other experts consider it unacceptable - the Central Asian tortoise accidentally swallows it at home, it clogs its internal organs and can lead to the death of the animal.

The soil should be slightly moist and its layer deep enough so that the turtle can dig into it. If the animal does not have the ability to dig a mink, then you will have to take care of shelter for him. For this, a box, half a pot, etc. The main thing is that the shelter does not have sharp edges and has sufficient area.

how to feed a Central Asian tortoise at home

In the terrarium must be present flat large stones. This is not a decorative ornament. They help turtles grind their claws and at the same time they are a kind of surface for food, a β€œtable”. This species of turtles loves to climb somewhere, do not refuse them this pleasure.

Do I need to bathe a turtle?

There is an erroneous opinion that the turtle is able to receive all the moisture necessary for life from the plants eaten. Yes, in natural conditions they live in a dry climate, therefore, they remove water from the body very economically. But this does not mean that they do not drink. Moreover, they enjoy swimming.

Yes, a Central Asian turtle needs to bathe in a bath of warm water (once a week). Maintaining and caring for your pet involves such a procedure to maintain water balance.

During this process, which should last about thirty minutes, the turtles drink water and absorb it into the skin. Kids are bathed even more often - up to three times a week.

Hiding turtle at home

In the natural environment, these reptiles hibernate early, at the very beginning of summer, but before that the females manage to lay their eggs. This is due to the fact that the dry season begins and the vegetation that this species of turtles eats simply burns out. But this is not the only period of numbness in turtles. The Central Asian turtles fall into longer hibernation in the winter.

Some owners say that their pet also asks for hibernation: it begins to refuse food, becomes lethargic and lethargic. This is due to the mismatch of the temperature regimes with the natural. Turtles living in captivity do not need hibernation and can even be harmful to their health.

Lighting and heating

The optimum temperature for keeping this species of turtles is in the terrarium - + 25-27 Β° C. In addition, a place heated by a lamp should be equipped. Here the temperature should be - + 30-33 Β° C. The turtle will itself move to where it is more comfortable.

As you know, in nature they live in a hot climate, but when the temperature rises too high or drops sharply, they go to burrows, where it is stable. An incandescent lamp is quite suitable for heating, but it must be adjusted in height so that your pet does not receive a burn. Usually this distance varies from 20 to 30 cm.

uv lamp for turtle

Heating is very important for this type of turtles. Daylight hours taking into account lightening should be at least twelve hours. In addition, you will need a UV lamp for the turtle. In pet stores today you can purchase such special devices for reptiles. They have an enhanced spectrum of UV rays. In nature, they get them naturally. But in captivity, the owner is obliged to compensate for this shortcoming.

A UV lamp for a turtle is vital. The thing is that without these rays animals do not produce vitamin D 3 , the formation of calcium, which is necessary for the growth of the shell, worsens.


And in conclusion, we will discuss the issue that concerns all owners, especially beginners - how to feed the Central Asian tortoise at home? Herbivorous turtles and in captivity need plant food, various grasses: dandelions, coltsfoot, plantain, clover, lettuce. Vegetables and fruits should be 10% of the diet. You can give bananas, berries, apples.

The basis of proper nutrition is plants that contain coarse fiber and are rather dry. Today, quite a lot of prepared feeds have been developed specifically for land turtles, which are recommended for use for a variety of nutrition. This will help you keep your pet healthy. In addition, the necessary vitamins and calcium are added to the finished feed.

sizes of Central Asian turtles

However, there are products that are categorically contraindicated for these animals. This applies to everything that people eat. The owners sometimes give the turtles cottage cheese, bread, meat, fish. This cannot be done. In this way, you slowly kill your silent inhabitant of the terrarium. Young turtles are fed once a day, and adults less often - once every three days.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E19793/

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