Maria Konchalovskaya: life before and after the accident

A serious accident that happened on October 12, 2013, turned the life of the family of Julia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky upside down. Their daughter Maria is still in the hospital.

Accident in France

Konchalovskaya Maria accident
The accident occurred in France. The famous director Andrei Konchalovsky, driving a Mercedes-Benz car that he rented, made a head-on collision at high speed with an oncoming car. Both cars were hit hard by the blow, almost turning into a pile of metal.

French pensioners who were traveling in the oncoming lane escaped with fright and minor injuries. They were first hospitalized, but after the examination they released them home. The culprit of the incident and his wife managed almost no injuries.

The most affected was the fourteen-year-old Maria Konchalovskaya, who received a head injury and almost immediately fell into a coma. As it turned out, the girl was sitting next to her father in the front seat and was not wearing a seat belt.

Tragic day for the family

October 12 may be called a tragic day for the Konchalovsky family. It turns out that on October 12, in 1988, twenty-five years ago, the director’s mother, Natalya Petrovna Konchalovskaya, who was a children's poetess and translator, died. She came from a family of artists. Her maternal grandfather was the famous Russian artist Vasily Surikov.

Maria Konchalovskaya daughter of Julia Vysotsky

Natalia married Sergei Mikhalkov, then a beginner children's writer. By the way, she was 10 years older than her husband. Both sons of this couple, Andrei and Nikita, became famous directors.

The tragedy on the road happened when the family returned from the remembrance of Natalia Konchalovskaya. As a result, her granddaughter, Konchalovskaya Maria, was seriously affected. The accident threatened the happiness of the famous family.

Fateful meeting in Sochi

The eldest son of Konchalovsky Andrey turned out to be not only a talented director, but also a very loving person. He had five wives, from whom he has seven children and eight grandchildren.

With the last wife, actress and popular TV presenter Julia Vysotskaya, the director has been married for 16 years. By the way, he is 36 years older than Julia. The couple met at the Kinotavr festival in Sochi, where the actress came from Belarus. Her acting career began there. By the time she met Konchalovsky, Yulia was a member of the troupe of the Belarusian National Theater, named after Yanka Kupala, and also played several roles in the movies - in the films “Go and Not Go Back”, “Enchanted”, “Game of Imagination”. On Belarusian television, she hosted the program "Loafer".

Maria Konchalovskaya
The love between these creative people flashed with lightning speed. She was not disturbed by either distance, or a big age difference, or the fact that Andrei was married. Less than two years ago, Julia became the wife of Konchalovsky.

The couple had two children: first, daughter Maria, and then son Peter. It was with this girl that the tragedy occurred.

Young talent

Maria Mikhalkova-Konchalovskaya was born on September 28, 1999. She can safely be called a young actress. At first she had a cameo role in the movie "Deal" in 2006. At the age of eight, Masha starred in the film “Gloss” of her father, where her mother, Julia Vysotskaya, played the main role. The next role of the girl was in the film "Moscow, I love you!", And a rather successful role. This is a film almanac, which consists of 18 short stories shot by various Russian directors. Maria Konchalovskaya played in the short story “In the center of GUM at the fountain”. The film was presented to viewers in 2010.

Maria Konchalovskaya photo

Before the accident, Maria studied at a French school, in a closed educational institution. She almost never appeared at public events. Parents tried to protect children from excessive press attention. Julia Vysotskaya admitted that she communicates more with children on Skype than live. After all, she is a very busy person, like her husband. However, the accident made drastic changes in the life of this family.

By helicopter - to Marseille

The grave condition of the girl who was injured in the accident did not allow her to be transported to the hospital in an ambulance, so Maria Konchalovskaya was taken to the intensive care unit of the Hospital de la Timone in Marseille by helicopter, which had special equipment on board.

Immediately began the struggle for the life of the girl. It continues today, although seven months have already passed. However, just now there has been a definite shift for the better in the patient's condition.

Parents all this time alternately were on duty at the daughter’s bed. They lived in a rented apartment near the hospital and temporarily forgot about all their creative projects.

Improvement just recently

At the beginning of April, everything was different. Doctors even wanted to turn off life support devices. Maria Konchalovskaya, it would seem, did not react at all to the efforts of doctors. Doctors have already begun to fear irreversible brain changes. After all, the girl was in a deep coma for a very long time.

Maria Mikhalkova Konchalovskaya
But a miracle happened. Let the patient slowly recover. Maria began to breathe on her own, she no longer needed an artificial respiration apparatus. In the brain of the victim, medical equipment records processes that indicate that the girl hears and even recognizes the voices of her relatives, feels touch.

And although Maria Konchalovskaya had not yet regained consciousness, her coma passed into the category of superficial. Doctors ascertain the positive dynamics of recovery.

Masha's parents started work again

Everyone hopes that the predictions about the impending disability girl will not come true, and the young body will cope with the consequences of the injury.

Of course, the rehabilitation period will be difficult. For Maria Konchalovskaya, daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya, to be able to lead a normal life in the future, it will require both the enormous efforts of doctors, their ability to correctly choose a set of rehabilitation measures, and large financial resources to provide everything necessary.

But there is no doubt that the girl’s star parents can earn money to treat her daughter. Having overcome their concern about the state of Masha, they have already returned to work.

Andrei Konchalovsky continued shooting his new film “White Nights of the Postman Alexei Tryapitsin”, which tells the story of a Russian village. Julia Vysotskaya decided to return to her culinary show and master classes in Italy.

Recently, in London, the famous director presented two plays “Uncle Vanya” and “Three Sisters”. The performances went on for two weeks. Julia Vysotskaya played in several performances and received very good reviews from theater critics.

Maria Mikhalkova Konchalovskaya

As soon as Maria Konchalovskaya got better, the photos of the girl from the hospital in Marseille, the paparazzi were already posted on the network. You cannot comment on this fact in any way. You need to be considerate of someone else's grief. However, most people sympathize with the Konchalovsky family and sincerely wish their daughter Maria a quick and complete recovery.


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